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Everything posted by harlequin

  1. a productive few hours....kept the cannon ropework to an absolute minimum...work be long before the hull is complete.
  2. takes me back over 30 years ago when I built this kit......i have just dusted down my Victory...she is still going strong.
  3. good build so far.....in England we have a saying "going on a jolly"....ie a night out for a good time or an adventure....this is where the saying comes from, the jolly boat.
  4. things have moved on quickly....she is coming together nicely.
  5. takes me back to my corel Greyhound build....the instructions were at best unfathomable but somehow I made it through and it is not a bad looking ship when completed.
  6. top rail in fitted.....The deck fittings have not been glued into their final positions yet, just getting a view of how it will look soon if i progress at this speed.
  7. second planking now completed....needs a good final sanding and some small gaps filling. Planksheers and columns fitted ready for the top handrail
  8. ships boat supports. second planking is also nearing completion....pics later.
  9. ships boat....I found a tiller from a previous kit that i have used. Not accurate to the plans but will suffice.
  10. morning from the north of England...
  11. Afternoon from the North of England....
  12. very nice......i must add this kit to my future builds, although I have another 3 on the shelf after I have finished Endeavour.
  13. the hull will get a good fine sanding and gaps will be filled....I am going to go for a water based satin gloss for the hull, enough to bring out the colour of the wood but not overkill.
  14. i would imagine most first builds get stuffed up in some way......i stuff something up on every build but i then see it as part of the soul of the build.....I hate to see everything perfect.....my Bellona is full of rubbish but like you i finished it.....it is full of errors, mistakes, down right rubbish but it makes her what she is.....part of me is in every build.... My latest build Endeavour is full of scrapes, nicks and dents....I leave them in as it adds to the character of the finished build....it shows her journey to completion.
  15. more of the second planking now completed.....in these pics you can see the scrapes and knocks on the planking that have occured during the build. I like to keep a lot of these and dont completely sand them away....for me it is the evidence of the work going on as I build.....ithey are part of the ship and its very soul.
  16. a much needed dusting of my Corel ship fleet.....Victory, Bellona, Greyhound and Unicorn......the diminutive part built hull of Peregrine is dwarfed by the rest.
  17. i have been doing some second planking today.....planking for me is tedious, its a task that i never relish....bit like the dreaded rats......anyway as i wait for the planking glue to set, a little bit more mast work.
  18. cheere Peter.......add to those Greyhound and Victory....Peregrine has also been started and i do have Resolution and Neptune too.....
  19. just playing around with the kit which i haven't touched for a considerable amount of time. the gun carriage is a white metal single cast with a separate barrel. to be fair they dont look too bad once a bit of colour is added.
  20. thanks for the compliment......I very nearly gave up on the build for a variety of reasons and there are numerous bits that are not very good but I persisted with it. The use of the metal gun ports was a deciding moment in that do I take off all the planking I had done and probably ruin all the frames underneath or do i use the ports. In the end i used the metal gun ports and TBH, I think it turned out ok.
  21. takes me back to my Corel Bellona build........it is a great looking model.
  22. As it has been ages since I last worked on Endeavor I thought it would be an easy way back by starting on the three mast tops.
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