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Everything posted by harlequin

  1. well it has been a long while but after a couple of years inactivity....we go again.
  2. good progress Hamilton....i have not done any building for a while....sold a couple of kits that i will never get round too......keep going with Bellona.....looking good
  3. thanks for the comments people...i have not used any varnish at all on this build and the hull looks fine.....I may try a little matt varnish on her hull just to bring out the wood a little but tbh i dont think it needs it.
  4. Cheers Thistle....this kit has a lot of detractors, but to me it is just a model that needs building...it may not be historically accurate but I dont care....the finished ship looks fine and will join my other corel builds....I am halfway through corels endeavour as we speak...
  5. Apart from some rigging hanks and maybe the flags....Unicorn is FINISHED.
  6. a few of us greyhound veterans will be following you with a good deal of nostalgia srenner....you will find this kit frustrating and we all know the temptation to give up on her but keep with it.....when finished it is a nice little ship and as we greyhound builders look back with affection and suddenly all the frustration and angst was worth it.
  7. like Old Collinwood said earlier....a few of us have completed this kit and you can end up with a good looking model.......keep at it and good luck
  8. cheers Alan.....i dont have an issue with the accuracy of any model...it is just a hobby for me.....I have completed several corel kits and I bought this one for £15 ......i try to use what comes with the kit to see what results are produced......I think Unicorn looks great even if you think it is a poor example.....in terms of accuracy that may well be the case, but as a model I think it looks ok and that is why I build....
  9. Unicorn nearing completion.....the last remaining yards need final rigging and that will be it....
  10. Unicorn has progressed quite well....all the yards are now in position, just the final few rigging lines are required to secure.
  11. not done much yet but will let you know when i progress a little....
  12. endeavour is coming along nicely.....i am waiting for some walnut sheets to arrive as the planking i have varies in colour wildly and has started to annoy me, hopefully they will provide a consistent colour for the completion of the hull ....i dont build well when irritated....i have been continuing with other bits of the build in the meantime and will post a couple of pics later. I have also been busy with the rigging on my Unicorn build too and that is progressing well...
  13. if you want to find out what not to do on Bellona you can always look at my build log also.....for most of the build i quite enjoyed it....but like most builds there are several of THOSE moments where i reached for the single malt whisky...
  14. more of the rigging completed......using some ropes of scale which this site directed me to.....it is very good.
  15. beautiful model....I have this kit which is waiting patiently on the shelf whilst i build Endeavour, finish the rigging on Unicorn and continue with Perefrine.....A job well done Bedford and a gorgeous tribute to your daughter.
  16. Endeavour coming along nicely...deck planking and planksheers all done.......starting to look like a ship...
  17. all my builds rattle....bits of wood, pins, even files have found their way into the hulls of my builds never to be seen again.... now a staircase at the bottom of Endeavour....Violin luthiers often come across a mouse.... dust that has gathered into a ball because of the vibrations of the instrument.....after they have cleaned the instrument, they put the mouse back into the violin as it has become part of the history ....what is in yours?......what has become part of your builds?
  18. very slowly on the rats but getting there.....Endeavour is taking more of my time than Unicorn so must get disciplined and share the work evenly between the two........but i have also started HMS Peregrine as well.....
  19. never done a billings boat kit but this looks great....
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