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Everything posted by Børge

  1. Thanks Anja and Sjors. I will say hello to my Moderator .......... Børge
  2. Hi Anja, its getting better, i got another shot of kortison, and 2 more weeks, just to be safe. And soon i will start training my arm back to life. Børge
  3. Very nice work Sjors, she looks beautiful now. Will enjoy the riging when you start it. Børge
  4. Congratulations on the new job Here is a beautiful view for you to admire. Børge
  5. Hi Mark, you are 100 % correct, it becomes a lifestyle. Sometimes i just wonder away in my thoughts, and sometimes it is executed to. Right now i am playing (inside my head) with a idea on a engraving idea, maybe making a small pantograph engraver for wood carving. with a electric motor using dental burrs... Børge
  6. Thanks Anja. Its very hard to just watch the ship sitting there and not to try working on it. I have been in the workshop every day just thinking, planning, and sorting stuff with my other hand It is like beeing adictive to the hobby, cant leave it 100 %. Have a nice wekend Børge
  7. Thats a good one Popeye. I think it hurts anyway, but i would be wierd to have the but in a sling i guess... Børge
  8. Thanks friends, its nice to have friends like this, all of you are fantastic people.. Keeps my spirit up.
  9. Very nice progress on your rigging Jay, lookinf very nice. Børge
  10. Best wishes to the Admiral, i would love to hear you sing he he: ) Have a great evening Børge
  11. Hi Sjors Its not the snow shuffling, but it dint help with the ammount of snow we got lately. Since the last time the elbow troubled, it has gotten worse, so i gad to stay home to be sure i could heal. I will for sure have time to plan for more things to fabricate. Say hello to Anja Børge
  12. Thanks friends, i am home for 2 weeks this time so it should increase the odds for healing. And i should be able to keep the Dragon dustfree with my other hand Børge
  13. Hi Popee Your Zen is just wonderful, i love those extra details you put in there, it look so real to. Exellent my friend. Børge
  14. Good evening friends. I have not so good news unfortunatly. I went to the doctor today, and my elbow isnt that good again. I am out of the game "again" damn it. Got me a new shot of kortison, and have to take it easy for a while . I am so sad the moment, but i will follow what you guys, and gals are up to. "I will be back" Børge
  15. Thanks John, it was a bit tricky to solder the spades, they are small Børge
  16. Latest from the fitting shop this evening. Been working on a Ancor, and a fresh water filling cap.... Still a bit work to do on the ancor before its finished.. Børge
  17. Hi John Thanks for kind comments. Well, the pump doesnt work, but i have to admit that i was thinking of making it work, its a quite easy mecanic. Børge
  18. Hi shipmates. A little update from the Fitting shop... The creew reminded me of a important issue. What if we get a leak in the hull, or need to pump out some water ? Didnt think of that .... Ok, i had to make them a pump then. Then some smart engineer asked for some light when it gets dark outside on those late summer nights... Børge
  19. Hi Popeye Luckily we have a snowblower, if not we would be isolated inside until the summer
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