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Everything posted by kpnuts

  1. Hi all got the rear railings on and made a start on the aft mast ratlines connections.
  2. Hi all done a bit more. As you can see there's no real detail to the jet engine, I know it's meant to be an educational toys to teach kids how a jet engine works and to be see through but I fail to see how this teaches anything, no injectors no pipe work for fuel just some blades which spin and some lights, I think Airfix missed a trick here. And for very little work on their part. I know nothing about jet engines but I know they need injectors to get the fuel where needed and fuel obviously but here is no indication of either here.
  3. Thanks for the lovely replies I think this may become a slooow and steady build.
  4. Hi all well this is certainly leagues more complex and detailed than any ship I've built not sure I'm upto rigging this, for instance all the pulleys attached it the mast and crows nest, I've barely started on this one mast, I take my hat off to anyone tackling this complex a rigging not sure I will stick the course, I've not found an easy way to tie the pulleys. The 4von this mast took 2 hours and a lot of swearing.
  5. Hi all well here is a quick mockup of where this is going. The jet engine is very disappointing detail wise I will be adding lots more detail and since this will be sprayed gloss black I will be cutting inspection doors in the outer casing to show the detail I will be adding
  6. Hi all I started this kit ages ago but it got shelved (can't remember why) but I had an idea to re motivate me , it's going to become a 60s version of the bat boat, I have the Airfix jet engine which I will be adding, with some lasers and other bits, I guarantee this will be like no corvette you ever saw.
  7. Hi all well since I've finished the Rolls and a 1/8 32 ford I'm tentatively back on this, the first thing I noticed(which when I put it away I didn't was the jib was quite a bit off centre, no amount of gentle twisting would straighten it so I bit my lip and cut it off. The guilding on the top rails was rubbish so that's been given another go, still not happy with it but will live with it for now also added a bit more deck furniture. Removed some of the wash from the transom sort of better we will just have to see how I feel after I've lived with it for a while, I may still strip it, I'm feeling better about it anyway.
  8. Thanks all for the kind comments, I am at the moment building a 1/16 1934 Rolls Royce Phantom 2, I have stopped all other builds and am concentrating on just this one, I have told myself if I ruin this one I will give up (so far so good) I am feeling my confidence is getting better, we will just have to see, I'm struggling with alclad gold (the kit comes in red and chrome, I've done it green and thought I've seen Rolls done with solid gold on the chrome parts and thought it would go great with the green, but the alclad just keeps coming out looking like gold paint) apart from that, I've added details to the kit and it seems to be looking OK at the moment.
  9. Hi all more progress on the Thermopylae
  10. Hi all well still on this, not much to show, I seem to have lost any skill I had, this is looking so shabby, showed so much potential when I started it, I thought the wood effect was great (I know bit big headed but I did think it was a good effect) seems to have gone down hill since then, sorry.
  11. Hi all, well I needed to do something to take my mind off things so decided to start the ratlines (actually I found it very relaxing)
  12. It was a pain in the whatsit had to cut the rigging from the bowsprit to the master thinking I would then be able to then get it to fit but it wouldn't go over the dowel so then I had to cut the chains I then managed to get it over the dowel and re rig the rest
  13. Hi all well this kit comeso with no anchors for the boats so I've knocked some up, also there are no oars, I've checked a few builds not of the heller kits and they don't seem to have any either, were they stored below decks or should they be there. Sorry my build rate has slowed so much, but I get some done when I can fit it in and am not feeling too knackered.
  14. Well repairs made and a small update, I really hope I don't have any further catastrophe's
  15. Hi all well this must be jinxed I went to get an hour in tonight and have had a catastrophe, now I've got several hours of remedial work, it's now back in the outhouse while I calm down.
  16. Hi all here is the next update on this. Made a little jig for putting the tie down rings in the same place every time. yes I know I've missed some painting on the front of the decks but will sort that soon.
  17. Yes it's plastic, the build log is Soliel Royal 17th century ship of the line. Thanks guys
  18. Hi all here is the next update, I wanted to add some detail to the cannons which can be seen so, after a great suggestion from a member elsewhere on how to make them I made some eyelets for the tie down ropes.
  19. Hi all here is the next update on this Baring in mind these are almost Identical scales (the thermop is 1/96 and the soliel is 1/100) I still cant believe how much heavier and bulkier and cumbersom the soliel was (I mean I know she had to be able to withstand cannon fire and such) but she must have been sooooooo slooooowwwww
  20. Hi all here is tonight update Here is the thing they suggest you mount this beautiful ship on
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