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Everything posted by drtrap

  1. Yes Jim, for the mo I'm seeing on the plans only the most aft three pairs of them, on the rear platform...
  2. Trying to find the places for the 14 deck cleats. I've located the 6 of them at the rear platform deck
  3. Thanks Jim for the help. I'd like to ask you, it is important to fix the deck eylets as tightly as I can to withstand the tension of the line/rigging of the masts? Thank you again
  4. Hi to everyone. Almost finished with the carronades rigging... In your experience my friends what's next session or step you advise me to continue with? Every time I see the manual I feel more unsecure than ever! Cheers Stergios
  5. Thinking to leave a stem and cut the running line after its passage under the breeching rope. I dont know how was this real in those days naval world......
  6. Almost finished with the carronades rigging.... Some pics from the relative progress... Next step water-diluted pva to seal the "frapping"... Thanks Stergios
  7. When I'm lloking the aftermarket casting fittings, I believe that the quality of the material is the same like those standard of the kit...
  8. I feel so tired every time I need to order aftermarket fittings especially to cover/substitute cheap and deficient materials.. The casting-material of the bulwark cleats is so deficient that the central pin is broken following a minor stress...... So I'm about to place my aftermarket order for another time..... Wishing to do it for the last time, I'd like to ask you my snake-friends do you suggest (from your advanced experience) to order any additional casting fitting should I need during the next stages (masts, etc...) Thanks mates! Stergios
  9. Nothing really special, these days... I just posted to say hello....
  10. Hi Jason I was ready to post a relative question on this issue. I remember quite well your concern going back to last October... Thanks again anyway!!
  11. All the 18 carronades in place... I've placed the additional couple of the cannons temporarily in front of the most anterior openings just to have a general idea.. My plan is to continue (and finish) with the tackling of the carronades & cannons and leave the deck fittings fixing (ladders, capstan, companionway, pumps) for later ...
  12. I'm glad in seeing the whole restoration Jim. Keep in touch!
  13. Jason, Jim, thank you so much. It was time today to fix in place all the deck blocks and the respective sliding decks, using cyano gel. The conscecutive steps in photos just for the beginners....
  14. I'm about to sand and fix the aft ladders in place... Jason, Jim have you painted/varnished the wallnut of such deck fittings or have you left them uncovered as natural walnut? Thanks. Stergios
  15. Thanks Patrick I'm asking to bond wood to wood items trying to avoid those undesired glossy spots from the cyano micro-leakage on the deck... Cheers
  16. Hi mates, a basic question about pva glue: are you sure that is contraindicated for glueing fittings on varnished surfaces (deck, etc)? Thank you.
  17. I'm pretty happy with the installation of the most aft pair of the carronades. Now I can deal with the placing of the ladders of the rear platforms...
  18. Oopppsss, I thought that a second server crash was on the road...
  19. Well, I consider this knot as the key for the frapping....
  20. Thank you Jason, for the moment I'm studying your technique...
  21. I start to prepare the tackling. It;s my first time but it seems a painfull story, I'm not sure.... should I assemble it on the deck or not ?.... But above all, the real head-ache is doing the "frapping"... I think that I need at least a length of 15 cm for the running rigging and a knot as a final starter to turn the edge of the line 4-5 times around the tackling...
  22. I've put and fixed in place the first carronade. Quite satisfied with the result...
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