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Everything posted by drtrap

  1. Hi Jason what was your final reference for making such amazing rigging of the collars with deadeyes and heart, at the bowsprit? I like to follow the same way, but without serving the line...
  2. I see... I believe that I can live without it... Time is a major pressing component and want to remind myshelf that I bought and started this kit almost 3 yrs before...
  3. I'm almost positive to paint the bowsprit and masts in yellow ochre but leave the outer bulwarks with that "vintage" wood appearance (like Norman ??)...
  4. Well, now I believe I have fixed all the cleats in the right place. To have enough vital room, I cut the rear pairs of cleats at a length of 3mm Vs the 5 mm of the other previously fixed.
  5. ...to serve the line....can I do it by hand or a special tool I have seen is mandatory? Thanks all
  6. Breaking news: hearts collar rigging scholl in progress, to decide the way of the right collar-tie
  7. Jason, I cant' locate the second row of bowsprit cleats on the plans. In the other hand I'm trying to undestand what's the reason of their existence....
  8. Hi Jason and thank you. I think I'm ok with the pair of the cleats (see my previous pics). Unfortunatelly I have not experience with any serving...
  9. Cheers all what;s the difference between 0,75 and .75 or 0,50 and .50 likes ...?? I'm thinking about the bowsprit gammoning and bowsprit's collars lines...
  10. I've ordered a couple of walnut dowel for the bowsprit and masts just to feel better the visual difference before I proceed to the the painted yellow ochre option...
  11. Nice tip Jim! Have you tried to solder the edges using a soldering iron?
  12. I've left the most anterior grating unglued, as I have'nt any 2 mm anchor rope for the moment. Do you still believe that the 2,5 mm supplied rope is so huge and out of scale..??
  13. All the cleats in place, ready for the gammoning...
  14. The bowsprit fitted with walnut parts and cleats... I still have the tendency to leave bowsprit and masts unpainted (red arrow) and only varnished (green arrow), just to give a sense of natural wood which, like the outer bulwarks i preffer so much... In the other hand is the option to paint bowsprit and masts in yellow ochre... A "decision making" is needed....
  15. Hi Geof and thanks for the comment. Waiting to see your copper factory...(?)
  16. This is a permanent mounting base to see how it is supposed to be.... I've used the 3mm rods cut properly to accomodate the keel
  17. Testing the DB 250 lathe for the jimboom and the relative fittings...
  18. Well I'm back with some pics, even with the round shaped mortise (tenon) of the bowsprit.
  19. Hi Jason, I thought that the square top was a prerequisite only for the deck masts (fore, main, and aft)... I think that I'll leave the top bowsprit mast round now. The black paint will cover that rookie's mistake... Thanks for driving me to the right log!!
  20. Hi Jim as I see you have'nt used any cleat at the bowsprit as a guide to secure te gammoning of the main bowsprit. Did you encounter any problem in practise after that choise? My plan is to leave the bowsprit natural (uncoloured) so I'd like to avoid those wedge-shaped walnut guide-"stoppers" of the gammoning line, especially for aesthetical reasons. Thanks.
  21. I'd like to say about the deck that I used carpenter's glue to fix the fittings.
  22. Hi Vasileios I think that you deserve (as my first teacher) all the credits of my progress. Cheers
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