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About Javlin

  • Birthday 01/05/1961

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  • Location
    Biloxi ,MS
  • Interests
    Model A/C WWII,Model ships,Wood and Gun collecting

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  1. Thanks Andy not now though over killed the weathering on this one with to much dust effect
  2. In 1/72 could see that I have problems with the pencil working the walkway to the pit on the wing seems a sponge would do better.
  3. It's not to bad I think you need a more porous sponge and almost dry thanks for the tip I usually only do inside the plane.
  4. Looking good Andy I am doing the Trumpter 1/48 P-40B in the same camo the Middlestone in your first pic looked light to mine but your fourth pic we are dead on.The Dark Earth mine has a tad to much red in it used French Earth it looks ok.
  5. Or it could be Yves you have some of the same gremlins I have at your house....model gremlins... they love to steal parts and laugh in the back corner as you fuss Really Yves this is looking excellent!
  6. That came out quite Nice Alan really looks the part for some reason the side profiles look real
  7. They are looking good from here Mike kinda hard to see the rivets but once the paint happens should be good to go,
  8. I seen something on YT a couple months back from Academy about this kit all I could think/say they out did themselves on this one.
  9. Thanks Alan I am glad I stuck it out.The very last piece of LGDoor was about to be added again it went for the floor I never heard it hit the floor for 10 minutes I looked to no avail!I said no way but I did it anyway took off the shoe it fell in the hole of my work shoe(1" hole) I went WTH Well you know we had that discussion paint or metal and across other boards all said orders were Silver Dope.🤨 The pics I saw the more I am thinking the a mix make it look like the pic was all I could strive for she real close. Thank You Ship appreciate the compliment means much Sir! I have been watching that they are working with one in the UK that looks to be a flyer also methinks it's a Mk-II(?)swapping parts and an engine some where's in the action. Thanks Ken I have been pushing myself pushing myself of late on weathering and such baby steps unlike Doc Rob well he goes full tilt I think his brain is just a little bit bigger than mine.
  10. Thanks Craig at the end of the build patience was running thin. Sir..you do not know the struggles to resist shiny but then I said make it look like the picture. That they are AJ thinking of doing another Mk VI I have this kit pegged now. Thank You OC I now make a shiny model F-106
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