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Ulises Victoria

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Everything posted by Ulises Victoria

  1. Splendid job!!! It is looking really fantastic. Love how you use the different woods to make a very interesting effect in the hull. Congratulations.!!!
  2. Saludos desde Monterrey, Mexico.
  3. Thank you Jeff! The review of the La Couronne kit left me drooling. This may be my next project!!!
  4. Hello all. It has always been my interest to build a scratch-built type of ship. Although they are not strictly scratch-built, I feel these are the closest next thing to it and I am very interested in buying one of these kits. Buy being they a relatively new kid on the block, I wonder if anyone here has had any experience with these guys. First of all, are their kits legit? Are they a serious company? are their kits good quality in every aspect? Any input will be greatly appreciated . https://ship-model.net/?wovn=en Thanks all!!! Ulises
  5. Excellent work my friend. I would like to copy this scarf method for my next build, if I may!!!
  6. Jo: I have been building models since I was a child (I'm 70 now) and wooden ships exclusively for over 15 years, and I still look at others builds and say to my self "why don't mine look like that, but hey, I have a lot of learning to do" Get used to that feeling, my dear, and use it to your advantage Hugs Ulises
  7. Looking good Jo. Sorry about your sore fingers. We all have been through that! Sincerely you are doing a tremendous job for a first timer!
  8. Hello Kurt. If it is wood to wood, nothing beats any of the dedicated wood glues: be it Titebond, Elmer's, Gorilla, to name a few. They form a bond usually stronger than the wood itself.
  9. Hehehe I will re-phrase that: The more you do it, the easier it gets!!! Best regards!
  10. Good work, dear. It is looking really nice so far. Keep on it. You will see it is not that hard!!! Best regards Ulises
  11. I use these hair curlers to do most of my plank bending. Have about five with different radius to make almost any bend.
  12. Everything in the sails first, then to the mast.
  13. Looking good Jo. Just remember one thing: Paint paints. Paint is not intended to hide mistakes. On the contrary, most of the time paint "enhances" mistakes. So be careful about your decision. You are doing a great job so far my dear. Keep on it. The first model is (most of the times) the one that will bring you the more learning experiences. Best regards Ulises
  14. Much obliged, Michael. Makes me very happy that something I did helps another ship mate!!! Best regards!
  15. Hey Jo. Remember that first planking doesn't have to be perfect. Try to see what flaws will be covered by the second planking and forget about them. Worry only for major defects like large bumps or hollows mainly. Small dents can be ignored. Watch for large hollows that would prevent the outer planks from gluing properly. You are doing great so far. Your hull looks great to me. Keep on it!!! Oh, and it is very normal to start thinking about your next model.
  16. Good to see you're back at it. Fond memories of when I was at that stage!!! Best regards!!!
  17. That's the spirit, Jo. I'm proud of you! Keep going!!!! You will never get better if you don't make and learn from your mistakes!
  18. Thank you all!!! Yes E.J. I know... hehehe... remember nothing is fixed yet. Standing rigging first. Those yards will be fixed when the running rigging is applied!!!
  19. Update April 30 2019. Can't be any happier. All sails have been fixed to yards and furled in position. Now the actual rigging can start with shrouds and stays, etc. Of course the yards look misaligned Nothing is fixed yet!!! A clean-up of this mess is in order to start the rigging process!!! Thanks for watching. As always all comments are welcome.
  20. Thanks E.J. I will follow your advise and Mark's in a PM and I will get rid of both booms and footropes. Much obliged.
  21. Follow-up on my previous question: If there is no sail in the lower mizzen yard, then there is no use for those stunsails booms and irons, correct? Can (should) I get rid of them? What about the foot ropes?
  22. Thank you Mark. Yes indeed I was checking things directly on the ship and there's no way a sail could have been fixed there. I appreciate your confirmation, and thanks for the appreciative words!!! Best to you!
  23. Small update, but more of a question. Ok so Bowsprit, fore and main masts have been dressed with their respective sails... (so much for the update ) Now the question: I am ready to start work on the mizzen mast: It is my understanding that ships with that large and inclined sail in the mizzen mast, did not carry a sail in the lower yardarm, because it would interfere with the operation of that slanted sail. Am I correct? Would appreciate an educated answer. Thanks in advance!!!
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