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Ulises Victoria

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Everything posted by Ulises Victoria

  1. Several solutions: Use CA to stiffen the end of the thread and cut in an angle to make some sort of a needle. Use floss threaders (my choice of tool) or needle threaders to pass the thread through the holes. https://www.amazon.com/Eez-Thru-Floss-Threaders-Each-Pack/dp/B004LTYQXS/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1521642332&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=floss+threaders&psc=1 Enlarge the holes. I always do this. Enlarging the holes also cleans them.This makes threades easier to go through. Hope this helps.
  2. Popeye, it doesn't matter if you don't "need" any tool. Once you enter one of such stores, you automatically start "needing" things.
  3. Thank you Pat. I moved my ships in my car, two per trip. Only minor damage was a broken tip of the main mast of my Vasa, very easily fixed.
  4. Hello all, friends. Here is a small update, more aimed at the status of my house/workshop moving/mounting status. If you see in the next photos that there is a total mess... is because there is. You can see the newly placed worktables all around the room. Also my stash of built ships are here. Some of these, (well, actually all of them) are in need of some cleaning and repairing work). Those boxes covered with a black plastic trash bags contain La Santa María, La Pinta and La Niña. Plastic Heller's 1/75 version. You may see below the tables a box containing Heller's 1/100 Soleil Royale, which I plan to build now that I have room to work on two projects at a time. A wooden one and a plastic one seem to me a good way to break boredom. Boxes with all kinds of stuff have been piled up in the room that will be my ship building workshop. The chore will be opening them and sorting what's inside, which can be: shipbuilding tools and assorted items, kitchen and tableware and assorted items, pen making tools and assorted items, music and guitar books and assorted items, assorted items Definitive moving day is now very close. Can't wait!!!!
  5. Wow! Felicidades Karl. Looks stunning, so clean and neat. Way to go, my friend! Un abrazo Ulises
  6. and from Monterrey, Mexico.
  7. Hello Marc from Monterrey, Mexico Spanish is my main language and I see your English is better than some Americans I've seen. I am a guitarist also. I hope your stay here will make you improve your ship building skills. I am currently building the French Royal Louis of 1780. Gorgeous ship, in my opinion.
  8. Hello all. Pretty small update with only words. I moved all my shipbuilding stuff to my new house. The working tables have been installed all around the room. Unfortunately, my camera quit working, so I have no photos at the moment. Today I am expecting the truck that will move my stuff to my new home. All kitchen and laundry appliances, two 49" smart tvs, and a few of my mom's most cherished furniture. As soon as my new camera arrives will post photos of everything, especially my new ship workshop. I'm so excited!!!
  9. Most warm welcome Chris. Why I can not find any Mantua Vanguard kit anywhere? I've seen only a Victory Models (Amati) Vanguard. You sure of your information? Could you post a photo of the box? Best regards Ulises Edit. I just re-read the thread and notice that in one post you say Vanguard and in the next, Victory.
  10. What an interesting project, John. I'm a little late but will follow it. One question: In the very first photo, what is the ship in top? Your choice of colors make it look a lot like my own Royal Louis! Best!
  11. Welcome to the best and friendliest ship modeling forum in the world. You will never be harshly criticized and always encouraged. Show us your work! Greetings!
  12. WOW! Anyone trying to replicate that rigging in a scale ship?!?!?
  13. A warm from Monterrey, Mexico I am sure you will get some help with your question from someone. Sorry it isn't me!
  14. Mikiek: I can't contribute to this post, but I have found it most interesting. Realistic or not, the frapping on the cannons tackle in your model looks very neat!
  15. Hey Karl. Yeah. Moving is a chore, and to top it off, I had to have surgery in my right palm. My middle finger was getting stuck when I bend it and straightening it out was a very painful experience. They are supposed to remove stitches this Tuesday the fifth and I hope things will improve from then on! I have not touched my ship maybe in a month!!! Edit: Did you see I got Sergal's Sovereign of the Seas?
  16. Excelente, Karl! How did you do the stern letters? Edit... oops sorry. I saw you explained it in an eariler post!
  17. Hello EJ. This planking looks like what I have been trying to accomplish for a long time with no success! I will keep this thread in mind when I start planking my future projects. Best Ulises
  18. , and if you are like most of us, you will not look back to build anything else!!! Greetings Ulises
  19. Vince, you are doing an outstanding job here. Looks clean, authentic and it shows all the love. Congratulations!!! Ulises
  20. Great looking sails. I decided some time ago that all my ships have to have sails... furled, deployed, half furled and half deployed, half-furled and half-deployed...whatever. No ship without sails is complete, IMO
  21. I can read novels in a Kindle or tablet, BUT books such as "The Art of Shipmodeling", "The Masting and Rigging of English Ships of War", to name just 2 out of the hundreds of similar books in the market, they MUST be in printed paper. The weight, the smell, the photographs in color or b/w... no way they will ever be replaced and welcomed by a digital version. I will surely miss the printed magazines if they ever go away.
  22. Great work, Scott. I love your crane/hoist rigging. My Royal Louis has this item also, so I am taking notes!!! Best regards Ulises
  23. I am late here, but nevertheless receive my congrats for a job well done. You are nearing completion. Keep up!!!
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