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About vas1949

  • Birthday August 11

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  • Location
    Mount Vernon, Washington, United States
  • Interests
    Ship Modeling Historic Ships and Boats

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  1. I agree with Jim when he wrote "I think the basic advice is - only buy tools as you need them - otherwise you'll end up spending a lot of money and having a drawer full of tools that you never use." I Love buying tools as much as I love working on model ships. I have bought many tools that I only use once in a while. The Tool I used the most is sand paper. Different grades attached to different sticks and different size dowels makes excellent cutting and finishing tools. Next a hobby size mitter box and saw is a good way to cut the small planks of wood that come in the kit. Try putting a small piece of wood on the inside with double edge tape or a pencil mark for repetitive cuts. A good knife with different blades is important. Good luck on your Phantom.
  2. Tony, I enjoyed reading your post and I agree with everything you wrote. thanks for taking the time to write it. Best Vern
  3. You Should find a model that excites and inspires you. I have come to believe The level of difficulty the manufacturer give are : Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced; translate into: Hard, Harder and Hardest. This to is relative because what is difficult for one person is easy for another depending on what part of the model you are doing. Best of luck with your new build Vern
  4. Reading your log and looking at your pictures has help me a great deal. Thanks for taking the time to post it. Best Vern
  5. Looks great Kevin, keep up the good work. Best Vern
  6. Take a look at the Santisima Trinidad Cross Section by OcCre. It is a nice size model and the quality of the kit that I received is very good. The instructions are in pictures of each step, supplemented by a second Sheet in English with a brief description of What to do. Best Vern
  7. Thank you for the Information on the Use of the drawplate. Best Vern
  8. I Bought a Draw Plate and I could never get it to work. What is the best way to use one? Thanks Vern
  9. " Fair a Frame " by Model Shipways was a big waste of money, time and now storage space.
  10. Dear David and Russ Thank you for the helpful suggestions. It was nice of you to take the time to answer my questions. Best Vern
  11. Dear Fellow Ship Modelers One of my ship model projects is the Flying Fish Clipper Ship by Model Shipways. The Keel, False Keel and Bulkheads are glued up and I am at the point where i can start the planking the hull or begin laying the Deck. Can anyone tell witch should come first and why? Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. Best Vern
  12. Hello Jack Your Latest pictures look very good. The ships cannon have a very clean look to them and the cross section construction looks very nice. Good Job. Best Vern
  13. Hello Jack I wanted to compliment you on the great job you are doing in building the Santisima Trinidad Cross Section. I am between models right now and I will start building the Santisima Trinidad Cross Section Model tomorrow. Your Kit build log is wonderful and I will use it as a reference as I build my Santisima Trinidad Cross Section. Thank you for posting it and for all the great pictures. This will be a big help in my model Construction. Best Vern
  14. Thanks to all my fellow ship modelers who have givien me good advice on this topic. I sanded the part just enough to give a flat surface, then cleaned with laquer thinner, and after the part wast completely dry I used CA adhesive and it work Well. Thank You ALL Vern
  15. Hello Jay Thank you for answering my question and for posting the photos. They were a big help. Best Vern
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