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HMS Victory by fifthace - Caldercraft - Scale 1:72

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In-between sanding sessions I decided it would be safe to fit the quarter galleries inside patterns along with the inside stern pattern. I knew from looking through the build and others' that there would be a certain amount visible through the side galleries and I didn't just want bare wood so I've painted the insides white.








Current Build: HMAV Bounty by Caldercraft 1:64

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Fitting the quarter gallery formers, I found I had got too good a fit so had to bevel the tabs slightly in order to be able to slot them into position, and I used an applicator to apply glue once in place.


I'm not goo with these action shots, having to try and hold a camera steady and take a photo at the same time isn't the simplest of tasks.








Current Build: HMAV Bounty by Caldercraft 1:64

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Greetings Dominic

Well you are really buzzing along, and all is looking very good. It might be an idea not to fit the facias to the quarter gallery's yet, but leave them until later to save any possible damage during your build. Check out page2 of Gil middletons log. Well done Dominic, keep enjoying it. DAVID

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Thanks David.


I was debating that myself, although for a different reason: if you follow the build order the 2nd planking goes on after the fascia's, apart from the fact that is wrong when looking at the full size ship, I feel a neater flush fit would be achieved by fitting the fascias after/over the second planking, rather than the other way round...




Current Build: HMAV Bounty by Caldercraft 1:64

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The initial q-gal formers are in place, and I was looking at the lower transom piece.


I don't like it.


I didn't like it when I first unpacked the kit.


And when I reached that point, I still don't like it.


I've always planked the transom on previous builds, never had one with a pre-cut section. So I decided to plank it instead. I've used some 10mm wide planks to serve as a base, and will plank over that when I do the 2nd planking using the same stock as the rest of the hull. This will allow me to retain the recess chaser gun ports...and make the recess' smaller as they are quite wide on the pre-cut piece.


Hopefully I won't live to regret this....well I hope I live of course but...oh I know what I mean :D









Current Build: HMAV Bounty by Caldercraft 1:64

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I've never had a Billings kit, I always hear so much negativity about them it's kind of always put me off.


But then every make has it's flaws...through my own experience though it seems that CC/Jotika are the most well rounded of kits.




Current Build: HMAV Bounty by Caldercraft 1:64

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I decided to fit the q-gal fascia's now after all. The second planking would allow me to hide any imperfections in where they meet the side of the hull.


Although, unlike Kevin's build, I found this section quite cumbersome to do. I had several attempts at dry fitting in place before I got a fit I was happy with.


Despite the instructions saying to glaze the inner side before fitting, I decided against it. It would create a noticeable gap between glass and the PE frames. So I will cut to shape the glazing and fit to the back of the PE frames and then fit them in place on the fascia's.


Once I was happy with the fit, I glued and pinned in place. Once dry, applied filler and sanded smooth. Currently I am repeating with the other side.











Current Build: HMAV Bounty by Caldercraft 1:64

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I've been marking the starting point for the 2nd planking...in this case, the upper edge of the middle wale.


Thankfully it seems to confirm that I did get everything in the right place, as it follows a lovely up-down-up curve...well, except at the front.


Going by the plan, the section from the 2nd gunport (1st in the photo as the actual 1st isn't part of the template...confused?) when veiwed from the side seems ok, but when veiwed from the bow, looks like it's going down towards the stem.


It could be an optical illusion due to the edge of the beakhead sloping upwards...what do you guys think ? (final photo)











Current Build: HMAV Bounty by Caldercraft 1:64

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Hello Dominic..


From what I see from your photos, your planking seems right on.  I don't think it's an optical illusion at all. Too bad you're going to cover it with copper plates but we all went through the same thing.  Nice work...



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Dominic don't forget the forward gun ports, now the best time to get them out of the way

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Thanks Jerry. I'm referring to the pencil line marking the upper edge of the middle wale, at the bow it seems to slope down.


Kevin thanks, yep next on my hitlist, I was hoping to use the mark for the middle wale to help me locate it...trying to make sure that's right first though...




Current Build: HMAV Bounty by Caldercraft 1:64

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I've marked the forward ports now, well half of them anyway. I've paused to show you this.


Before I could mark them, as I would be locating them based on the position of the foremost pre cut port, I needed to correct that port. It got warped due to that bubbling I had when fixing the template patterns. I was expecting to have to correct it.


It wasn't too much out of line, the top left corner was correct, but the entire port was slanting upwards from that point. Using the plans I marked it's correct position in pencil and then with masking tape, and cut the excess away. This will leave an odd shape on one side, however I will correct this with the 2nd planking.


Then I was able to mark the other two ports into position.


I should also be able to correct my wales, as I was marking from slightly too high...doesn't explain why they appear to slope down...am sure it's had an affect though :huh:










Current Build: HMAV Bounty by Caldercraft 1:64

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Slow down Dominic - otherwise you will catch up  like everyone one else did - then overtake me and leave me all alone again

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awww Kevin don't worry I will slow right down once I hit the gun port lining and then again the ratlines.


Two of my hates about this hobby, sooooooo repetitive :huh:


In all seriousness I doubt I will complete this in one go. I have several projects on the go at once and I swap among them to keep everything fresh. Currently I have the Soveriegn to finish (as soon as I get the remaining issues), a smaller Vic thats actually behind this one now, and Hermioné.


I think you're safe.


I must drop in on your log though haven't had a look for a few days.




Current Build: HMAV Bounty by Caldercraft 1:64

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my big delays were the coppering and gun port linings - after the third attempt at the lids I ripped them out and put them to vent only - the whole build then changed for me - to my advantage - oh i attempted the lanyards a few times as well

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Hi all. Sorry for the delay between posts. I didn't want to post until there was something significant to show.


Progress thus far on the 2nd planking is going....slowly.


Hopefull after Weds should speed up a little as the deck rats will be back at school.











Current Build: HMAV Bounty by Caldercraft 1:64

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Good day folks.


I've finally finished the lower planking. Glad it's done with as it was starting to grate on me. For some reason it didn't go as well as the first planking, especially the second half of it. Thankfully none of this will be seen once the coppering has been done.


The hull looks glossy as it's wet. I brushed over 50/50 watered down PVA to help seal any planks that worked loose, which were a few. Reason being it makes sanding smooth impossible if you have sections of plank that have popped up, as they just spring beneath sanding.

All the PVA that has settled on the surface will get sanded off, but the planks will be sealed underneath.





I took a small break from the planking to start tackling another problem. A bug bear of mine with kits. Those pre-fab parts that fit under the q-galls never, well, fit! Not for me at least. They are either always too big or too small. In this case, too small. And to be honest the detailing wasn't that great on them anyway.


So I added some balsa blocks and sanded to shape and size. I will finish shaping and add the details later on in the build.









Current Build: HMAV Bounty by Caldercraft 1:64

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Good evening folks :)


First part of the second planking is finished, sanded, gunports trimmed etc etc, but I've encountered an...issue.


First, pics of the planking progress:





I've fitted the deck camber beams, that was ok:




When dry fitting the deck and the inner bulwark patterns, they fit perfectly on the horizontal, but are several mm too high. I've gone back through my steps and the outer patterns were fitted correctly...ok maybe not perfectly but they were in the right place. So unless I've missed something, or the inner templates have been cut incorrectly, or am completely missing the point...there is a problem. Both sides are the same:






Any ideas?




Current Build: HMAV Bounty by Caldercraft 1:64

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Hello Dominic

Are you saying the inner bulwarks are not level through the gunport???? If so your inner bulwarks are to high you need to remove material from the base of the bulwarks to level them with the outer gunports before fitting them. Are the inner ports highest ???? DAVID

Edited by Shipyard sid
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Dominic i removed a couple mm from the bottom of my inner bulkheads, 

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Thanks Kevin. I see Rich had to do the same as well.


It's always more comforting knowing other people had the same issue.


That upper gun deck though! Really have to give it some bend to get it in place :o I've not been able to properly dry fit it as I don't think I'd get it back out again if I did. Bang goes me planking it off ship  :huh: 




Current Build: HMAV Bounty by Caldercraft 1:64

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Dominic - i cut mine to get into position but more like a zig zag to get in place -lol im kind of happy the we are all having the same issue, or all doing it very wrong

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Hello Dominic.. Just to add to the chorus,  I had the same problem.  I had to remove a couple of MM from the bottom of the starboard side bulwarks.  Seems to me that Caldercraft  (Jotika) has a design problem.  Your planking looks great by the way.



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Thanks Jerry.


I'm glad it's not just me then.


Currently I am marking the position of the decking on the false deck and pre-cutting the planks. I've roughly worked out I will need around 360-ish.


I made myself a wee jog to aid me keeping all the planks the same length, in the absence of a more precise cutting tool. Made of lego. (Has so many uses that stuff does).










Current Build: HMAV Bounty by Caldercraft 1:64

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