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HMS Victory by fifthace - Caldercraft - Scale 1:72

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Kevin yes I think that was my mistake as well. I did try to take into account the plans were flat etc but clearly not enough. I was pretty much taking a reference point and holding a straight ruler and using line of sight to mark...how I ever thought that would end well is beyond me lol


Gary it does, thanks. Confirmation is key.


*sigh* Means I have yet more trimming/filling to do :(




Current Build: HMAV Bounty by Caldercraft 1:64

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I've corrected the upper whale on one side, again as with the lower ones was quite a simple fix, I was even able to trim the lower edge off cleanly enough to be able to make use of it along the upper edge.


I know pics below are from opposite sides, but they were both the same with the same fault, so show the difference before and after so far:







Current Build: HMAV Bounty by Caldercraft 1:64

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Good recovery mate

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Thanks Kevin.


I've decided where it comes to painting/linging the gunports and painting the ships sides, I am going to work deck by deck. It just breaks up the work a little for me. I've applied two coats of Admiralty Yellow Ochre to the lowest gun deck, allowing more than is needed so the black bands can go over after masking.


Is she yellow with black stripes though, or black with yellow stripes...?


I've also used filler to extend the whales into the q-galleries.









Current Build: HMAV Bounty by Caldercraft 1:64

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I put the yellow down first and rattle canned the black

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My reasoning for the air brush / rattle can was the large amount of black, not just the bands but from the lower wales to the coppering and the gunport lids as well

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Coming along nice Dom- I hand painted the black on mine using thinned down coats of humbrol matt 33 as i was worried about black paint getting on the windows and other yellow painted areas i had already done, and it was shall we say interesting :rolleyes:  :huh: and i thiunk she should be black with yellow st :P stripes.


Edited by clearway
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Keith, forgive if preaching to the choir on this, but frog tape to mask, then paint again with the colour you are masking to help "seal" the masking tape, then once dry apply your second colour.




Current Build: HMAV Bounty by Caldercraft 1:64

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I've finished all the lower gunports and this afternoon I masked off and sprayed the lower hull, first with a primer then black upto the first yellow band.


Few areas need touching up as the last pic shows, but nothing major.









Current Build: HMAV Bounty by Caldercraft 1:64

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Afternoon all. Sorry such a delay between posts, I've not been able to achieve very much due to illness and inconsiderate children getting in the way haha.


I've made a start on the long process of coppering the hull, not much to show just yet though...










Current Build: HMAV Bounty by Caldercraft 1:64

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  • 1 month later...

How's the coppering coming on my friend

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  • 3 months later...

are you still digging for her?

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  • 5 months later...

Hiya Guys.


Really sorry I've not updated this for such a long time. Life gets so busy sometimes. Some of you may have noticed I am back with two concurrent builds, but that doesn't mean I have neglected my vicky.


I've made a fair bit of progress since my last update. Coppering has been finished. For the most part, gunports are all complete except the top row. I've completed the middle gun deck including cannons. I must confess I did only rig the cannons that were immediately visible.


I've had to make some adjustments at the stern, I didn't like the idea of just painting bare ply for the galleries, so I have planked them over using some spare .5mm veneer. I prefer the effect as it means the edges are visible instead of just being a smooth surface. I've spent a lot of time filling the joins to the main hull and extending the wales into the galleries.


I've fitted the upper deck and am in process of planking that.

She is on the back for now though, as I am building the Bluenose II right through while stocking up on parts for my SotS build. I am in no hurry to finish this one anyway...as I haven't a clue where I am going to put her when she is finished...











Current Build: HMAV Bounty by Caldercraft 1:64

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