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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

The end is in sight!


I just thought another quick update might be appropriate as things are moving along and the end is now actually on the horizon. Basically just the foremast tweaking, the yards and then the rigging and we’re done (he says optimistically).


Additions since last time are significant but perhaps not all obvious. The gun port covers took the longest; not too troublesome in themselves, but time consuming. They do make quite a difference to the model though. Originally the ropes holding the port covers open were in situ, but they looked most unreal. They were in fact thread stiffened with superglue, but they looked tatty, so despite the age they took to put in place they had to go. Instead I’m now thinking in terms of precut and identical lengths of painted wire might look better. We’ll see.




The ballast was perhaps the quickest job, but again it adds quite a lot of interest. I simply coated the hull of the hold inside with glue then poured in the ballast (real stone created for model railways). I stiffened it further afterwards with liberal drops of superglue. It looks good. The “hold” itself is far too small to add further barrels which would have otherwise sat there.




The two anchors were also added (the “real” Victory actually having four!), and the catheads now coming into use supporting them. The channels for the shrouds were also fitted. They do seem way too wide to me, but no doubt it will make fitting the shrouds all the easier (not one of my favourite jobs!).




Now onto to shaping and fitting the one set of yards (the foreyard) and then all that lovely rigging! Oh, and of course the figurehead!!


As is not unusual at this stage I’m already casting about for the next creation. I know I’ve still got the poor old Bounty sat unfinished, but as I’ve really “enjoyed” doing this cross section, I’m keen to do another (I just love the “bashing opportunities, and the greater detail afforded). The Panart “Section Deck Between Gun Bays” which Cobr@ is making such a wonderful job of, is a strong contender as is the Corel mid-section Victory one, but I wish it was a little wider. Surfing the ‘net I have come across another kit I’m very interested in; like Cobr@s it’s more of a diorama than an actual model, and is the Disarmodel – Rayo Ship of the Line 1751 - Battle Station Cross section at a mouth-watering 1:32 scale (oh the detail that can be added). The Spanish company will actually ship to the UK, but at a premium. Does anyone know of a British distributor? Here is a link to the actual kit; http://www.hobbiesguinea.es/en/disarmodel/12007-disarmodel-20148-rayo-ship-of-the-line-1751-battle-station-cross-section-1-32.html


(Sorry its such a mouthful).





Edited by bryanc

Completed build Caronada Francese


Completed build Posto di Combattimanto


Current build Navio Rayo - Puesto de Combate


Current build HMS Bounty


Completed build HMS Victory Cross Section


Completed build HM Brig "Supply"


Completed build The Lady Nelson


Hi Bryan


   She is looking a real treat. Well done.


   I love the rigging stage. At least you can sit outside in the summer weather and whittle down  the spars.


   Time for us Aussies to hide from the Wet...

Thanks Paul, but you should know; we're hiding from the wet here to ;-)

Completed build Caronada Francese


Completed build Posto di Combattimanto


Current build Navio Rayo - Puesto de Combate


Current build HMS Bounty


Completed build HMS Victory Cross Section


Completed build HM Brig "Supply"


Completed build The Lady Nelson


A Cautionary Tale


Just a bit of an aside really, but I’ve made decisions regarding what kit(s!) come next. My birthday is getting close, so at my suggestion (!) my children are getting me the Ocre - Section de Sanctissime Trinidad, another cross section – and of an interesting ship with an interesting history; I was trying to keep the Victory connection, and the “Trinidad” actually fought at Trafalgar, and was captured by the British but sank during the storms that followed the battle. Anyway (get to the point Bryan!), for myself as it were, I’m getting another kit, this time it is still the Victory, but yet another cross-section, just a small section at a much higher scale i.e. the one mentioned previously, the Disarmodel  Rayo Ship of the Line 1751 - Battle Station Cross section (1:32) (photo below).




It looks very intriguing I'm sure you'll agree, and I shall be most interested to have a play, however (the point at last!) there is something of a snag, and I may have to flag an official warning and blacklist the suppliers, because I ordered it on their website, paid by Credit Card, but received no acknowledgement or communication whatsoever. Then I noticed they had taken the money! It’s approaching a week now, still no communication and certainly no kit. There’s time yet I suppose, but it’s worrying. I’ll keep you informed, but Guinea Hobbies of Spain may turn out to be a company to avoid.

Completed build Caronada Francese


Completed build Posto di Combattimanto


Current build Navio Rayo - Puesto de Combate


Current build HMS Bounty


Completed build HMS Victory Cross Section


Completed build HM Brig "Supply"


Completed build The Lady Nelson


Have you tried contacting them?



Current build(s):

Continental Gunboat Philadelphia by Model Shipways



Completed build(s):

Model Shipways Phantom



Member of:

The Nautical Research Guild

N.R.M.S.S. (Nautical Research and Model Ship Society)


An update regarding Guinea Hobbies; one of the reasons I was so worried was the fact the website messaging didn't work, and apart from a Spanish telephone number there was no other communication detail present, or didn't appear to be. There is nothing on the Contact Page, where you would expect something, apart from the contact web-form which doesn't work. However I went through every page on the site and eventually found an email address on an "About Us" page which wasn't listed in the menu. I emailed them in somewhat terse terms.


Within an hour I received not one but four replies, two in Spanish and two in English (sort of). Basically the order was seen, but was treated as "anonymous" as there was no personal details!? Even if that is the case, it still sounds fishy, by definition my name forms part of the Credit Card details, and I'm a registered member of the site, c/w my address, so they didn't look into it very hard, and debited the credit card immediately anyway!


They assure me the package has now been sent and should arrive tomorrow (Friday) or Monday coming. Obviously I'll let you know if and when.

Completed build Caronada Francese


Completed build Posto di Combattimanto


Current build Navio Rayo - Puesto de Combate


Current build HMS Bounty


Completed build HMS Victory Cross Section


Completed build HM Brig "Supply"


Completed build The Lady Nelson


But back to the Victory Cross-Section...


Just the rigging and shrouds to complete, but no deadeye stops provided in the kit despite the manual saying (and a diagram indicating) that there are! I'll get on to the manufacturers or distributors once I've established who they are (the kit was a present). In the meantime has anyone any suggestions how to get round it?

Completed build Caronada Francese


Completed build Posto di Combattimanto


Current build Navio Rayo - Puesto de Combate


Current build HMS Bounty


Completed build HMS Victory Cross Section


Completed build HM Brig "Supply"


Completed build The Lady Nelson

Posted (edited)

Hi Bryan

              Spoke to a few friends and they say they have had stuff from Guinea Hobbies too with no communication from them, but the goods arrived.

Maybe when they said anonymous they meant they did not have your email. Most problems is in the language difference i suppose. but as you registered on there i think your email would be part of the process


Also check this http://review.easycounter.com/hobbiesguinea-scam-report

Edited by Cobr@

They certainly have my email Bob, because yes, it is part of the registration process. On balance it sounds like they are legit enough, just not very efficient! We'll know for sure in a few days.


Thanks for the easy counter site link, I've bookmarked it, that may prove very useful.





Completed build Caronada Francese


Completed build Posto di Combattimanto


Current build Navio Rayo - Puesto de Combate


Current build HMS Bounty


Completed build HMS Victory Cross Section


Completed build HM Brig "Supply"


Completed build The Lady Nelson




Well she’s finished. Odds and sods to tidy up, a bit of rigging I removed to fit the figurehead and forgot to replace I must put back, but she’s essentially complete.




She was as trying at the end as she has been throughout; the figurehead proved as awkward as almost anything has been to get correctly in place. As it is the lower section is a tad too low, but…




But I’ve benefited from it; I’ve grown as a modeller actually enjoying many aspects of it. I thoroughly enjoyed doing the rigging, which is a complete reversal for me. And I think it shows, my standard of building is improving. Obviously there is a long way to go, but I’m improving, and I’m enjoying it, and you can’t really ask for more.




Final evaluation of the kit; as a finished model she is really something. The photos don’t do it justice, and in the hands of a real master modeller, the results would be something special. The quality of components was generally good, sometimes excellent. The manual; yes well you can’t have everything. Suffice to say this kit is not for the novice, and the more experienced should go warily.




My latest next kit arrived 24 hours before I finished the Victory, and its already beckoning! Time to move on.





Completed build Caronada Francese


Completed build Posto di Combattimanto


Current build Navio Rayo - Puesto de Combate


Current build HMS Bounty


Completed build HMS Victory Cross Section


Completed build HM Brig "Supply"


Completed build The Lady Nelson


Hi Bryan,

Excellent job, well-done on completing your model.


You are right about the figure head being difficult to fit in the right spot it is just because it is so bulky an d out of scale, my two lower bobstays will rub on the lower part when I fit them as I could not get the lower part to fit close enough to the stem, it is one of the disappointing things supplied in what is generally a pretty good kit.

Cheers :cheers:



Current Builds;

 HMS Supply 

Completed Builds;

AL Swift 1805; Colonial Sloop NorfolkHMS Victory Bow SectionHM Schooner Pickle


Thanks Jeff, praise indeed from such an excellent modeller as yourself. She was an 'interesting' build, and looks really well now complete, I'm sure yours looks even more so!

Completed build Caronada Francese


Completed build Posto di Combattimanto


Current build Navio Rayo - Puesto de Combate


Current build HMS Bounty


Completed build HMS Victory Cross Section


Completed build HM Brig "Supply"


Completed build The Lady Nelson

  • 2 weeks later...

Congratulations. She looks excellent .


Current build : Sovereign of the Seas - Mantua 1:78 scale




Finished:        San John the Baptist - Cross section

                    Santisima Trinidad - Cross section                  Galery Santisima 

                    San John the Baptist ( San Juan Bautista)    Galery  San John

                    HMS Victory 1805 - Cross section - Corel 1:98 scale 

                    Panart (Mantua) 740 Battle Station          Battle Station Panart 740 Galerry


On Hold:        HMS Bounty 1:64   Mamoli MV39



Thanks Cristi, interesting you have completed the Santisima Trinidad Cross Section, because I now have that waiting. Am about to study your build log ;-)



Completed build Caronada Francese


Completed build Posto di Combattimanto


Current build Navio Rayo - Puesto de Combate


Current build HMS Bounty


Completed build HMS Victory Cross Section


Completed build HM Brig "Supply"


Completed build The Lady Nelson


Hi Brian, glad to see that you are interested in my work.

Hope soon, after i will be far away with my Sovereign, i will start a new cross section, and i started to study yours, all the best, Cristi

Current build : Sovereign of the Seas - Mantua 1:78 scale




Finished:        San John the Baptist - Cross section

                    Santisima Trinidad - Cross section                  Galery Santisima 

                    San John the Baptist ( San Juan Bautista)    Galery  San John

                    HMS Victory 1805 - Cross section - Corel 1:98 scale 

                    Panart (Mantua) 740 Battle Station          Battle Station Panart 740 Galerry


On Hold:        HMS Bounty 1:64   Mamoli MV39


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