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Ghost sails

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I am a fan of modeling with "ghost sails", the practice of rigging a contrasting color "sail" that is just an outline of the sail, with connections to halyards, tacks and sheets. I guess it is for those of us that can't decide if we want to model sails or not. Clearly, it isn't "realistic", but for me that's OK.


I've been satisfied with this technique on models with fore-and-aft sails. But, I am currently doing a Baltimore Clipper at 5/32" equal one foot, and want to do the square sails on yards in a raised position. I have not been satisfied with ghost sails I've rigged as square sails.


I've been considering adding a little more substance to the sails on this model by making the sails of "cheesecloth" or gauze, to maintain some of the transparency of a ghost sail, while still giving a good impression of the sail area on this type vessel.


Has anyone tried this?



"If they suspect me of intelligence, I am sure it will soon blow over, ha, ha, ha!"

-- Jack Aubrey



Yankee Hero, Fannie Gorham, We’re Here, Dapper Tom (x3), New Bedford Whaler, US Brig Lawrence (Niagara), Wyoming (half hull), Fra Berlanga (half hull), Gokstad Viking Ship, Kate Cory, Charles Morgan, Gjoa

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Can you post a photo of your ghost sails?   This is a new one for me and I am curious about what they look like.


Please give a name that we can use to address you properly.


Thank you very much



PLEASE take 30 SECONDS and sign up for the epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series.   Click on http://trafalgar.tv   There is no cost other than the 30 seconds of your time.  THANK YOU


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Ok ... Call me Steve.


Here is a pic of what I was trying to describe for "Ghost sails". Just the sail outline in white thread.



I built a quick mock-up today to test the idea. I think with a bit more refinement, I may have an acceptable alternative to the outline method.



In my original post I was wondering if anyone else had tried this approach, and problems and solutions.


Comments welcome.



"If they suspect me of intelligence, I am sure it will soon blow over, ha, ha, ha!"

-- Jack Aubrey



Yankee Hero, Fannie Gorham, We’re Here, Dapper Tom (x3), New Bedford Whaler, US Brig Lawrence (Niagara), Wyoming (half hull), Fra Berlanga (half hull), Gokstad Viking Ship, Kate Cory, Charles Morgan, Gjoa

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What an interesting concept! I've not seen this tried before. In your mock-up I find the mesh of the material distracting, as opposed to your white thread outline. Have you looked in fabric stores for very fine nylon lawn material? It is translucent and had a very fine weave. I have some (for other purposes) in a pale neutral grey color.

Be sure to sign up for an epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series  http://trafalgar.tv

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  • 2 weeks later...

Interesting but not for me. I get a bit confused, what is rigging and what are sails. But to each his own, and the workmanship is great!

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