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Knots or hitches; what is appropriate?

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What is a recommended knot or hitch for connecting a line to a hook?  I am dealing with a block and tackle used to pull up a lost anchor.  I  know the hitch to use to connect the "leader" to the anchor cable.  What knot or hitch would be used to connect the leader to the hook of the block?


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Further research indicates a "Cat's Paw" knot is what I'm looking for.


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Thanks Frankie.

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This is pretty clear




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form a bight in the line, take hold of the line each side of the bight , approx 300mm (a foot in old money!!) then twist the line away from yourself a few times.it should form the twists shown in the diagram a couple of replies up.  position the two ends over the hook and voila, a cats paw.

  when you apply weight to the lift the paws tighten on themselves, preventing the line from slipping through the hook.



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Actually, I think every shipmodeller should have a book on knots/hitches on the bookshelf for reference (and doesn't quite need to be the 'Ashley'), even though a lot can be gleaned off the Internet these days.


There are also several Web-sites that illustrate, how they are tied. Search for instance for 'animated knots'.


However, beware that these sites are not always 100% fool-proof and sometime perpetrate common mistakes. For instance here: http://www.animatedknots.com/bowline/ the bowline knot it done incorretly with the loose end inside the loop, which can make it difficult to untie, if it becomes wedged between the loop and the bollard ...



panta rhei - Everything is in flux



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That bowline looks right to me.  I have always been told to make sure the running end finishes up in the middle.

we follow a simple rule in the fire service - 4 characteristics of a good knot

1, easy to tie

2, easy to untie

3, dont damage the line

4, do the job it is intended for.


The Shell book of knots is a good one to have, although as you say, you can glean anything off the internet.  Who needs books any more!!

Edited by spider999
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My sailing instructor in 1971 told me to have the loose end always on the outside and the standard German textbook on ropework for yachtpeople (first published in 1953, got the 1969 edition) warns against having the loose end inside, because it can rub against the bollard etc. and become damaged ...


Apropos books: I build up a considerable library of contemporary and antique books, but found that it has become devalued quite a bit (apart perhaps from the collector's value), because many of them can now be downloaded for free on the Internet. Still it is nice to have them on the shelves around you :)



panta rhei - Everything is in flux



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