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Reinforcements for the main yards

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I am in doubt about the position of the reinforcements of the yards.

From the plans of the kit it seems they are conjoined to the yards.

But from some sources they are separated from the yards at the edges.

I want to learn which one is correct.





Best Regards…



Under construction: Frigate Berlin (Brandenburg Navy)

Hope: Frigate Wappen Von Hamburg (Brandenburg Navy)

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What ship and year and which yards?  These are actually not reinforcements, but rather are stunsail booms and were attached to the yards with stunsail boom irons in such a way that they were separated from the yard itself by a few inches.  The configuration varied (at least on English vessels) over time and were different for the lower yards than the upper yards.    There are four stunsail boom irons on each yard that carried these, one near each end of the yard and the others 1/3 of the length of the stunsail booms in from the ends.  The booms then could slide outboard when in use with the stunsails, and inboard when the stunsails were not deployed.   Lees gives a good amount of detail on these in The Masting and Rigging of English Ships of War

Edited by allanyed

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From the photos attached, I would say they are not reinforcements to the yards. They are called stunsail booms. Normally pronounced stuns'l. Your second diagram is closer to how the hardware securing them to the spar is correct. They were used mainly with the fore and main mast coarse, topsail, and topgallant yards. Ed Tosti's build of the Young America will show you how the hardware is constructed. 



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Good afternoon Ferit

as mentioned they are stunsail booms, these are mine fitted to the Victory


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Many thanks Allan, Scott, Kevin and Jim,

After your guidance and the information from you I learnt the name stun sail... I learnt also the purpose of this mechanism... 


Best Regards…



Under construction: Frigate Berlin (Brandenburg Navy)

Hope: Frigate Wappen Von Hamburg (Brandenburg Navy)

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