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This is my build log for the AL San Francisco II, the original was lost in the lomageddon of 2013.  I have modified this kit for double planking as I am a beginner and a single planked kit would have been way to hard for me.  Enjoy!












“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” - Augustine


Current Build:


Artesania Latina San Francisco II 1:90 Scale


On the Shelf:


Model Shipways Armed Virginia Sloop 1:48 Scale


Here are some pictures from the deck planking and attaching the bulwarks.  I used an archival pen to mark the deck nails and along one side of each plank.









“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” - Augustine


Current Build:


Artesania Latina San Francisco II 1:90 Scale


On the Shelf:


Model Shipways Armed Virginia Sloop 1:48 Scale


Here are the pictures from the first layer of planking,  I tried to follow all of the instructions I was able to find, but now that I have done it, I understand better how the instructions go.  I really needed to just do it and learn the correct way afterwards.


I put a layer of drain coat on my first layer of planking to give it a seal and something for any floating planks to hold onto once I cut the gunports out.  Also, this will help keep the glue on the second layer of planking from getting absorbed into the first layer.









“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” - Augustine


Current Build:


Artesania Latina San Francisco II 1:90 Scale


On the Shelf:


Model Shipways Armed Virginia Sloop 1:48 Scale


Since I ditched the kit supplied mahogany for two layers of planking (one being basswood and the other cherry veneers), I had to remake the keel parts in cherry, attached are the photos of those parts.




“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” - Augustine


Current Build:


Artesania Latina San Francisco II 1:90 Scale


On the Shelf:


Model Shipways Armed Virginia Sloop 1:48 Scale


Attached is a photo of the beginning of the second layer of planking, as you can see the planking wanted to terminate low on the stern and the planking right below the bulwarks is not level.  Once I finish planking the hull, I will have to add a full stealer maybe to bring the pattern back up and level?




“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” - Augustine


Current Build:


Artesania Latina San Francisco II 1:90 Scale


On the Shelf:


Model Shipways Armed Virginia Sloop 1:48 Scale




Thank you for the compliment :) I am sure I have room for improvement with my planking skills but this will be fine for my first build.  I did use wood filler, I just bought some from a local hardware store.  The rattlesnake is a couple of years away.  I will work on the AVS first and I plan on purchasing Lauck Street Shipyards practicums for both kits.  I would also like to buy the HobbyMillUSA replacement wood kit for the rattlesnake but I don't know if it is still available.  I am trying to stock up on kits now because my first born is on the way and I doubt I will have any money when he/she arrives :)



“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” - Augustine


Current Build:


Artesania Latina San Francisco II 1:90 Scale


On the Shelf:


Model Shipways Armed Virginia Sloop 1:48 Scale


Indeed a wise decision, to have some kits available for the near future. Not at least cause it might proof helpful to have something to do if/when you are bound to the home with your toddler :) Hope all works out well with the child (and yes, with the build as well ;) )


Current build: Rattlesnake 1781 (Mamoli)




I've been working on the second layer of planking this weekend and just wanted to give an update.  Things are going well, although I do have a clinker effect along the bow, I will do my best to clean it up.  At this point I really don't care and just want to make a decent model and learn from the experience.  I will also have some funky shaped planks in the middle, this too I do not mind as in the end, I believe the model will look decent.





“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” - Augustine


Current Build:


Artesania Latina San Francisco II 1:90 Scale


On the Shelf:


Model Shipways Armed Virginia Sloop 1:48 Scale


I've been working on the second layer of planking this weekend and just wanted to give an update.  Things are going well, although I do have a clinker effect along the bow, I will do my best to clean it up.  At this point I really don't care and just want to make a decent model and learn from the experience.  I will also have some funky shaped planks in the middle, this too I do not mind as in the end, I believe the model will look decent.



woow it seems good :D

Currently building
San Francisco II by Artesania Latina 

My first wooden model ship


Next building

San Francisco II Section by Artesania Latina


Wish List

US Constellation by Artesania Latina


when will we see the final planked view?

Currently building
San Francisco II by Artesania Latina 

My first wooden model ship


Next building

San Francisco II Section by Artesania Latina


Wish List

US Constellation by Artesania Latina


I would imagine that I will be done with it in a couple of weeks, I still have to figure out how I will stain it.



“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” - Augustine


Current Build:


Artesania Latina San Francisco II 1:90 Scale


On the Shelf:


Model Shipways Armed Virginia Sloop 1:48 Scale


is the new san Francisco 2 kit still single planked or AL changed it to double?

Currently building
San Francisco II by Artesania Latina 

My first wooden model ship


Next building

San Francisco II Section by Artesania Latina


Wish List

US Constellation by Artesania Latina


It is single planked, I changed it to double  :10_1_10: .  It is just to hard for a new modeler.



“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” - Augustine


Current Build:


Artesania Latina San Francisco II 1:90 Scale


On the Shelf:


Model Shipways Armed Virginia Sloop 1:48 Scale


So I got on a roll and I got most of one side planked, I am very happy with the result :)




“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” - Augustine


Current Build:


Artesania Latina San Francisco II 1:90 Scale


On the Shelf:


Model Shipways Armed Virginia Sloop 1:48 Scale



Thanks for getting your log back up and running, and thanks for letting me know you did. The second layer is looking quite good. I started mine yesterday, but am not liking that clinkered effect on the bow that I seem to be getting too. I am trying to correct it, or at least make it less noticeable, but not having much success.

I look forward to watching your progress, as you know I am a half step behind on my own.

Again, very nice job.


If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)





I ran into the same problem in my bow section on both sides, I kept getting the clinker effect, the only answer I have for you is to lay your planks in the position they want to lay even if that means cutting them to an extreme triangular shape.  I started doing this in the center portion of the port side and the result is no clinkering.  The down side is that this pattern is not historically accurate.  Honestly at this point I don't mind, reducing the clinkering is my priority now.



“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” - Augustine


Current Build:


Artesania Latina San Francisco II 1:90 Scale


On the Shelf:


Model Shipways Armed Virginia Sloop 1:48 Scale




I have almost completed the 2nd planking phase of my build.  I just have to put a couple more planks on part of the bulwark on the starboard side and trim the excess off.  I am very pleased with the result, and I got really excited when I took a wet rag and wiped the one side off, just the water made the cherry look beautiful.  I plan on cutting the dummy gun ports out prior to staining.  I still have to figure out what stain to use which may be a very difficult process.  I am sort of happy this phase is over, I enjoyed it but I am ready for the next phase of putting all of the details on.




“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” - Augustine


Current Build:


Artesania Latina San Francisco II 1:90 Scale


On the Shelf:


Model Shipways Armed Virginia Sloop 1:48 Scale




I finished the planking and cut the bulwark gun ports out. My next two steps to tackle are stain and cutting the gun ports into the hull which will be difficult because the kit plans don't give a good template. I thought about using transparent paper to sketch the ports but the plans are still not good for this. I'm soo glad the planking is done and I feel like I am moving on to a much more fun part.


“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” - Augustine


Current Build:


Artesania Latina San Francisco II 1:90 Scale


On the Shelf:


Model Shipways Armed Virginia Sloop 1:48 Scale


The San Fran does provide a good experience for first attempts at planking. i know it was quite a learning curve when I planked mine. I found you can plan as much as you like, but sometimes you just have to let the planks run the way you want them to, especially with the thinner veneers.


You've made good progress, keep up the good work.

First Completed Build: San Francisco (Original Version)

Current build: Victory Models HMS Pegasus

Cross Stitch Project (Finished): Battle Of Agamemnon and Ca Ira

Cross Stitch Project : Victory & Temeraire


Aaron, To figure out where my lower gun ports went i taped on the two rubbing strakes. Then I just looked at the pictures and laid out the bottom pieces of those gun doors until I thought they looked correct, used a pencil and traced around the inside dimension of the door, then measured that tracing to the proper distance and marked that out. Then began drilling the holes and cutting them out. In my pic they don't look real straight, but they actually are, I used a level when I laid out the rubbing strakes, I think my camera angles make some things look a bit more wonky than they really are.

I do like the way your cherry looks on that hull, will be excited to see it when it is stained.


If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)



The planking looks real good.  I quite like the light colour of the hull.  Are you planning on staining the hull?  The next step on my San Fran is also the cutting of the gun ports.  I've been looking at the hull the whole week, trying to decide exactly where to cut them.  With my first marked layout the railing of the stern gallery came dangerously close to a gunport and now I'm paranoid that I might miss something else. 





Current build : San Francisco II (AL)


I plan on staining it, I just have to figure out what stain I will use. 


I am nervous about the gun ports too, after looking at your build, I have decided to install all of the rubbing strakes before cutting the ports out.  That way I know they wil be centered in the rubbing strakes.



“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” - Augustine


Current Build:


Artesania Latina San Francisco II 1:90 Scale


On the Shelf:


Model Shipways Armed Virginia Sloop 1:48 Scale


Looking good Aaron, nice and neat. While I'm not there yet I wonder about staining too. Only advise I can give as a one-time cabinet-maker is test, test test on samples. Easier to throw away a sample that displeases than strip the finished product. Trust me... I know from experience on this one.




I am with you.  I have some pieces of cherry I am going to take to a hardware store and ask if I can test out some stains.


I am living vicariously through shazmira who stained and then had to sand off... :o

“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” - Augustine


Current Build:


Artesania Latina San Francisco II 1:90 Scale


On the Shelf:


Model Shipways Armed Virginia Sloop 1:48 Scale


Good idea Aaron but if I may make one suggestion... before you decide to stain let the ship sit in the sun for a little while. If you do, move it for even exposure but first do a test. Cherry is very interesting in that it deepens with exposure to sunlight.

To test it, take a piece of your scrap or extra wood and cover several sections with masking tape while letting other parts get a 'tan'. It won't take long if the sun is bright to deepen and it will also continue to do so somewhat after staining...unless the stain is really dark.


This way you can sort of dial in your color with the natural hues plus the stain.






Sounds like a good idea, I will give it a try.  I hope that you have seen my location and since you are technically a neighbor, you should know that we don't see the sun here much!  :D

“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” - Augustine


Current Build:


Artesania Latina San Francisco II 1:90 Scale


On the Shelf:


Model Shipways Armed Virginia Sloop 1:48 Scale


Oh, I know. The sun is a memory this time of year for me too but every now and again we get a glimpse. Still, just for yucks, if that old yellow orb makes an appearance try the tape thing. Do it in stripes or something, it's pretty cool.


Btw..?? Steeler fan? I live in Cinti. :)




Yea I will give it a try.


I'm more of a hockey fan, football is fun but it doesn't determine my outcome in life as it does some people around here.  


The Steelers haven't had much trouble from "little brothers" across the state lines lately, but big brother in baltimore has been a little rough to handle.



“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” - Augustine


Current Build:


Artesania Latina San Francisco II 1:90 Scale


On the Shelf:


Model Shipways Armed Virginia Sloop 1:48 Scale

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