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Dear All,

A new House and a new project, Artesania Latina Fulgaro.

This was something that I got off "Trademe" Auction Site, (New Zealand's Ebay), a couple of years ago.

(I looked for this under the A/L catalogue but appears to have been discontinued.)

I am unsure if I have posted in the correct place but the Moderators can correct if not right.

As far as I can ascertain, these boats, "Gozo," are still used.


(Sanson will have to take a back seat for the mo.)


Two of the three Abyssinian "Helpers" got in the frame, but, as we all know, the Internet was made for cats.... (And Model Ships!!) 🙂


Hopefully, this will turn out o.k. as I intend to give this (When complete), to the owners of a Holiday Park in Opunake who were so accommodating giving us a Cabin to stay in before taking possession of the new House at an absolutely wonderful rate!!


The Ship Room is now more or less operational so its time to get Farah-Fawcett, and the Ship Plans, on the wall and do something constructive!!


Kit Contents:

  • Usual A/L laser cut wood and something that I haven't seen before in an A/L kit, pre-shaped Hull Strakes, (X6), which go directly beneath the Gunwales.
  • The remainder of the Planking is the usual Lime Strip Wood.
  • Mahogany for the Decking
  • Pre-Sewn Sails
  • Hardware

So, it will be an interesting "Smallish" Boat. (It looks like a Happy Boat!!)














Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson


Looks like an interesting little model. Will be good to watch you build it.

I personaly like AL kits, have a number of them in my stash. I know the quality of some of the kit can be a bit iffy, but they do look good When compleded.

Unfortunately they are now no more, great shame, although their kits are still freely available.


In Work: HMS Hood

Finished: -queen-mary-2

Finished: rms-titanic-1912

Finished: king-of-the-Mississippi

Finished: Sanson

1 hour ago, Paul Jarman said:

Looks like an interesting little model. Will be good to watch you build it.

I personaly like AL kits, have a number of them in my stash. I know the quality of some of the kit can be a bit iffy, but they do look good When compleded.

Unfortunately they are now no more, great shame, although their kits are still freely available.


Hi Paul,

I have seen some communications on this site, seems A/L are back!!

(In Spain, none the less....) 






Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson


Small update,

Assembled Keel/Frames, Planked Internal Decking and affixed in place.

Frame/Keel structure fixed in place utilizing False Deck cutouts to square everything up.

Mast Step stuff installed now rather than fiddling once the Deck is installed.


The Ramin strip-wood has deteriorated and the rest is very fragile, I guess the kit is rather old....

One saving grace, Ply/Wooden parts are Die-Cut, really nice, no char to sand off.


False Deck is to have a 0.5mm Mahogany covering, I'll do this tomorrow morning after the construction/glue, thus far, hardens.

A/L recommends Contact adhesive for this, I guess I'll give it a go.... 😀


Anyway, a couple of photos....







Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson

On 8/9/2020 at 9:29 PM, hof00 said:

A new House and a new project, Artesania Latina Fulgaro.

Hi Harry,


I glad I stumbled across your new build. This is a cool little boat and I've thought about buying it on eBay several times.


I've been stalled a bit on my Pen Duick with other home related projects and getting out for so long road rides on my bike. My son's coming for a visit too so it will be a while before I make any more progress.


By the way, what exactly is contact glue?



Bob Garcia

"Measure once, cuss twice!"


Current Builds: 

Hms Brig-Sloop Flirt 1782 - Vanguard Models

Pen Duick - Artesania Latina 1:28


Completed: Medway Longboat 1742 - Syren Ship Model Co. 

Member of the Nautical Research Guild





Hi Chap,

Contact adhesive: apply to one piece, apply to the other, wait until the glue dries off, bring the pieces together and they will hopefully bond.... 😀

I think the reason that A/L suggested this method is to ensure that the Mahogany Decking material and the False Deck didn't warp which might be the case with White Glue.


In hindsight, I should have listened to myself and used White Glue and used pressure/weights on the components until they dried off, it worked out o.k. in the end but I found more trouble than it was worth for this operation.


So, the Decking worked out in the end.

Frames/Bulkheads faired.

My next issue were the Gunwales.... A/L called for this to be attached before the Planking Strakes were put on. The problem is that the Gunwales only have an adhesive surface of 2.0mm to attach to around the perimeter of the Deck.

I soaked the Gunwales and gave them a bit of "Heat Treatment" to give them some shape.

Thinking about things this morning, I decided to install the first Planking Strake level with the underside of the Deck.

The theory is that I will have a bit more adhesive area/attachment points for the Gunwales.... (I'll let you know when the Strakes are dry.... 😀)


A couple of photos....








Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson


Small update....

I decided to install the first Hull Strake, not the A/L tapered ones that came with the kit, but a full 5.0mm width.

I have started to taper my own planks for the rest of the Beastie and the second one went on just fine.

The Gunwales will be fitted after the Hull is fully planked, the reasoning for this is that with the surface area so small to affix these, they would be prime candidates for breakage/re-attachment while the Hull is handled/planked.

That's the theory anyway.... 😀


I'll post some more photos in the coming couple of days.





Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson


Hi All,

Small update....


After Planking the Hull, HOF was a little "Over Zealous" with the filler sanding, the Hull was paper thin in places, not good, so what to do?

Sanding Sealer to harden the Planking, second cover, 0.5mm Ramin.


You can see scorch marks on the Hull caused by my Soldering Iron Planking attachment. These sand out o.k. but what is not completely removed will be covered with Spray Putty/Paint.


Die Cut parts removed from the frets and will continue on tomorrow.







Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson


Hi All,

Small update....

Affixed Gunwale Rails, there were issues with the length and width of these, length just shy of 3.0mm at the center join, filled with scrap Walnut.

Inside and outside of these, used some 0.5mm Walnut to make good.

Stand done, a bit "Kitsch" but will be o.k.

Stern Post was sanded back and affixed 1.5 Lime to get the profile correct.

Mast/Bowsprit/Yard/Oar Shafts cut to length. (Looking forward to getting the Oars assembled Blades shaped, decking finished, etc,etc.


So, that's about it for the mo..... 







Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson


Thanks Chap. 

Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson


Small update....

Oars assembled, (X6), Blades thinned.... These were a bit like Ice Block Sticks to begin with.

Oar Shafts were eventually assembled from 3 different pieces of Dowel, 3.0mm and 4.0mm diameter, pinned them together.

Tapered Mast, Yard and Bowsprit.


Hull given the Spray Putty treatment, fills the Grain and any otherwise imperceptible gaps/dents, sands beautifully with 400 Grit.

I'll maybe give it a very light coat today before Primer.


Once I'm satisfied with the Hull, I'll pin to the stand and mark the Waterline, etc.

(I have some ideas for the color scheme.)


Photos a little later today.





Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson










Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson


Cheers Ears!!

(That's an antipodean, (NZ), saying, no offence intended.... 🙂)


Yup, moving along, did the Primer thing, waiting for this to go off before 1000 Grit and 000 Steel Wool.

Top coats will follow.


(BTW the Spray Putty gave me an awesome finish on the Pen Duick Hull.)


I won't attach the Rudder/Hardware until the Hull painting is complete.


I am aiming for a good quality Model for the recipients.




Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson


Same Chap....




Primed the Hull, went over the Hull with 1000 Grit, not sure why, I guess I want things as perfect as possible....


Anyway, removed the Masking, Topsides, even the Tamiya Tape degrades after a couple of days.


Had a bash at mounting the Hull in it's stand to mark the W/L, not good so decided to turn the Hull upside down, levelled and marked, much better result. (It's not a Clipper, got to keep that in mind as well as the depth of the Hull.)


I guess that I'll be starting to Airbrush the Beastie tomorrow at some stage....


(The first attempt at an open Boat, interesting, but similar to other ship models.... (The only other open Boats that I have attempted are those of the Cutty Sark Lifeboats.))


First time for everything.... 🙂













Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson


Update of sorts....


Painted the Hull, Masking on the Port side removed some Vallejo Blue....

Unsure why this happened on one side only and low tack Tamiya tape, maybe the Hull wads too smooth? Not keyed enough?


Not 100% happy but scraped and sanded the offending paint away, only one side, so, not too bad.

I was thinking about Brush Painting but this, I think would be lazy.... Need to get the compressor out. (My Iawata Airbrush is not working due to the fact that I think the Siphon feed has crapped out, the bottle and cap have seen better days.)

I have a couple of different airbrushes so should be o.k.

(Paint tomorrow.....)


My Partner stitched the Lateen Sail onto the Yard and pressed the Sail material, nice result!!










Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson

8 hours ago, hof00 said:

Not 100% happy but scraped and sanded the offending paint away, only one side, so, not too bad.

I like the color combinations you are painting. It seems like every build has its difficulties no matter how easy or complex the build is. Good idea to redo the paint with an airbrush too.



Bob Garcia

"Measure once, cuss twice!"


Current Builds: 

Hms Brig-Sloop Flirt 1782 - Vanguard Models

Pen Duick - Artesania Latina 1:28


Completed: Medway Longboat 1742 - Syren Ship Model Co. 

Member of the Nautical Research Guild





Thanks Chap,

I decided to "Brush" paint.


A couple of reasons:


  • The Vallejo is quite forgiving and a nice Satin finish (After 3 reasonably light coats)
  • Any discrepancy will be on the "Off" viewing side ( I can't see any discrepancy and I'm pretty fussy.... 🙂)
  • I didn't want any more damage due to masking operations


The finish is pretty good, just a couple of touch-ups on the W/L

I'm reasonably happy and I'm sure the recipients won't notice....


I'll give the Hull a good 48 hours for the paint to harden properly, I can then fit the Rudder Hinges/Pintles.

In the interim, I can prep the Mast/Yard/Bowsprit and a few other details "Off" boat. 



Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson

10 hours ago, hof00 said:

I decided to "Brush" paint.

I did all my painting on my Medway Longboat by brush and it looks really good to my eye. The secret for me was painting many very thin coats of Vallejo Model Acrylic Paint. I must have put 15-20 coats on the caprails and benches but these were fairly small areas to cover. It's not as smooth as my airbrush can do but it still very good. 


10 hours ago, hof00 said:
  • Any discrepancy will be on the "Off" viewing side ( I can't see any discrepancy and I'm pretty fussy.... 🙂)
  • I didn't want any more damage due to masking operations

I'm currently grappling with a small "disaster" on the hull of my Pen Duick. I tried to adjust the caprail on the port side of the stern and the top plank pushed out a little and left a cracked line in the paint and it is noticeable if you hold the model up and look at it carefully. The plank is not going to come off; it's just bulged ever so slightly in 30 mm line. It looks like a crease. It won't be seen when the boat is in the display stand but it still bothers me. The problem is that I think any attempt by me to fix it would probably just make a big mess and then it would look really bad. I need to learn to put my "fussiness" aside also but it's hard for me to do that...right now I'm leaving it alone but it's hard since I had a "perfect" hull before I made that crease...



Bob Garcia

"Measure once, cuss twice!"


Current Builds: 

Hms Brig-Sloop Flirt 1782 - Vanguard Models

Pen Duick - Artesania Latina 1:28


Completed: Medway Longboat 1742 - Syren Ship Model Co. 

Member of the Nautical Research Guild





Small update:


I thought I was going to leave things alone for a few hours.... Couldn't resist....

So, fabricated the Bowsprit Stay and fitted, Fitted the Rudder Gudgeons/Pintles Rudder fitted and "Articulated."

(Bottom Rudder Hinge was 2.0mm to high but I'm not going to move it.... It is what it is.)


Buckets have Brass Handles fitted and Hoops painted black.

The "Harpoon,_" (Muntz Metal) fell apart while sanding, I'll fabricate another from Brass tomorrow.


The Hull is pretty much done, just a few minor touch-ups.


On to the Masting/Rigging.... (I'm flying a little blind but things should be o.k as long as I can work out where the Single/Double Blocks are located.


Photos tomorrow.




Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson


I'll need to make a new Mast.... The original broke about 30mm from the top. I had CA'd this and seems o.k. but discretion is the better part of valor...

Thole Pins are the only thing that need adding to the Hull, Blocks are "Stropped."


A couple of Photos....






Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson


Small Update....


Pretty much finished the Hull and Deck stuff.


  • Bundled and fixed Oars
  • Thole Pins
  • New Harpoon (Gunmetal Toothpick)
  • Rope Coils, Harpoon/Painter?
  • Blocks Stropped


Managed to break the Lateen Yard but fabricated a new one, new Mast....

So, hopefully, I'll be rigging tomorrow once my Lady re-stiches the Sail for me.... 🙂


Constructive criticism always Welcomed.







Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson


Hi All,

An update of sorts....


Mainsail in place, Rigging complete, sort of....


Fulgaro Trail Board name "Stickers" were so, so fragile, I had one shot and think I got away with the application.


Unsure if I'm 100% happy with the rudimentary Shrouds o.k. but OOB, Single Blocks. (I'll live with it, Not for me, I don't think the recipients will notice/care.)

So, flying pretty much blind with the Running Rigging, a fairly basic Rigging plan provided, the Box is helpful.

(Hopefully, it's a reasonable facsimile.)


Jib Sail is the task tomorrow, tidy up the loose ends/Touch-ups, Get fixed onto the stand, Plinth, (Rimu), Glass cabinet, presentation and I think I'm done!! 🙂









Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson


Hi All,



I'm going to call this "Finished."


Jib installed and Rigging tidied up.


My first "Boat" apart from very small Life Boats on the Cutty Sark.

An interesting build and pleased I got to construct before the kit got any older.

I should have used a few Double Blocks in places but "Cest La Vie...."

(Nice to have something squared away after such a long hiatus. (Life gets in the way.... 🙂)


Unsure what's next, I'm really tempted by the, Mamoli Flying Cloud, (I love Clippers), certainly an investment and commitment in time but also seeing Paul Jarmns's  start on his Sanson has got me thinking maybe to finish an unfinished project....


I'll put a couple more posts once the model is on a Plinth, Cabinet and Presentation soonish.













Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson

  • 2 weeks later...


Fulgaro is finally complete, Nice to give this to the recipients!!


Glas case, Rimu Base, am I happy with it? I guess so.

There are always aspects, in hindsight, that could have been better but never mind....


(HOF is the Chap with no hair....😀)







Completed Builds:


A/L Bluenose II

A/L Mare Nostrum

Sergal/Mantua Cutty Sark

A/L Pen Duick

A/L Fulgaro

Amati/Partworks 1/200 Bismarck

A/L Sanson

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