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NRG Half Hull Planking Project by Overworked724

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Well, I decided to invest in a side project developed by my ship club mate, Toni Levine (@tlevine).  Since my last post on my Syren build log, I've made more progress in some basic techniques of manipulating the planks.  Specifically, I received an old plank clamp which was the property of Steve Wheeler (we all miss you, Steve).  Hopefully that will take some of the plank trimming frustration away...so far it works great on a few trial planks.


In the interim - I've received the NRG tutorial kit.  Like others who adopted this side project, I wasn't really sure where to put this build log, so stuck it where others have - hope that's ok.  If this turns out, aside from gaining a bit more confidence, I plan to mount it as a wall hanging and make a present out of it...but have to wait and see the final result.


Pics to follow...:cheers:


Moving on! 


“Work like a Captain....Play like a Pirate!” — Every Ship Modeler...everywhere.

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18 minutes ago, Overworked724 said:

I plan to mount it as a wall hanging and make a present out of it

That’s my plan too!! I’m not good at multi tasking though so mine is boxed up for the moment. I’d like to finish it up so if I find a natural pause I may return to it.

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As with all new logs, here are the baby pics. 👶 


This is a side project focusing solely on planking technique, so will give me a valuable added tool to build some confidence, and when I need a break from the Syren. Besides...should be fun! 



Printed out the practicum. Already read it, and I know I’ll have some questions for Toni @tlevine when I get to those parts. Nicely written though and easy to follow for the most part. Stuck it in a spare binder because I’m anal retentive like every other modeler. 

Already had a 1/4” trifold foam presentation board I got from Walgreens. It fits the plans perfectly. Used 3M spray to adhere the plans and fixed the border of the plans with some Tamiya tape...just for giggles really. The folded flaps were also sprayed and glued down to make a sort of double layer foam board. 🤓

Let the fun begin...after reading a couple of the other builds for the tutorial kit, I’ll be interested to see if any of the frames seem to ‘bulge out’ asymmetrically. 

More to come.... 



“Work like a Captain....Play like a Pirate!” — Every Ship Modeler...everywhere.

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