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While looking through the online catalogs of various model makers, I fell upon 2 apparently upcoming new models by this Spanish manufacturer: the 70 gun Glorioso, and the 112 gun Principe de Asturias.  There are a few lovely pics on their site of quite a bit weathered or aged examples (which is in my opinion a premiere in a ship manufacturer's site).  No prices mentioned.  What is also interesting is that apparently they incorporate wooden decorations (also new for European kits!?)

Does anyone know more about these kits and their release date?


More info on https://www.disarmodel.com/23-nivel-5 



I saw a model from this manufacturer some years ago and it had the same problems as many other kits, out of scale parts.  Overall it was OK, but unless the new kits have improved it will need some bashing.  Plan on making your own belaying pins,  gun port rigols , and blocks.   The rope was oversized quite a bit for the shrouds and stays and the rope in general looked more like string than rope.   Again, hopefully they have improved on these new additions.    They appear to be more into making toys such as doll houses rather than ship models so I would be wary.  



The scale is quite good…

50+ inches is a big model.

The pictures are good but the quality and scale of the fittings will need to be good too.



"The only thing that stays the same is the constant state of change"


Completed Builds:

Occre HMS Terror - https://modelshipworld.com/gallery/album/2065-hms-terror-occre/

NRG Half Hull Project - https://modelshipworld.com/topic/23546-half-hull-project-by-lylek1-nrg/

1:130 1847 Harvey - https://modelshipworld.com/gallery/album/2125-1847-baltimore-clipper-harvey-1130-scale/

Scott Miller's Sea of Galilee Boat https://modelshipworld.com/topic/29007-sea-of-galilee-boat-by-se-miller-120-scale-lylek1/


In progress:

Artesania Latina HMS Bounty - https://modelshipworld.com/topic/26817-hms-bounty-by-lylek1-artesania-latina-148-scale/


Waiting for dry-dock space:

Model Shipways - USS Constitution

Master Korbel - Cannon Jolle 1801

A Scratch build -TBD

Posted (edited)

From Disar's photos, the kits look quite nice. And, if the cannons and deadeyes shown are any indication, the fittings look reasonable. But, these kits have been listed for quite some time.


I've talked to the owner of Ages of Sail, which is a Disar distributor, about getting them in stock, but I think they just haven't been available, and I'm not sure why.


Now that it's been brought up, I'll check with him again.



Edit: I found out the the kits are available. Ages of Sail has them on order and they're in transit now. Unfortunately, things being the way they are with Covid, shipping is delayed, and they're stuck in France. I'm guessing they were either sunk or captured by the British...



Edited by catopower

About the use of standard items, this may be the case here with at least some of them (the stanchions for example)  Also, their shrouds look a bit on the heavy side, but they still look nice.  One problem for sure will be the size of the models, but this will be on par with the 3 deckers by Artesania and Occre, I suppose.  I also guess Disar models can be bought online at Spanish shops like Guinea Hobbies, for instance...




I'm not sure I agree that the shrouds look heavy at all. Where they turn around the deadeyes, the thickness of the line seems a bit prominent, but that may be due to the design of the deadeyes. 


Actually, looking closely at the photos on the Disar site, the scale detail of these models look very good. The gratings, the cannons, the stanchions all look good. And, the detail in the stern carvings and gallery lights looks very good.


Main problem for me is just that I don't like the weathering effects. If I want a model to look like that, I just leave it out of a case for a few years 😉


I guess we won't really know until someone has some hands-on time with the kits. Being that I do some work for Ages of Sail, I'm very much looking forward to that myself.




I agree with the shroud thickness: maybe it's the depth of the groove that insufficient, and that is easy enough to remedy.  A little problem for me is that this model of stanchions has been seen on so many models, but that's a detail.  However they would look much better (on the stern) if they would follow the like of the rest of the parts instead of being perpendicular to the gallery.  And again, I see this rather as an easy challenge for the modeler to correct.


I have been a lifelong plastic modeler, where weathering is one of the standards of excellency, I guess.  In this case, it is obviously excessive, but the way they have managed to antique the models I find quite pleasing.  overall, I find these models absolutely beautiful, compare for instance to the bulky Santissima Trinidad, which is almost always represented with gloss finish and shining brass (which for me does not fit to a true model of a real ship, but rather to art woodworking): again a matter of choice.  But once again, I agree that this is too much.


I really look forward to seeing more pictures of the built ship, and of course, of a build log


Jean-Pierra... So, I cleared up with Roger, the owner of Ages of Sail. He's funny in that he sometimes just tells the manufacturer "send me a dozen of everything" without knowing what he's actually getting.


In this case, turns out that he did get a new Disar kit ordered, but it's the Hermione, not one of these big Spanish kits. These are STILL "coming soon" 🤨


But, now that we're discussing it, I'm really interested in what Disar is going to do. I want to take another look at the Santiago de Compostella, which is a Spanish galleon, and I think maybe the best looking kit they currently produce. 




Strange indeed: the Hermione never appeared on Disar's site.  But Artesania Latina does have an improved version of their Hermione kit.  I suppose it could be this kit he received !?

And I fully agree with you that the Santiago de Compostela by Disar is one of, if not THE most elegant Spanish galleon available in kit: you definitely should already have started your build log!😋


Posted (edited)

No, the Hermione is definitely a new Disar kit. Ages of Sail just got the shipment in. Disar also came out with a new stern paddlewheel river boat kit called the Marieville.


So far, I'm only getting early reports on the new Hermione kit. It is a 1/72 scale kit, as opposed to AL's weird 1/89-scale kit. The result is a model that's just over 36" long.


It looks very comparable to the AL kit, but the rigging appears to be more complete in regards to the sail handling lines, mostly bowlines and buntlines. Cannon barrels actually look like cannon barrels. Probably for many modelers, they will also appreciate the printed instructions, as opposed to AL's instructions on CD only.


Looking forward to seeing the kit in person. Sadly though, that means no Navio Glorioso or Principe de Asturias yet. Maybe this kit held up their development of those? 

Edited by catopower

Strange marketing: a website that announces 2 ghost ships, while another model comes unannounced on the market:  not the best way to increase sales, I'd say.  Maybe they send their Hermione as an appetizer?!

 But any new model (not a copy) appearing on the market should be seen as good news!

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