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Starboard side completed and all the deadeye lanyards have been glued down.


Time for ratlines.


Because it has been a few years since I had to "do" ratlines I decided that maybe a little practice was in order.


So I built a little "replica" of the SJ shroud configuration and tried a few "practice" ratlines using the polyester line referenced above. I used PowerPoint to create the ratline template and saved the file as I suspect the spacing will be very similar on other 1/64th scale models.


I did two rows but had to look at the drawing provided of how to tie a clove hitch at least ever time i had to tie one, sometimes more than once per.


Anyway I dabbed each junction with 60/40 PVA/H2O and it is drying now. Will trim the ends when it dries and see how it looks. Seems to be going okay with the poly line but the PVA needs to hold the knot or it is game over.






Current Builds -  HMS Sphinx 1775


Prior Builds:  HMS Winchelsea

                       USF Confederacy





It's amazing how much progress you've made in such a short time!


While "playing" with the polyester thread (line?) I noticed that it has some twist "built in (as does any thread made from twisting smaller fibers together). This twist made the line want to go in a direction different from what was desired on what seemed like many occasions. I worked out that a length on about 200mm was the "best" (for me) which is long enough to have plenty of "extra" line to grab a hold of but not so long as to get caught on everything around. So I cut several lengths and hung them mover the workbench edge to see if at least some of the twist would work itself out.


I am not sure things are any better but I feel better so that is what counts.


Anyway I am about half way up the starboard shrouds. I decided to use overhand knots as I know how to tie them without consulting the drawing every time and I think the leave less of a "bump" at the junction with the shroud.


I also am using thin CA to "fix" the knots as it is faster and it stiffens the thread which makes it easier to trim off the excess.


I probably should have consulted the drawing after I made my spacing template as I am going to have several more ratlines than is shown on the drawing. I guess I better redo the template if I intend on using it on Sphinx.








Current Builds -  HMS Sphinx 1775


Prior Builds:  HMS Winchelsea

                       USF Confederacy





Thanks Jacques - if you are retired and have nothing better to do (it is really hot here in Florida at the moment) then working on your ship model(s) is what you do.


I have done some research and a source on MSW quotes Lee's Masts and Rigging of English Warships (I have a copy coming from eBay) that ratlines were 1.5" circumference no matter the ship size. That would seem to stand the idiot test since the object of the ratlines is to get the sailors up and down the masts. And sailors are pretty much a common size there should be a "best" size for the things they step on to get up and down the mast no matter the size of the ship.

1.5" circumference works out to .477" (divide by pi if I remember my geometry correctly) which at 1/64th scale would be 0.0075" 0r 0.1898mm.


Assuming the above reference is correct (and I have no reason to doubt it) then using .008" line would be "okay" for an English warship like Sphinx. Maybe not so much for a small fishing boat like Saucy Jack.






Current Builds -  HMS Sphinx 1775


Prior Builds:  HMS Winchelsea

                       USF Confederacy





Starboard side ratlines complete.


Not the neatest job I every did and I think I might have gone with the .008 Syren line given the above info.


When I got to the top three or four rows, where the shrouds are very close together I put a drop of PVA/H20 on each shroud and coaxed a short length of the polyester across the shrouds in a more or less horizontal line. When the glue dried I put a drop of thin CA on the part sticking out on each side to (hopefully) stiffen the polyester and make cutting it off easier.


Seemed to work okay but on port side I am going to try "Tacky Glue" instead of the PVA/H2O for the upper ratlines. I may start at the top and see how far down it looks reasonable without an obvious "knot" at the junction.






Current Builds -  HMS Sphinx 1775


Prior Builds:  HMS Winchelsea

                       USF Confederacy





Saucy jack is almost done.


The clamps hanging down are holding some of the lines that have yet to be secured. Getting the line around the cleats and belaying pins is not that easy and manipulating to follow the examples on the drawings is impossible (for me). I am going to make up some coils of rope to hide the mess around the cleats/pins but that may take a bit of time as I have no experience creating them using 100% polyester line. I wonder jsut how much "extra" line they would have laying around on a commercial fishing boat - I would expect not what you would see on a man-of-war but...


I also have some paint touch-up to do but will wait until I have the lines secured.






Current Builds -  HMS Sphinx 1775


Prior Builds:  HMS Winchelsea

                       USF Confederacy





Hello cdrusn88 - fast build. Good to see another Saucy Jack being build.

Nice work. Look forward to the finish pictures.


HM Brig Supply - JoKita / Caldercraft 1:64

HMS Fly - Caldercraft 1:64

HMS Sherborne - Caldercraft 1:64

HM Brig Flirt - Vanguard 1:64

Saucy Jack - Vanguard 1:64




Thanks Dfell - here are some more pictures.


I am still "running around" securing the running rigging and adding some coils of line in places. I had to rebuild my line coil jigs because everything I have is too big.


Here is the main sheet tackle (with the tiller finally added).


I decided to show the boat stowed on deck so I built a little "cradle" and tied the boat to it. At the moment it is just sitting on deck (no glue) as I am not sure where it should go. I think it has to go aft as with the cradle it doesn't really fit along side the fish hatches.


I also decided to house the anchor and provide some rode on deck. I assume these boats did not carry a great deal of anchor rode as they probably only anchored in fairly shallow water - like to spend the night rather than go in with a bad catch.



Not the most seaman like securing of the lines but getting that polyester line to act the way you need it to is a challenge.







Current Builds -  HMS Sphinx 1775


Prior Builds:  HMS Winchelsea

                       USF Confederacy





Here is the bowsprit and associated rigging.



Mast head with jib halyards and throat and peak halyards.



(I twisted the upper throat block some to get it to line up better with the lower after i saw this picture)


The top mast with top sail yard.


And a view down the starboard side looking forward.


I have a few more rope coils to make and when I get them installed and do a little touch-up painting (and take the rest of the blue tape off) I will be ready to build the clear display stand and "put it on the shelf".






Current Builds -  HMS Sphinx 1775


Prior Builds:  HMS Winchelsea

                       USF Confederacy





Saucy Jack is headed for the display case.


I will denote this build log as "Finished" once I figure out how exactly to do that.


Here are a bunch more pictures.















Current Builds -  HMS Sphinx 1775


Prior Builds:  HMS Winchelsea

                       USF Confederacy





Thanks Jacques.


Makes me want to try another "small" Vanguard kit but I have Sphinx and Indefatigable "in the Que" so it may be sometime before I am able to work another "small" Vanguard.





Current Builds -  HMS Sphinx 1775


Prior Builds:  HMS Winchelsea

                       USF Confederacy




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