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I know a 95 year old gentleman in Germany who has made several display-models with fully feathered side-wheels soldered up from brass parts ... in 1:100 scale



panta rhei - Everything is in flux



M-et-M-72.jpg  Banner-AKHS-72.jpg  Banner-AAMM-72.jpg  ImagoOrbis-72.jpg

Your wheel looks great! Excellent detail and nice consistent construction.




WOW! I cannot believe anyone would willingly make a feathered side wheel.  I would love to have seen that in action! If you ever do attach it to an RC model, let me know.








In re the German gentleman, I am not certain if I am more amazed that he made several feathered sidewheels in brass, or that he did in in 1:100.  Incredible!




Thanks!  In our model boat club, we had one member a few years ago who used CAD and a laser cutter to do the wheels. Recently, another member drew and 3-D printed the entire sternwheel for the Delta Queen.  The 3-D is ridiculously detailed.  




That's incredible watch like workmanship, Eberhard. Really neat, thank you for sharing. 

Current Builds:  1870's Sternwheeler, Lula

                             Wood Hull Screw Frigate USS Tennessee

                             Decorative Carrack Warship Restoration, the Amelia


Completed: 1880s Floating Steam Donkey Pile Driver                       

                       Early Swift 1805 Model Restoration






I do not know how to even begin to describe how incredible that is!   Thank you for the two links, I encourage others to view the other photos. Small wonder Bavaria is headed off to a museum.



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