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Good afternoon, Glenn.  Very nice job with your cannon rigging. Your method seems to work well.  Best wishes with the rest of the build which I am anxious to see.



Gerry and David

Many thanks for your comments, will finish the rigging in my next session, it's been a long task, perhaps not my most favourite one but happy with the end result. I will be glad when I can finally move one to the quarter deck build.

Glenn (UK)

Posted (edited)

Finally completed the assembly and rigging of the 30 x 12 pounders, I'm so glad!


Now working on completing the upper gun deck fixings prior to instaltion of the quarterdeck, currently working on shaping the balusters.


As can be seen in the attached photos I have dry fitted the camber beams as I was checking the installation.







Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)

Posted (edited)

Finally completed work on the upper gun deck and I'm now ready to start work on fitting the quater deck.


To start the ball rolling in this post here is a couple of pictures of the finished upper gun deck. I do still have 4 x support pillars to glue to the companionway coamings, but I'm waiting until I have dry fitted the quarter deck to make sure they are trimmed to the correct height.





Pictures of the Elm Tree Pump Assembly and Mast Coat.



Completed companionway rigging



Camber beams ready for the quarterdeck.



Picture of the hull with cannons ready for action



In readiness for the quaterdeck installation I have assemblied the Skid Beam Assembly


Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)


Hi Glenn,

You are really cracking on with your build, I appreciate your constant updates. I am not too far behind you, a recent trip to see Victory herself and then on to Sweden & Italy meant a short hiatus in the build, but I'm moving along again now. I posted an update a couple of weeks ago and will soon do another. I am keeping a record of your build photos they are a good reference, thanks.


A suggestion! I am waiting on delivery of one of Alexey Domanoff's Rope Serving Machines for when I get to the rigging stage, a long way off I know but best to be prepared, if you intend to serve some of the lines as in the real ship it might be a good investment. Just a thought.





Hello Gary

Alexey Domanoff's Rope Serving Machine does look very good, I was looking to build my own serving machine, but having watched the video I may be tempted to buy one later in the year, or request one for an XMAS present.


Trust you enjoyed your visit to HMS Victory as much as I did.


My build time slowed down recently as I have been stripping and repainting all the internal doors in the house, 6 down, 7 to go.

Glenn (UK)


Hi Glenn, yes the visit to Victory was sheer magic, took lots of photos and still I have a thousand questions, just too much to take in.


I feel for you stripping and repainting all those doors. We had some minor flooding due to a severe storm about three years ago, new carpet in the lounge (reception) room, dining room and master bedroom, the whole front of the house needed repainting not to mention the drainage system I then had to install around the house and all with our Swedish friends due to arrive the next month. No pressure !!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Posted (edited)

Good morning MSW


Quarterdeck has now been installed. I checked the alignment of the mast installation and all looks good.



View to stern. As can been seen I discovered I had two quarterdecks in my kit.



View to bow



Close up of skid beam assembly installed.



Close up of skid beam and bitt pin assembly installed. As can be seen I had rigged 10 cannon which were visible through the skid beam opening, except I seemed to have offset the rigged cannons by one cannon; i.e. the last partially visible cannon nearest the stern is not rigged. I'm just a tad annoyed with myself for making such a simple error, but it will not affect the build.


Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)


Hello Glenn.

Your build is looking top notch.  You are doing a beautiful job and you even received a bonus, an extra quarter deck.  Do you think some poor bloke was short a quarter deck in his kit?  Have a great day.



Hi Jerry

Thanks for your very kind comments, if my turns out like yours I will be very happy.

I seem to recall Caldercraft  may have sent me the duplicate quarter deck when I had to redo the bulkheads at the start of my build.

Glenn (UK)


Hello Lawrence

Many thanks for your visit and very nice comments.


I think I will spend more time working on the boat as I really enjoy the wood working build aspect on the build

I seemed to get bogged down with the cannon build and rigging which took an age to complete.

Glenn (UK)


Minor setback on Sunday when I slipped my disc (again), thankfully after a couple of days rest I've been able to resume work on the Victory build, in small sessions.


Started planking the quarterdeck, I have been adding a caulking effect to the edges as each plank is fitted.





I have also used micro glaze on the quarterdeck screen assembly, which I have dry fitted.





Glenn (UK)


Hello Glenn..

Very sorry to hear that you have had a disc problem.  Believe me, I now what back problems are like.  Take the slipped disc as a warning and be careful.  You are moving along beautifully.  The deck looks real good with caulking that looks real.  Your Victory is really getting there and will be a top-notch model.


As I said before,  take care,




Hi Jerry

I have suffered with back problems for over 20 years. Many thanks for your kind comments, as always, I'm having a great time with the build at the moment.

Glenn (UK)


Work progressing on the quarterdeck planking.


I have completed the screen assembly which has been dry fitted to the deck.



I have dry fitted the inner bulwalk and fully assembly a cannon to check their positions.

I'm pleased with the caulking effect also.



You can see I used a small basla support on the screen assembly.



Glenn (UK)

  • 2 weeks later...

Finally completed the quarterdeck planking at the end of last week. I have been spending a bit of time planning the next build phase, and constructing some of the quarterdeck fittings. Here are some pictures of the work to date. I used a very thin nibbed felt tipped pen to add the caulking effect to each plank prior to fitting, I'm very pleased with the end result.


Here is a picture showing bow end.



A picture showing the view down to the upper gun deck



Here is a picture showing stern end, the screen assembly is only dry fitted, I do not plan to fit until later on.



Spot the difference in the next two pictures, the fittings shown are dry fitted.





Glenn (UK)




lol - all this hard work, and never to be seen again,

Its all part of Kev's journey, bit like going to the dark side, but with the lights on

All the best

Kevin :omg:



On the build table

HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Kevin - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Feb 2023


On hold

MHS Britannic by Kevin 

SD 14  - Marcle Models - 1/70 - March 2022 -  Bluebell - Flower Class - Revel - 1/72   

U552 German U Boat - Trumpeter -

1/48  Amerigo Vespucci     1/84 - Panart-   

HMS Enterprise  -CAF -  1/48     


Belle Poule 1834 by Kevin - OcCre - 1/90 - French frigate - started June 2024 - - 

Hercules by Kevin - OcCre - 1/50 - Tugboat - Finished - May 2024

Nectan-Mountfleet-models-steam-trawler-1/32 - Completed June 2020

HMS Victory - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1/72 - Finished 

 Dorade renamed Dora by Kevin - Amati - 1/20 - Completed March 2021 

Stage Coach 1848 - Artesania Latina - 1/10 -Finished 

Lady Eleanor by Kevin - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1/64 - Fifie fishing boat


Hi Glenn, Interesting to note you have removed the forecastle uprights, obviously intending to show Victory as she appears today, this is also the course that I intend to take. Yours is the first build I have seen to do this so I will follow closely.


I am currently involved in the never ending task of rigging the guns on the upper gun deck and I am fully rigging all of them, yes I need my head read, talk about making a rod for your own back. Oh well!




Posted (edited)

Hi Gary

Well done on doing a proper job rigging all the cannons!

I intend to fit the forecastle gun strips tonight.

Following a discussion with Shipyard Sid, he advised it was better to install once the forecastle uprights have been removed.

Others have done the same thing also.


Hello Jerry

many thanks, as always, for your kind comments


Hi Kevin

I agree there is a lot of work undertaken which is hidden from view, thanks for your very nice comment.

Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)


Greetings glen

Well done with gun ports, and now all the other work that will be visible. Just take your time and really enjoy it. Anyway there's no rush you are about a year ahead of schedule . Regards DAVID


I have had two very good sessions working on the boat yesterday and today so I'm happy to report that the hull planking is now complete. Also all gun ports, except last 3 aft upper gun ports are lined, which will the next job.





As can be seen I have fitted the snatch bocks to the front of the forecastle gun port strip



Cappings will be fitted to the gun port strips once the last three gun ports have been lined.



It's nice to get a professional opinion of the work in progress, 6 of the best, maybe a bit sad that I was watching Strictly Come Dancing whilst woring on the ship! To compensate I will be travelling to Manchester on Sunday to watch the ManU v Everton football match!




Glenn (UK)


Greetings Glenn

It's looking really good.. Well done with the final hull planking, it's excellent. And when you get the capping fitted you will see how much it really sets things off. I take it you will be fitting the beak head bulkhead after you add all the fittings. A good weeks work glenn, but surely you don't need to spoil it tomorrow, do you really need to go ?? DAVID

Posted (edited)

I have been building the quarterdeck sub assemblies from the forecastle gratings to the quarterdeck barricades.


Once I have completed building and painting the sub assemblies I will install.


I just need to attach the 3mm x 1mm strips to the gratings for the coaming so I can then drop the gratings in the openings which will be held in place by the coamings. I made a bit of a error initally using 4 x 2 mm strips for the coaming (thought it was 3mm x 2mm for some reason unbeknown to me) which made me think there was something wrong with the quaterdeck. Thankfully it was simple to recover the gratings. Thanks to Jerry and David for their help and advice.




Pictures of the sub assemblies work in progress




Close up of the ships bell tower. Not sure if I need to paint some of the top bit black (in the four corners).


Edited by Glennard

Glenn (UK)

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