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I thought this would be helpfull since there appears to be a number of new "plankers" posting questions


An easy way to mark planks for spiling.

  1. Apply dull finished scotch tape along the edge of the next plank.
  2. Mark the start and finish butt points as well as bulkhead locations on the tape.
  3. Trace the edge of the plank onto the tape with a pencil.
  4. Remove the tape and apply it to a wide plank to be spile cut, this gives you the flat pattern of the curve.
  5. Cut the plank along the marked edge.
  6. Apply your plank width tapering from the cut edge.
  7. Cut the plank to width and cut to legth for the butt joints or taper into the rabbet on the keel.
  8. Clean up and bevel the edges for a clean joint.
  9. Test fit and install using preferred bonding method.





Current Build: Authentic Hannah Kit Bash

Pending Continuation: Sea of Galilee Boat


Completed Build:  MS AVS

On Shelf: AL Independence, Blue Jacket Alfred


I use a french curve to draw the second edge after I trace the curve.

“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” - Augustine


Current Build:


Artesania Latina San Francisco II 1:90 Scale


On the Shelf:


Model Shipways Armed Virginia Sloop 1:48 Scale


Gee, another reason I do so love this site.  Thank you BareHook, for showing me, a simple yet effective way to spile my timbers....dang, I have a whole roll of tape just sitting there, and I was using it for all the wrong reasons. This is so much easier than trying to use tracing paper like I have been doing!


If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)



Excellent idea, thanks for posting.



In progress:
Medway Longboat 1742 - Syren Ship Model Company -1/2" scale

USS Constitution - Model Shipways - Scale 1:76

HMS Granado - CAF Model - 1:48

HMS Sphinx - Vanguard


Great tip! I have a roll of that dull tape that didn't look too good when wrapping Christmas presents. So this is it's proper use!!


Hi Robbyn! It's good to see another member from the seafaring state of Kansas!



Current build: AL Morgan's Whaleboat (1st build)


Kits in the ships locker: I cannot confirm nor deny that there may be a few kits in there...


The low-tack frosted Scotch brand tape works really well for this method.

Be sure to sign up for an epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series  http://trafalgar.tv


Buck, much further west of you. I am 30 miles east of the Colorado border and 20 miles south of the Nebraska border. I live out in the boonies in an old farmhouse between the tiny towns of Atwood and Ludell. So let's see you should have earned yourself  a snowday or two this week as well? KSN seemed to show the Wichita took the brunt of that snowstorm. We managed to pick up 10 inches or so out here. I teach in Colby, luckily they called off school so I did not have to make the 45 min drive in to work.


If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)



Barehook, ok I am going to show my ignorance here. I tried your technique....it worked soso. I came back here to see what I did wrong, and I realized you said to use a wide plank for the spile. My question is this...where do you get the wide planks? Did your kit include some of these or is this a scratch build? My kit does not have any wider planks provided for this technique.


If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)



Robbyn, you are seeing one of the reasons to convert to the dark side of scratch building (or at a minimum, aggressive kit-bashing).  Kits almost never include the material required for this approach.  We are lucky, however, to have vendors such as HobbyMill or the Lumberyard who can provide sheets of wood to replace the kit supplied materials.  Are you single or double planking?  If double planking, the thickness is typically 0.5-1.0 mm.  Sheet veneer could be used in that case and can be purchased from many sources.  When you purchase wood, be sure to get the right species.  The "walnut" provided in most kits is too brittle and the grain is too coarse.  Check out some of the scratch logs to see the species that are commonly used.  Swiss pear, pear, costello boxwood and pau marfin are all tight grained, easily worked with hand tools and are reasonably flexible. Regardless, considering your location, it is either a long drive or mail order.


Director Nautical Research Guild

Member Nautical Research and Model Society

Member Midwest Model Shipwrights

Member IPMS


Current Builds:     Utrecht-1742

Completed Builds: Longboat - 1:48 scale       HMS Atalanta-1775 - 1:48 scale       Half Hull Planking Project      Capstan Project     Swallow 1779 - 1:48 scale      Echo Cross Section   NRG Rigging Project 


Gallery:  Hannah - 1:36 scale.


Toni, I am double planking...ordered new strips of basswood for the first, and mahogany for the second. Had I realized how much spiling this bow required, and known in advance what exactly that meant I would have ordered my strips in varying widths as well.

Now that I know better I think it would make sense to have a supply of some strips onhand, before beginning another build.

Don't see myself converting to the dark side, no place, and no money for all the equipment that would be required...but I do see the benefit of kit bashing now, and foresee I will become heavily involved in that side of things :P


If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)




As stated above, you need to order some wider material. I was able to utilize some wider basswood in my AVS kit that was meant for the nibbing strake, as I replaced my Basswood deck planks with Holly from Hobbymill (highly recommended upgrade). I managed the 2nd layer .020 walnut by spiling a 1/4 wide plank as much as possible and doing some lateral bending combined with brute force and adhesive (holding the planks flat in place until adhesive fixture cures, using low tack masking tape and fingers). Next time I plan to order wider planks ahead of time.



Current Build: Authentic Hannah Kit Bash

Pending Continuation: Sea of Galilee Boat


Completed Build:  MS AVS

On Shelf: AL Independence, Blue Jacket Alfred


Robbyn, as you start to kitbash you will probably end up purchasing most of the power tools along the way.  The only things that I have bought specifically for scratch building are a scroll saw, a thickness sander and a spindle sander.  The first is necessary, the second is useful and the third is a luxury.  I also do most of my work on the kitchen table, storing everything in the garage or basement until needed.  Enjoy.


Director Nautical Research Guild

Member Nautical Research and Model Society

Member Midwest Model Shipwrights

Member IPMS


Current Builds:     Utrecht-1742

Completed Builds: Longboat - 1:48 scale       HMS Atalanta-1775 - 1:48 scale       Half Hull Planking Project      Capstan Project     Swallow 1779 - 1:48 scale      Echo Cross Section   NRG Rigging Project 


Gallery:  Hannah - 1:36 scale.


Toni, you make it sound so simple...but I am guessing it has to be harder than building from a kit. You are right about the tools though. It seems at least once a week I am running to the hardware store to pick up some sort of tool to make life easier.


If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)




Do you have a build log for your AVS?



“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” - Augustine


Current Build:


Artesania Latina San Francisco II 1:90 Scale


On the Shelf:


Model Shipways Armed Virginia Sloop 1:48 Scale



I just added a post with AVS tips and tricks that I could recall. The original was lost in the crash, but I reposted most of the photos. I also have a lot of build documentation I could email you.



Current Build: Authentic Hannah Kit Bash

Pending Continuation: Sea of Galilee Boat


Completed Build:  MS AVS

On Shelf: AL Independence, Blue Jacket Alfred

  • 1 month later...

Thanks so much, this is making my mamoli Royal Louis much easier!

Kits owned: Mamoli Royal Louis, Mamoli Friesland, Mamoli HMS Victory 1:90, Occre Santisima Trinidad, Constructo HMS Prince

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