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Hello, this is my first wooden ship model. I was going to build the MS Mayflower first but waiting for a replacement keel has already taken a couple weeks so I decided to just go ahead with this model instead. I have a few pictures but nothing step by step as I originally wasn't going to do a build log for my first model. After thinking about it for awhile I changed my mind as I think that if the going gets tough maybe some encouragement or valuable experience from others will keep me going. There is already a number of King builds on the go so I will spare you the pics of the box and it's contents.




After reading that the boiler room doesn't fit the first deck properly (already got some good advice from this site) I just cut the section of the deck out were the slot should have been and glued the cut out piece to the far side of the whole. The room now fits the slots and I still have the extra hole filled in for planking.














A couple pictures of my progress. I planked the sides first as I am unsure that there is enough walnut planking in the kit to finish the hull. If the sides are complete at least I can still continue on while I source some more strips which don't seem to be easy to come by in Canada. The side planking didn't go too badly, I'm not completely happy about the way the strips meet the keel at the bow.




My next step is to start planking the first deck. I have cut out a bunch of 50mm and 100mm strips for this task and drew out the lines on the deck using my vernier calipers. Does anyone know or recommend a drill bit size to simulate the planking nails for this particular model? 


Well that's all I have for now.



Hmm, seems I need to play around with adding pics some more. When I uploaded all the pictures and tried clicking on the "Add to post" nothing happened so I just dragged and dropped them into the text area but it seems all the uploaded pictures also automatically attached themselves to the bottom of the post.


If you look at the area under the post you are writing, the photos appear in small thumbnails after you click add to post. They will automatically appear in the post once you click add reply.


You can see how they will appear by clicking the preview post button.




Thank-you Russ. I saw the thumbnails under the post and they each had the option to "Add to post" which I assumed they wouldn't do so until I clicked on the "Add to post" spot on the picture. It seems that after I post I can then go back into the post and use the Edit key to start moving the photos around correctly. I just can't seem to do this until I go back into the post a second time as there is no Edit button the first time around.


nice dog like the pic  on to the boiler room what i did on mine was i add some wood to the boiler room to make it a bit bigger work for me but u have done works as well great job so far there lots of in for on msw for the kit  good on your build


It looks real good what you've done so far. There will be a few more adjustments needed to your KoM kit. Read ahead what other build logs say about how to solve many of the problems you might encounter.


I too, am having problems with posting photos within the text. In my last few posts they have ended up as attachments. I am currently using Internet Explorer ver. 11 which may be the problem. Older versions I think work better.


Keep up the good work and great postings.




Thanks Rick. I have read a few of the build logs and I am actually tagged to yours as well! The KoM has a few issues but it doesn't sound like anything that cannot be overcome fairly easily. I suppose every kit has some sort glitch in it. As far as pictures go I re-logged on to the site using Firefox and everything worked fine and was exactly the same as the tutorial pinned in this site about adding photos. It was the same for adding my build log to my signature, didn't work properly using IE but no issues using Firefox.


nice dog like the pic  on to the boiler room what i did on mine was i add some wood to the boiler room to make it a bit bigger work for me but u have done works as well great job so far there lots of in for on msw for the kit  good on your build

Thx, I read your build log on the KoM and saw that you extended the boiler room. It was a toss up between doing the same as you or sliding over the slot. The husky is a year old now but is still mischievious.


Well I haven't accomplished very much since my last post. Two young girls and work keeps me pretty busy. Anyway, I got half of the first deck planked and I'm hoping to have the rest done this week-end. I will still have to add the simulated floor nails. I'm not sure yet about how I'm going to do this but I'll glue a couple practice planks on some scrap wood and see what I can come up with.




Looks like we're going to be setting some record low temperatures this week-end so it's a good time to stay indoors and do some modeling anyway!


vary nice on the deck planking   nice and clean keep up the great work


vary nice on the deck planking   nice and clean keep up the great work

Thank-you, I did learn one thing on the first of the planking. Those 5mm wide strips vary a bit in width and I should have kept all of the pieces I chopped from each full length plank together. It would have saved me a bit of filing on some strips already glued to the deck and trying to match the same width strips later.


rember just to take your time on  that kit make sure that u read the book some things dont fit to well ok 


Finally got the hull planked and sanded down. I'm still debating about the tree nails on the deck and trying to decide what would be the best method to use if I go this route. Also glued the deck to the hull.






There wasn't even a single strip of the walnut planking left over in the kit. One of the strips was a very light walnut color but I guess it adds character.








This is all that was left for walnut planking, just some end cuts. A few extra planks in the kit would have been nice in case even a single strip got messed up. I was hoping to plank the underside of the deck but unless I get ahold of more strips I guess it'll just be unfinished as per the instructions.




The brass nails for the hull look pretty unrealistic left as is. I may just tap them in part ways and cut the heads off. The only other thing I want to do is a add a little walnut wood putty to the spot were the two keel pieces join so it looks like it is one piece.


hello  the deck looks great u going to clear it or oil it befor u go to the next stage


hello  the deck looks great u going to clear it or oil it befor u go to the next stage

I will be using a clear coat on it as soon as I make up my mind on the tree nails and hull nails. I have some stuff somewhere around the house that I use on my scroll saw pieces, I like it because I can put it on white wood such as aspen and it won't yellow the wood at all. In the mean time I'm going to start on the first level rooms.


Cutting off the heads of the brass nails to use on the hull is a good idea. I clipped the heads off before installing them. I did drill a hole slightly smaller than the diameter of the nail shaft and filed the cut end flat before driving them in flush.


I actually save the nail heads and glued them on the back side of the paddlewheel castings. After painting they look like nuts to the bolt heads that are molding on the other side. A little extra detail on the signature assembly of this kit.



  • 3 weeks later...

Life has been busy for me of late so I haven't had much time to work on the KoM. I got some trim work done and assembled the next set of rooms for the main deck. I have to panel the walls and then start planking the second deck which doesn't quite match up to the wall tabs without a bit of force. I'll adjust one of the slots before planking so that the rear of the second deck is directly above the first deck. Hard to tell by the plans but I think this is how it should fit.










That's all for now, folks!


That's a real nice model your building there I'v had that same model for years that I never really got to so this winter I decided to get working on it I'm not that good at building this type of model and found the hardest part was all those post on the deck please see my results Thanks Garth P/S still need to add the boarding planks  



Thanks Garth! Your model looks great. I read that AL did a few changes to the most recent version and I was curious what the previous KoM looked like. I like the looks of it and I don't think you're giving yourself enough credit on a job well done! Did you have any issues with some of the prefab parts not lining up?


My river boat is quite old I had it in the basement for about 20 years I started to build it then got into R/C models around 1990 built the Sequin ( Midwest wood Kit ) The prefab parts where fairly basic and I had no issues with them Yours is looking great also I'll check back every so often on your progress please don't do what I did put it away for 20 years keep at it Good Luck Garth P.

Posted (edited)

Several of the builders of the KoM on the Model Ship World site reported problems with the laser cut slots on the decks. Check the build logs of John46 and Adriecke and Dragzz.


Dry fitting the rooms together and then dry fit them to the main deck shows them to be about a half of slot off. Test fit the second deck onto this assemble to be sure which slot is off.


I ran into another set of slots that did not fit on the third deck. The test for that is if the smoke stacks did not line up right as well as forming a vertical line between the decks on the rear of the boat.


Good luck with the rest of your build.



Edited by Rick
  • 2 months later...

Nice work!  This was my second build and so want to do it over.  I especially like the modifications AL has made to the kit.




Current: Sergal Sovereign of the Seas

Previous builds:  AL Swift, AL King of the Mississippi, Mamoli Roter Lowe, Amati Chinese Junk, Caesar, Mamoli USS Constitution, Mantua HMS Victory, Panart San Felipe, Mantua Sergal Soleil Royal

  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

New member here. St. Louis area. Just started the KoM yesterday, and I find the logs here incredibly helpful. I'm new to the hobby.... I built a Billings Bluenose years ago, but it got badly damaged in my move from Nova Scotia. I stripped it down to the deck and remasted and re-rigged her. I recently completed the AL 'HMS Bounty Jolly Boat' with reasonable success. I will admit I find AL's instructions to be a little cryptic at times. I look forward to building with the assistance of the logs here. I don't think I'll post a build log of my own, since I'm a newbie and it would probably be a catalog of things to not do!


New member here. St. Louis area. Just started the KoM yesterday, and I find the logs here incredibly helpful. I'm new to the hobby.... I built a Billings Bluenose years ago, but it got badly damaged in my move from Nova Scotia. I stripped it down to the deck and remasted and re-rigged her. I recently completed the AL 'HMS Bounty Jolly Boat' with reasonable success. I will admit I find AL's instructions to be a little cryptic at times. I look forward to building with the assistance of the logs here. I don't think I'll post a build log of my own, since I'm a newbie and it would probably be a catalog of things to not do!

  • 3 months later...

Well it's been awhile since I've done any work to my KOM. I went back to plastic models for a bit as things at work and home were just getting too hectic for a long term build. I happened  to run out of primer for a 1/32 Tamiya Corsair I'm in the process of building so it gave me the perfect chance to finish off the engine room on the King and start planking the second level deck. I had some fine mesh from another model that I used for the windows. I  tried painting them black but decided I liked the white better so went with that. I'm going to continue on with the paddle wheeler so hopefully I'll be more active on here from now on.



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