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James H

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About James H

  • Birthday 02/26/1970

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Anderton, Lancashire, UK
  • Interests
    Foreign food, travel in general, modelling in timber and plastics, photography and guitar playing.

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  1. Those inner walls look great in that colour. As for that metalwork on the carronades, I think I've probably even fitted them a different way on other models I've built!
  2. Just a reminder that the video instructions for this are continually being uploaded to Artesania's YouTube playlist. They are currently at video #42. Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6VAfr_M2jg&list=PLSWjc49gHdjlmgxz-loTM9MorsDryYgHO
  3. There's Sphinx too. https://vanguardmodels.co.uk/product/hms-sphinx-1775/
  4. There you go: https://vanguardmodels.co.uk/product/hms-indefatigable-1794/ There's a build log in my signature, and other build logs here on MSW.
  5. I'm not generally a fan of video. I used some in the engine builds as that's the only way you can gauge the result. For static models, not so much.
  6. I used that stuff all the time when I was building flying models. You needed good, er, ventilation.
  7. On the prototype, this was done as with the other ships. The was sanded flush to the lime, then the second layer sits atop that.
  8. Hello James. I am new to posting a build log. I am having a hard time responding to comments because I am not getting the "reply to this topic" option at the bottom of the message.  A fellow member, Paul, sent me a screen shot of what I should see. Is there a way I can have this optiuon to reply? Thanks for  what you do. PatrickIMG_4441.thumb.jpeg.dfdd5dbe7aa270aa4ed70a1d7e2e757b.jpeg

  9. Ok, this is now fixed. For some reason, the option to allow all file types, was set to 'none'. This isn't something that's been tinkered with, nor has there been any update, so it remains a mystery.
  10. Chaps, the password info is very good advice, but please can we keep this one on topic as it's extremely important.
  11. Yes, sometime in the not to distant future. I can't say when as I don't know the date of the final release of V5. This topic is merely a heads up that it will happen, given with plenty of notice.
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