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Blue Ensign

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    Blue Ensign got a reaction from hamilton in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    Love that first pic hamilton, the sweeps look excellent for scale, and overall you have produced a model with great visual appeal. I think it bears restating that this is a 1:100 scale model of a small ship into which you have packed so much detail.
    I've enjoyed your log and look forward to the next.
  2. Like
    Blue Ensign got a reaction from MEDDO in Halifax 1768 by MEDDO - FINISHED - Lauck Street Shipyard - 1/4" scale   
    Just enjoyed reading thro' your log Michael, a very nice build in progress.
  3. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to MEDDO in Halifax 1768 by MEDDO - FINISHED - Lauck Street Shipyard - 1/4" scale   
    Thanks Patrick.  I always have a bit of trouble with planking because no matter how careful I am, it always seems to stair step a bit on me.  But I guess that is what sand paper is for eh?

    Will try to get some of the sanding done tonight.
  4. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to MEDDO in Halifax 1768 by MEDDO - FINISHED - Lauck Street Shipyard - 1/4" scale   
    So baby steps.  Getting some time in and was able to place the stern side window.
    I planked a bit of the stern first.

    then measured for the window



    and i guess it doesn't look too bad

  5. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to MEDDO in Halifax 1768 by MEDDO - FINISHED - Lauck Street Shipyard - 1/4" scale   
    The next step was a hard one.  Adding the wales.  I found out that I did not leave a large enough rabbit at the bow to put the end of the wale plank into.  I had to carve out a small notch to be able to get the wale in place.

    With a bit of soaking in water and then steaming in my kettle I was able to form the bend of the wale.

    So I think I found the "wall side" and the "room side" of the model.  

    Not a bad first attempt.

  6. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to MEDDO in Halifax 1768 by MEDDO - FINISHED - Lauck Street Shipyard - 1/4" scale   
    I was able to shape and clean up the transoms some last night. I was also able to add the wing transoms.

    I started to shape the wings.  I of course forgot my prior lesson and broke one off while shaping resulting in me having to replace it.  Haha.  Now I have spacers in there while shaping.

    Learning every day...
  7. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to MEDDO in Halifax 1768 by MEDDO - FINISHED - Lauck Street Shipyard - 1/4" scale   
    Roughing in the transom.



  8. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to MEDDO in Halifax 1768 by MEDDO - FINISHED - Lauck Street Shipyard - 1/4" scale   
    I think may be done with the fairing for now.  Just a bit left (cleaning up the tip of the frames like the pointy one in the second picture).Will be getting on the stern framing tonight.

  9. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to MEDDO in Halifax 1768 by MEDDO - FINISHED - Lauck Street Shipyard - 1/4" scale   
    So the fairing is going slowly.  Ever so slowly.  Think I am about 1/2 done now.  At least it is starting to shape up.  I am using a piece of scrap planking to see/fit the frames.  Maybe in another week or two...haha Meanwhile the next step will be to frame out the transom. 


  10. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to MEDDO in Halifax 1768 by MEDDO - FINISHED - Lauck Street Shipyard - 1/4" scale   
    Whoa, this fairing thing is taking a while.  At least it's getting there.

  11. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to Modeler12 in USS Constitution by Modeler12 - FINISHED - Model Shipways   
    Thanks Steve. Here is another picture of the gig hanging from its tackles and the slings (or gripes) to hold it close to the stern and prevent it from swinging in the breeze.

  12. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to Lukasvdb in Le Superbe by Lukasvdb - Heller - 1/150 - PLASTIC - First ship of the line ever built   
    Some progress Some detailing of the forecastle, not finished, still needs touching up, a lot
    The cheeks are also installed and I like it! I had to cut out the hole for the gammoning as this was not aligned but it all worked out pretty good! I like it At last some visual progress

  13. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to RMC in HMS Vanguard by RMC - FINISHED - Amati/Victory Models - scale 1:72   
    The bits and pieces that decorate the bow are proving to be quite demanding. Bevelling the cheeks was very time-consuming and fiddly.




    Once the top cheeks were attached it was then easy to glue the hause hole patterns and the lower short decorative strip (which must be parallel to the middle headrail - the tape that can be seen is there to mark consistent slopes  for the cheeks on both sides).  Then things got interesting. With the lower cheeks sloping upwards at the same angle as the lower decorative strip, getting a nice close fit of the lower cheek and the hause hole pattern  required the hause hole pattern to be bevelled as well - on the model.  This was not good for my nerves. 
    Fortunately things turned out acceptably, though I have to repaint the lower cheeks which will take the best part of 3 or 4 days before I can attach them.



    I have also been working on the masts and have finally got around to the the bowsprit and jib boom.  The following pictures show the bow sprit.  The cap is dry-fitted - getting the correct angle of the holes is a bit of a pain.  I found using a small conical abrasive attachment for my ersatz dremel worked better than trying to use a drill.



  14. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to *Hans* in Batavia by *Hans* - FINISHED   
    Another nice photo I'd forgotten to post.

  15. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to Timmo in HM Bomb Vessel Granado 1756 by Timmo - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale 1:64   
    Minor progress with the chain plates pinned in place. A mast was put in place and some rigging line tied off to give the run of the chainplates.
    I pulled my old Sherbourne out recently to contribute to a display of my dad's woodwork and boats and noticed I must have fixed the chainplates as per the plans rather than following the rigging line. It's only noticeable on the Sherbourne now I know what to look for but I'm keen to avoid that mistake with Granado.

    The fleet takes in the last of the autumn sunshine together.

  16. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to Revier in Jupiter 1768 by Revier - Scale 1:72 - POB - 18-gun frigate   
    Thank you Dida, i am still working...
    A couple of months later i can show you new results. Small steps, but steps...

    Inside the great cabin is now only darkness and the light comes only trough the windows.

    Poopdeck is glued, ladders to Upperdeck are in position and ready for use. And the reeling on the balcony is fixed. Now i am showing street ahead, new horizons to reach.

    Best regards!
  17. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to amateur in Jupiter 1768 by Revier - Scale 1:72 - POB - 18-gun frigate   
    I like those pics along the hull.
    Make her beautifull lines show
  18. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to Revier in Jupiter 1768 by Revier - Scale 1:72 - POB - 18-gun frigate   
    Hello shipmates!
    Great cabin is ready to use. Ladder to poopdeck also. I must rebuilt some doors and walls of the small cabins, because i made a mistake. Doors under ladder- that doesnt work!

    I rebuilt the ladder with some stripes of veneer, glued first and last step together and fix on deck to become the rigth form. You will see the difference!

    The great cabin becomes more comfort (canapees are made from maple veneer (some stripes fixed together and use the DREMEL eraser) and some Officers and the Captain. The "Samt" is made from waste of plastic amd floor) And after glueing poopdeck, all is gone in the dark...

    Best regards!
  19. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to Revier in Jupiter 1768 by Revier - Scale 1:72 - POB - 18-gun frigate   
    Thank you so much, Ed and Mark, i am happy to "entertain" you.

    I show you the other side of the decks-house.
    I do a little work on the wall of the great cabin.

    This will also work on a small vignette...

    Maple, walnut veneer and a steward, light modified on the left arm.

    Only furniture is missed, coming soon. Unfortunately, above is the poop-deck, you will only now see into the cabin. Later, you will see contour and shadows...
    Best regards!
  20. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to Ray in HMS Diana 1794 by Ray - FINISHED - Caldercraft - A 38 gun Heavy Frigate   
    Mainly a photo update of the quarter deck. The skylight, mizzen timber bitt, ships wheel, main grating with the capstan platform and hatch and ladder have now all been made up and added.
    Skylight and mizzen bitt



    Ships Wheel

    Quarter deck so far

  21. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Photo Update Time Folks.. I know I know I do spoil ye all..  
    Deck Planking is going grand, am thinking about putting a Beech row down either side of the hatches (it will intersect the Companionway though.. the sideways 'hole'.. but that should be ok)
    The Margin planks are not yet fixed in place as I may follow Jims method which allows the nibbling/joggling to be done 'off' the boat, also if I make a pigs ear of anything it will be easier to replace..   that said the Port/Stbd stern 'margins' are fixed down as they are the base for the deck planking!
    I understand that 'full' un-butted planks are used between Hatches etc .. that is to say where a 'full' plank would fit, I appear to have done this between the Stern and the Aft most Hatch which I would imagine is incorrect, it will be easy to fix though !
    As usual folks if ye have any thoughts suggestions please do shout them out.
    Sail 'er Easy
    Incidentally those are the Paper Templates I'm using for the Shift Pattern (more-so the one on the Right, the left is showing the Hatch Mast Holes, and is only a rough)

  22. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to KenW in Frigate Essex by Rafine - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Kitbashed   
    My two cents:  First the work is outstanding as we are accustomed to here. 
    As far as the gun rigging, (and we need some input here from someone who really knows) is that during action the in haul tackle is used to haul the gun in and secure it while it is being loaded.  Recoil may not bring the gun all the way into loading position.  Once it is loaded, the out haul pulls the gun into position ready for aiming and firing. 
    I also agree that the in haul tackle would be stowed when not in use since it stretches across the deck and is a hazard.
  23. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to rafine in Frigate Essex by Rafine - FINISHED - Model Shipways - Kitbashed   
    Four more guns made up, mounted and rigged -- only four more to go on the gun deck. I can't imagine doing this on a 74. As usual, I added the deck ringbolts. I also ran the anchor cables into the open hatch and added a piece of grating in an open position. Lastly, I tied off the fore lower sheets to their bulwark cleats since they will be unreachable when the deck framing goes on.

  24. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to clloyd in HMS Snake by Beef Wellington - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale 1: 64 - First wooden ship build   
    Hi Jason,
    looking good.
    in response to your questions:
    1: if a knot is out of the question then seizing is the way to go.  If you are unsure about the strength, then two tricks I use are to pass the seizing through the line with a needle first - essentially sewing the line together before wrapping it tight, then flood the sieze with diluted white glue.  Just out of interest which block to which deadeye?
    2: though shalt not use dowels for masting     This will also go to something I wanted to say about your yard.  My experience is that CC tends to over dimension their masts and yards - probably to protect against people breaking things too much.  When I look at the yard my eye screams that it needs more taper.  You've done so much in the rest of the build that I wanted to encourage you to look at the dimensions in steel and compare.  (my mainyard starts at 6.5mm and tapers to about 2.4mm)
    3: if you want to specify which stays I can double check in Lees.  Peterson doesn't neccessarily cover all ship types.
  25. Like
    Blue Ensign reacted to Beef Wellington in HMS Snake by Beef Wellington - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale 1: 64 - First wooden ship build   
    Although topmasts are pretty much ready to go on, the jeers have been nagging at me.  These seem to be pretty awkward to get in, especially once the topmast shrouds are in place so I've decided to install these before the proceeding further.  Getting the right length required quite bit of trial and error.  As always, suggestions welcome.  For some reason photos came out particularly badly tonight, so apologies in advance.
    Block double stopped and kept in place with few drops of GS-Hypo.

    Loop added to provide correct 'length', the three stands then seized near the top of the block.

    Loose ends trimmed, and additional seizing put on.  I did this in accordance with the Grenado AOTS diagram (i.e. unserved), although it seems that these were also commonly served.  Frankly I didn't have the patience to attempt that...but suspect that the method could work just the same.

    Mocked up the installation to check again length is appropriate.  There is not much room for error here, and it took multiple attempts to get length correct.  Looks OK to me.

    Jeers will be lashed to the mast cleat on opposite side, this again is just a temporary mock up to prove it works.

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