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Everything posted by SawdustDave

  1. Thanks for the flattering words Vic and Tom. Mark...and Paul.... I had not considered opening a log in another section. In fact, was unaware of such a section. Will definitely look into it. Cheers All
  2. Rather than hijack your wonderful build log, I just posted to my Connie log. Spect you're in for a little surprise..... Cheers
  3. MEANWHILE..... MY NEW FUN PROJECT.... Since I still have a passion for working in my shop, I decided to take a shot at a major carving project. Note: My first car ever was a 1951 XK 120 Jaguar roadster I was able to completely restore to mint condition. In the world of automobiles, I still consider it to be the ultimate in sports car classics. So beginning with a block of choice popler (2.5" X 7") I am attempting to create a 1/24 scale model of that little beauty. I only wish I could, somehow, reproduce the amazing sound of the in-line six revved to the red line. I removed the progress pics and started a new log in the "Shore Leave" section as recommended by members. See ya there Since this is a ship modelers venue, I will not bore you mates with more of this project in the future. Please wish me luck.
  4. SHIP MODELERS BURNOUT.... How many of you have experienced it? In my case, following four other major ship builds, non-stop, (all scratch builds), and now with over 2,500 hours into my fifth, and most important build, I find that I am experiencing complete modelers burnout. I have decided it's time to step away for a long break, before proceeding any further along with the critical stage of rigging the spars for this USS Constitution. For me, when I reach this stage, it's a matter of getting plain sloppy in my work. Daily mistakes, getting in a hurry, poor measurements, rip-outs and reworks..... So, amid the process of creating her lower spars, I've removed the Connie from my work bench for now. Here is a shot of work in progress on the six lower spars....
  5. Still here as well Tom. Taking a “burn out” break in the process of building spars. I just needed to step away for a while. So I started a new fun project.... not a ship. Cheers
  6. Of all the extremely fine modelers I have had the pleasure of learning from over many years visiting MSW, I think EdT would be among the LAST artist I would choose to challenge. Hope Bob gets the clear message. Cheers
  7. Hi Ken....What size Jackstay eyebolts did you order from ME?
    Looks like the eye holes are round.

  8. The question raised my curiosity, so I did a rough estimation, for the fifteen tall ships I've done (includes two restorations)..... over 30,000 clove hitch knots! That is quite enough, thank you. Not saying I will give up modeling Tom. Just that my next project will be something that does not include masts with shrouds and ratlines. You can take that to the bank.
  9. SPECIAL EVENT CELEBRATION..... This photo has a very special meaning for me personally. As I have said in an earlier comment, this model of the USS Constitution will be my last major tall ship. With that in mind, and knowing just how much I struggle with tying ratline clove hitch knots, this posting is to celebrate the last ratline clove hitch of my life. Midway down the Mizzen topmast shrouds (port side).
  10. Beautiful build Vic. You should be very proud to have one of the few fully rigged Confederacy models in the world. Congratulations my friend. Dave
  11. Nice work Jon. This development stage seems to take forever, huh? Be patient my friend. You’ll be tying rat lines before you know it. 🤣
  12. Thanks Tom. We are lucky to have our home located in a “high ground” part of our sadly devastated home town. Bowsprit rigging.... still quite a bit to do there, as you know, before moving on to the mast spars.
  13. Jon.... I cannot find any specs on thickness for their products. Here’s a link that will allow you to browse.... https://theanglersconnection.com/ Since Woodstock is the manufacturer, they do not sell to individuals. I generally find it on Amazon because I can’t find it in local fishing tackle shops in this area. Anyone with ice fishing in their area may find it in local fishing tackle shops. Cheers
  14. Been wondering when someone would inquire regarding the beautiful black line I have been using for years. Jon.... I have three different gages of braided nylon casting line manufactured by Woodstock. The heavy line used for shrouds and mast preventor stays is 50 lb test. The line used for ratlines is 2 lb test made by Hercules..... label says it is 0.2mm Then I have a number of different sizes of Chuck’s rope that will be used as I move into spar rigging on the three masts. Cheers all PS.... Just heard POTUS may be visiting my flooded town today. I can hear numerous large choppers flying around the area right now.
  15. BOWSPRIT RIGGING.... Just a few shots of the rigged bowsprit. All of the fellow Connie builders know, without my word, the difficulty of this area. Happy to have the first spar now hanging securely beneath her bowsprit. OOPS! Just noticed I have not added the foot ropes beneath the flying jibboom. Easy enough to take care of at this point.
  16. Thanks guys. Very fortunate for sure. As for bowsprit rigging, let me say, hats off to any of you Connie builders who managed to fight through the directions and drawings I’ve seen. This is, by far, the most complex bowsprit rigging I have ever tackled. I do miss working from Chuck’s instructions and graphics. My suggestion to any modeler looking for a great kit to build.... don’t even think about anything not designed by Master Passaro.... Confederacy, Syren, Mayflower, Longboat, and eventually his Winney.
  17. Just a quick comment on the storm. Thankfully, our home in Lumberton remains high and dry and no wind damage. Unfortunately, not the case for thousands of our neighbors living in low areas near the Lumber River. Had power for most of the time.... actually managed to make progress in the shipyard. Spent the morning rigging the bowsprit spar.
  18. “Batten down the hatches!” Sort of takes on a whole new meaning, huh? Cheers
  19. Rigging the bowsprit with 60 mph winds howling outside my shop.... makes it pretty interesting, to say the least. Not sure how long we will continue to have power today, but quite sure it will go down as this storm moves through at a turtle pace. Flooding is our biggest concern. Thoughts and Prayers much needed and appreciated.
  20. Boy do I know the sinking feeling after almost losing my Confederacy when the cargo box blew out the back of my truck returning from a show in Columbia, SC a couple of years ago. Much more damage, but very lucky I didn’t build a bottom to the cargo box. Took a couple of weeks to repair.
  21. Ken.... Was it John Wayne who said “Getting old ain’t for sissies.” Comforting to know there are friends like you and Tom.... if it gets too tough, I can pack her up and ship it to one of you guys to finish. Yahahaha. Dave
  22. Thanks Tom. I think I’ve been a very lucky man health wise, considering the physical abuse I’ve imposed on my body. I guess a little bit of arthritis in the shoulders is to be expected at age 75. Actually began to notice the discomfort during the SOS rigging. Wrapped up the rat lines for the lower fore mast this morning. Will work on more of the standing rigging this evening. Thanks for dropping in. Dave
  23. Now you tell me! Yahahaha After rigging the four lines at the main mast, I began plotting how I would attack the fore mast rigging and decided on exactly the approach you described here Jon. Seems like there are only two similar rigging to deal with there. Thanks for the visit.
  24. PROGRESS..... Almost a month since last update, I figured it was about time of offer evidence that I'm still moving forward.... albeit very slowly. A minor development in my "physical wellness" seems to be hampering my progress. Having to do with age and years of abuse, but I've noticed that the ability to hold my arms in position required for rigging is now limited to 20 or 30 minutes per work session. MRI pictures have confirmed that Mr. Arthur Ritus is giving me a fit throughout the shoulder blades. So here's a couple of shots and a quick thumbnail summary.... Just beginning the starboard foremast lower ratlines.... noting the grid pattern firmly secured by tacking the 10th, 20th, and 30th course to prevent the outer shrouds from "inward creeping". This will complete all of the lower shrouds and ratlines for all three masts. Also noting that I have installed preventer lines from the Mizzen and Main masts to assure the rake of the masts are well secured. Note.... I ran into a real challenge with the rigging of the four preventer lines belaying into deck eye bolts inside the Main mast fife rails. MAN! Wishing I had not glued the fife rail assembly in place prior to this task.
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