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Everything posted by MarisStella.hr

  1. Mr. Ian, I can not be kind enough ... You have done a very good looking model. The wood selection is very good ... Regards, Zoran
  2. Hello Mr.Ian ... Wow ! This is clean and handsome ! Everything is in place as I can see, the tradition should be very satisfied ... This work deserves admiration ... Bravo maestro ! Regards, Zoran
  3. Hello Mr. Jack ... I was trying to find an expression to describe this finished model with the display stand for the last several days and I just could not find the words.... Your have done this masterpiece toying with it, with such a pasion , so studiously... I write this note to You with a great respect... Here is nothing more to say except so many thanks to You for this pleasure You afforded to all of us... Mr. Jack, thank You so much... Zoran
  4. Hi everyone... thanks for the likes ... Nirvana, it is very nice to have a chance to say something about our sails : those are present at all of our sailing ship models, in the kits. Those are made of natural fabric, embroidered... this means the sails are made with the stitches on already, but the modeler has to cut them off the sheet of fabric and to make a hem or two... The modeler has to add the ropes at the sails' edges and they are ready to go ... Regards, Zoran
  5. ... so here She is, with the shrouds on ... after this She is going to be complete, some photographs still to come ...
  6. Hello Elijah... this is a good question ... At the Brazzera, Trabaccolo and Pelig (old type) the bowsprit sits to the right side, not to the center... This is the tradition and it gets out of the need to maneuver in small harbors... There were many of this ships at the same time. The bowsprit removes very easily an gives much more space to maneuver the ships within the narrow place... Those ships were piled up side by side , 5-10 of them and this was not possible with the bowsprits on, so the bowsprit was removed at that time ... The cap (figurehead) is in the middle, so the bowsprit is at the right... I guess those were the reasons why this is like this ... The other very important reason is a long tradition … Regards, Zoran
  7. Hello Don, good start on the rigging !! This serving machine works very good in Your hands .... This Trabaccolo lady looks absolutely good ! Mr. Bob said the thruth: ''she looks better and better with each new addition'' ... Zoran
  8. Hi Mr. Ian ... here I am , at my computer, drawing as usually .... I made some explanation for You : This is a special shaped bracket for the bowsprit, made of metal... there is the wooden bearing for the bowsprit firmly connected to the topgallant rail. The bowsprit lies on it... The bracket is firmly connected to the wooden bearing. One side of the bracket has a hinge with a shaft, it opens rotating over this shaft... The other side of the bracket has the hinge with a removable shaft, this shaft locks the bracket up... here is a sketch : It does not have to be in the function on the model ... Regards, Zoran
  9. Hi Mr. Jack... The boat, Falkusa is done brilliant, this is an outstanding sample... But You have touched me with the crates ! It would be nice to see the higher version of the sail (just a thought), it makes her to be charming. this could be shorten to about 3/4 ... But, the truth, the glass cover would be heavier... Can't wait to see the buckets !
  10. The rudder is like an extension of the keel... this is why it goes deep into the water , to keep her stabile... This was a cargo ship, always under heavy load, moving relatively slowly ... Waiting for the rigging Zoran
  11. Hi Mr. Ian ... many likes from me for this educational build she is looking really very nice ! I like the wood changes... Sometimes, looking at Your works guys, I thought to myself : should I change the sort of the wood in the sets ?! the Hawk is fantastic too, it goes to the Brazzera in a brilliant way ... Here, they scream over the bays early morning... Regards, Zoran
  12. Hi Mr. Jack ... writing just to say i follow this brilliant build all the time... Now, when it is amost done, I can say to You that I will write a very positive coments, but in the end when it will not affect to Your masterwork... Thank You so much to share the photos with the rest of the modellers, thanks for been with us ...

    All the best,



  13. and thet the rudder... it has a nose-the support on the bottom of the stern... the rudder hinges are tipical for this type of Trabaccolo.... the rudder goes down the keel for about 1m. This has a purpose like the keel extension and makes the sailing to be more safe...
  14. Don ! :):) excellent done model ! This little details works perfect ! Zoran
  15. Hi Mr. Jack ... this would be so pity to lose all the photos of the beautiful models You posted... Do not give up on making some kind of the models build log reviews... They are valuable .. Zoran
  16. Hello mikiek ... I mus tell that the English is much better at the complete line by now... some of the kits alround are from the last series, so this could be a problem... but anyway, the new English versions are done and they are on the shelves right now ... if it happens that enyone get the old ones, just tel me and I'll send the new ones ... I love to say that Don is guilty for some of those new textual parts !! Regards, Zoran
  17. Wonderful work, Don ! ''The fun shots'' are telling much more... the art altogether ! ... Zoran
  18. Hi Puckotred... nice Wasa is building on here, nice work indeed ... Was the water line raised a bit later on, when the ship was built, so it passes over the lowest wale (rubbing strake) ?... by this, the gunports were put too low ?... Regards, Zoran
  19. It is time for the mast building .... so, here are some parts of it : the mast, crosstree, uppermast... The variations are small comparing to the other ships, but still, trabaccolo is a bit original ...
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