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Everything posted by Rich.F

  1. Hi Andy, I Guessed that from the logs, not something I over looking for but. all part of the job !lol Rich
  2. Hey Guys, Thanks for the feed back, Yes you both raised a few good points I have ( mid Nov the money for the Victory) Andy, Looked at the kits, I like the Snake good starting point as Jpett raised about copper plating, Never done it 3 masts yes would be more fun... The Wife got me the billings Bluenose on sale so started that, just a small one. Jpett, building skills are above ok, some times i not rush but not take care as much as i can or should, so the bluenose will be a better test. again great advice. But still not 100% if i will get the victory or snake.. : but if i can keep it quite ill get both Rich
  3. Hello all, I have been looking at a lot of superb build logs since I finished my ship. My question is what next, kit wise, what do you recommend and why.. at some point I will be building Caldercraft Hms Victory, but would like to at least get another ship in before. But have no idea what. I have the Enterprise Thanks in advance on advise. Rich
  4. and the Name is Reviled .. So many happy times with the build.. I have the Billings Bluenose to start soon,, and at least one more before Caldercraft HMS Victory.. Does anyone have any ideas. suggestions and likes for a specific kit? Best regards Richard
  5. well i'm over happy with this ship.Thanks to every ones input, comments and likes.. Glad there is no Dislike button. :S Also there..
  6. Thanks for the comments all, very appreciated. Hey Sam. Almost there, Ill get some pictures up soon. Just have a few changes to make, then i'm happy for the first build. Not sure what will be next :-s I see yours is coming along She Looking Great too Rich
  7. Hi antony. Yeah very good point indeed. Although I was planing to use these with fiber optic with a drop of clear resin. Atm just ideas snd research but might eve end up with whats on the thread. Rich
  8. Hi All, I came across this ebay item in the UK, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/121139376306?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 Flickering Amber LED Lights for 6v 9v 12v DC (Hope the link worked, I did buy two of them and they seam very effective.. hope this may help Rich
  9. Hello Ray, You have a fine looking ship coming along, I admit i stumbled on your build log. glad i did.. Although i now torn between the Dina and the victory now :-s Looking forward to updates All the best Rich
  10. Hey Sam, very beautiful, she looking so good. Wish I had the experience to make mine so good. Next build will get better as I have already learned from miss takes.""Thomas Edison tried and failed nearly 2000 times to develop the carbonized cotton filament for the incandescent lightbulb"" just hope I don't need to make 2000 ships, don't have the space.
  11. Hi Sam, wow what a day, unpacking sorted washing on house re cleaned, after eldest stayed with his GF, mail gone though, now just catching up on here. I used two pairs of long nose pliers and with great care, although i had to reorder some and the only size i could find was 3mm not the 2mm ones, what i did was squeezed them to over lap and then side ways worked rather well at least 90% them came spot on a touch of super glue and yeah they good, the rest i did to touch up on. ((not sure it that same out well ill up load pictures later.)) Hows yours coming along. although i will be popping by soon. Rich
  12. Small update. I have rig a few sails and then re rig a few more times, as some bit were not clear or others became to loose from the tension of others, I am happy how how my first build is coming along. Got hold of a billings bluenose kit looks good. Going to wait till the enterprise is finished, cant find any logs on this though. Off for a break with the family.
  13. Well. Been on call this week so not been out and no call outs all weekend. So time again on the ship. Had a few rigging problems. Not understanding the plans etc so a lot of redos ill up load pictures later.
  14. HI Sam, hope your well, and working hard. Sorry not been around much been busy, + working on ship. I had to rip a load of rigging bit off and re do a few time till i was happy. but looks good i think, not the best out there but good for a first ship and attempt Not touched ship in a week or so.. Only have a normal solder iron, cant use any flame, due to close to sails and masts. also normal solder, going to try epoxy resin or super glue. :-s
  15. I have a small problem, I have these bass rings the fit around the main masts, but i cant solder them together i have tried flux, but nothing solder wont take.. any advise would be helpful. Thanks Rich
  16. Small update, I found something like this on someones page on the MSW, So credit to them who ever you be.
  17. Well Wife's at work so er borrowed her laptop ..Shhhh! Still waiting on parts for mine, hoped they would have been here by now.. . Progress has been challenging, I have spent a bit of time sat in the garden while the kids are in the pool while we have this great British summer, ( while it lasts ) well as you can see things have moved on.. i have done a bit of reworking .. (pic 089 -089a) I glad i still get emails about peoples update on my phone. can't wait to look at the pictures. I brought a new ship last week as the hobby store, company is closing down with a loss of about 500 people country wide (uk) just hope someone comes along to buy them out. Its the billings Bluenose. although i have not found any build logs on this, I will indeed make one when i start it around xmas. for now take care all. Rich
  18. Hey, buddy. Sorry not been on much, been really busy and laptop broken, working off tablet atm, hard work. Been getting updates so been still following.. ill be updating mine this weekend with a few things I been working on. Come across some reworks, but thas life.. hope your well though, catch you soon, Rich
  19. Small Update, Not much been happening with build work and illness has been keeping me away. I have been reading posts I follow, But no real time and not much soon I have done a bit of the rigging, but taken it out and changed it as it did not look right to how i wanted it but happy what i have done.. Ill get a few pictures up over the weekend.. Till then
  20. I have desided to upload most of the pictures that was taken of the Victory..
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