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Everything posted by Rich.F

  1. Over the last few weeks I have been making a few of the small boats, Barge + Cutter due to my building works. These have been a little tough, due to the size, the planking was painful, more so the amount of time my fingers need to be cut off,, oops.
  2. We all know the same story of the History Lord Nelson and HMS Victory. This Ship kit was not chosen because of the large amount of currant builds, but because of the pure beauty of the ship, and the fact it’s in my home town. I’ll will start this log with the prayer. May the great God, whom I worship, grant to my country and for the benefit of Europe in general, a great and glorious victory: and may no misconduct, in any one, tarnish it: and may humanity after victory be the predominant feature in the British fleet. For myself individually, I commit my life to Him who made me and may His blessing light upon my endeavours for serving my country faithfully. To Him I resign myself and the just cause which is entrusted to me to defend. Amen. Amen. Amen. And so the Log begins:. Mach 26th 2014.the order was given to start the biggest ship ever constructed. Length: 1385mm Width: 525mm Height 940mm Weight 0.015 tonnes Armament 100 guns: · Gundeck: 28 × 42 pdrs · Middle gundeck: 28 × 24 pdrs · Upper gundeck: 28 × 12 pdrs · Quarterdeck: 12 × 6 pdrs · Forecastle: 4 × 6 pdrs Cost approximate £750.00 Stirling Approximately 6000 branches are required and should arrive and arrive at dry dock Ten in Portsmouth on the 3rd of April 2014
  3. Hello Vivian, You have done some great looking work. Look forward to more Rich
  4. HI Andy, the only power tools I have is a dremel drill, I'm just about to start the Caldercradft Hms Victory. All though i don't use it much past 1900 really. I try to keep noise down. Hope this helps Rich
  5. She looking great. But has anyone built the Victory with sails. My wife would like sails I don't. But...
  6. Looking great, I have only just been allowed to open mine and make a very slow start, Ie open the box i have only had it for a 4months,, oh well. But you have a fantastic start Rich
  7. Hi John. Door looks great. What about stain/paint door frame little darker/lighter?
  8. HI John, First welcome, and Good luck with the enterprice. its a great kit best one i have built. Rich ps I brought her for the same reason :-P
  9. Sorry to hear that about your dog pal, , Other from that, today was my first time in a week or two, Look forward to pictures, Tc.
  10. coming along very nice pal, very nice work indeed, Gary Look forward to seeing your build also. ( May Should be a good time to come She The Victory, Should be lots of things going on but at the moment there is a refitting the ship, end of last year there was no masts) I have lived In Portsmouth and until last year never visited the Ships.. But regardless Would till suggest seeing her. Rich
  11. Hi, Patrick. Coming along lovely. Cant wait to start mine, feed up laying in bed looking at it in the corner, ,. What do you mean in your post ((I'm going to rig fully rig the 10 guns that showin the ship's waist. Just doing the breech ropes right now, then onto the side and train tackles. ))
  12. Hi Sam, Happy New Year, (time is just upon us) Great Looking work as always. How do you get the square holes to the hand rails, and file the parts so the same ? Rich
  13. Hi Dan. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your Family. Ship is looking great. Mistakes is how I learn. Keep Up the Good Work Rich
  14. Hi Rob, She is looking great Well gone, Keep up the good work!! do love Looking a peoples pictures and process. But i have a question about this post, I see you soak to diluted pva, but when dry, do you sand down to paint/stain or varnish.? not seen it done like this before and Soon ill be starting the CC Victory, Rich.
  15. Hi Don, Very Sorry to hear about your late friend, Pass our regards on to the family. Im Working on the Bluenose by Billings, I will finish her, But not like the plans nor instructions, I guess im still new to all this and dont have the answers, But what you have is Looking great so far looking forward to updates Rich
  16. Hi Bob, You have a great looking ship..Ill spend more time looking though to help me out on mine a bit more. Rich
  17. Hi Don, Your Ship Is looking very Nice indeed, Nice careful work. Rich
  18. Patrick< She is looking fabulous.> Just hope mine will come out as nice as you. Looking forward to more posts Rich
  19. Well thats if folks.. Just placed my order for the Caldercraft HMS Victory> I will wait till Bluenose is finished. Wish me Luck all Rich
  20. Hi jack. First welcome to msw 2.0. Ill be following your build as I have just started the billings kit if the bluenose. Good luck and well done on a good deal and lovely kit. Rich .
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