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About clearway

  • Birthday 03/27/1966

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    Cumbria U.K.

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  1. the joy we make for ourselves Daniel😱. looks great Keith
  2. Nice Keith- i take a couple of days away for the steam gala at Keighley and she has sprang forwards leaps and bounds. Keith
  3. i used self adhesive copper tape on my Terror and Erebus, but either super glue gel or bostik should work- be sure to polish the Aluminium first though before gluing to remove the oxidised layer off the surface. Keith
  4. Thanks and nice terror build- i will keep the upper deadeyes about the same distance apart as i found on my Terror when installing the boat davits on the outside of the bulwarks the upper deadeyes interfered with them. Keith
  5. welcome to the Endurance club (really should kick start my build again)!- don't worry about making alterations, just go steady and think it through and you will be fine, and if worried about "another endurance log" just check the amount of Constitution and Victory logs on here 😉, Keith
  6. That makes more sense Keith- my mum god rest her soul called them 'senior moments'! Keith
  7. slap me thrice and hand me back to me mother this is going to look awesome Keith
  8. you are welcome- it is good seeing a different take on the diorama as most i have seen show the ships ice bound or in open water- looking great so far. Keith
  9. She certainly looks the part- i have heard the two ships were merchant rigged regards running rigging and Matthew mentions the large iron truss still attached to the foreyard so i will be fitting an iron swivel truss to my Erebus (i rigged my Terror with chain trusses navy style) and would alter the way the yard halliards / tyes are rigged. as regards the flying jib it would not be furled on the flying jib boom which is why you don't see it on illustrations and the boom would be run out if it was needed with the sail then run up. Keith
  10. Thanks for looking in- have started putting the eyes in the decks around the masts and also between the helm timbers for the blocks to guide the steering ropes from the drum on the helm to the blocks on the bulwarks which take them to the tiller (eyebolts fitted for those too), also fitted the timbers midships for the boats to rest on (don't know why Occre have them on gallows)? Also fitted the Kevels for the main and foremast yard halliards. still need to fit the eyebolts with the rings for securing the anchor chain. Take care all Keith
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