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About RonvanLeeuwen54

  • Birthday 06/17/1954

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  • Location
    Poeldijk - The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Model building, photography, bycycling, grand children

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  1. A beautiful piece of craftsmanship!! Really amazing!! Question: why is the website of the HMS Prince of Mile offline? We cannot find it anymore.
  2. Hello Vince, great to read that you plan to bye the kit of Constructo. I did the same. Not bad how its progressing. Its really fun to upgrade a rather simple kit like this. Success!!
  3. Well, I try to do my best . Half of the ornaments were not supplied with the kit so together with a mold (as that correct english) made of silicon and breadcrumbs I made a few with fimo clay. I like the result so far.
  4. Hi, you can read on his site how he made it. http://www.milebijelic.com/?page_id=4#contentBox Completely from drawing which he had from the Londonmuseum of Science. Took him 5 years. This man is awsome,
  5. Hi Vince, I'm new on this forum but I read your topic. I'm am also building the Constructo version 1:61 and for this price, about € 300,- it is not a bad kit. The wood, drawings, plans and sails are good quality. The But my challenge is to take such a simple kit and "drive it in to the ground". I found this website http://www.milebijelic.com/?page_id=4. As you see its a Croation builder. I found the quality of this ship unbelievable and for me my goal to approach this quality. This means that i have to create a lot of ornaments myself because the Constructo kit is not even close to this beautiful ship. But thats the sport. Okay, when its finished the price will be dubbled but it will be something special. Here is a picture how it is at this moment. Maybe you can follow my topic on http://www.modelbouwforum.nl/forums/bouwverslagen-historische-schepen/203279-bouwverslag-h-m-s-prince-1-61-constructo.html Ron
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