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Everything posted by bluenose2

  1. Hello Les here. All of these woods you mentioned would work from an artistic point of view. Place some of the woods together to get a visual feeling of how they will play out. Purists may get angry that you have not used what would be considered the correct wood used in the actual ship. All of this is subjective however, my advise is to build to your eye. If it looks good to you, go for it,critics be dammed. After all you will be the ultimate critic.
  2. Hello Les here. As you, I find planking the most difficult part of building any wooden ship,boat, skiff etc. I purchased the book Ship Modeling Simplified by Frank Mastini, to be the best reference for any ship building" period". It explains all the procedures as if it was your first start. ISBN 0071558675. Try Amazon or any book seller you can get your hands on. You won't be disappointed.
  3. Hello Les calling. You should check out a site from Britain. BECC model accessories. Web site is modelflags.com. High quality cloth and they ship world wide. Excellent selection in many scales.
  4. Hello Les calling. I have come into a good quantity of old growth mahogany from the fifties. I would like to replace the planking on the Dumas Chris Craft I bought. Also I would like to mill it for some planking and decking on other ship models I have. I have a decent bench top Delta band saw and a very good table saw. Would it be worth the struggle or just purchase new?
  5. Hi Les here. A scratch build I am going to do is of a modern sailing ketch. As with modern sailing vessels all fittings are chrome, deck items are clear coated and lines are polyester etc. If I cannot get the correct scale fittings in something chrome or brittania metal that I could chrome with All Clad, would it be acceptable to build all fittings in wood and gloss coat them. Any info would be good.
  6. Hello Les here again. I am building Revells 1/72 scale WW II corvette. Wheel house and upper bridge details are what I am search for. Any help would be appreciated.
  7. All good stuff but does anyone have a site I could go to to purchase 1/72 scale wheel house and bridge items?
  8. The ship in question is a WW II Corvette. Does anyone know of a site that would supply 1/72 scale items like ships compasses, binnacles and ships wheels that would be appropriate for this ship? I have tons of etch from DJ Parkins but require bridge and wheel house items. Thnx, Les.
  9. You could send it out to a speciality shop that sharpens drill bits. They could possibly straighten it. Have them spin out to 10,000 to ensure there would be no wobble in it. Or just go buy a new one. Your call.
  10. Hello Les here. The best site to look at tools is Micro Mark Tools, based in the States. I purchased a mini hand held sander from them, item# 81266 made in Japan. Current price $92.65. It's a smaller version of a Wen detail sander.It has saved me hours of work when sanding in tight places such as when you've laid down deck planks and need to sand up into corners that are so tough to do by hand. It comes with several pop in profile shapes and a sample pack of sticky sandpaper stick ons. When done with these go to Home Depot or Lowes and purchase a package of the sticky sandpaper, for orbital sanders cut them to the size of the profile and save big bucks.
  11. Hello Les calling back. I purchased the third hand soldering station. model 004-545 from GRS tools. Very similar to Banyans suggestion. I purchased in Canada from a jewellery supply house in Calgary Alberta. $126.00 Canadian dollars. Have used it for very fine work and this unit is the best, beats the old alligator clip units hands down.
  12. I am building the Revell 1/72 Corvette. I was wondering if anyone could steer me to a site that could supply ships wheels, compasses etc that are applicable to this vessel. We need some upgrades!
  13. Hello Les here. On a WWII Allied ship would the life boats be tarped when at sea or tarped while at dock? Which is correct? Thnx Les.
  14. Hello Les here. I am considering a work top air filter for soldering work. The model I am looking at is the Weller model WSA 350 smoke absorber. Does anyone out there have experience with this unit. In Canada it retails for $120.00. So before coughing up some dollars some advice would be helpful. Thanx Les.
  15. Hi Les here. I am looking to purchase a Weller soldering gun. I have noticed that they offer several wattage ranges. Does anyone know which range would be appropriate for soldering photo etch. I have a Weller WES51 soldering station that works well for smaller stuff, but I require something more powerful for the larger assemblies.
  16. Hi Les here. I purchased the full photo etch from D.J. Parkins for the 1/72 Corvette. I am having issues with trying to solder the small parts to do the build ups. I can't seem to come up with a good way to hold parts together so I can solder or glue them. I have tried to use alligator clips etc. Any help would be great.
  17. Hi Les here. I am searching for a good method of shaping planking when fitting over the curves of bulkheads. I have tried sanding the edges to fit the taper but can't get it accurate enough so when I sand out the hull I don't get gaps in the joints. Any help would be good.
  18. Hi Les here. You could try a book called Ship Modelling Simplified by Frank Mastini. This is my go to book for building plank on frame models. It doesn't beat you over the head but has clear step by step instructions on how to build. Truly good stuff here. It may be available on Amazon or search other book retailers. ISBN 0071558675. Good luck.
  19. Hello Les here. I am in the purchase mode for rigging up my 1/72 Snowberry corvette. The kit supplied stuff ain't great. Can anyone help me out with suppliers and colours and sizing etc? Many thanks Les.
  20. Hello Les here. I have purchased photo etched wooden decking from D.J. Parkins. The engraving is very fine and am wondering how to go about painting this. Any help would be great.
  21. Hello Les here. I was wondering if anyone could help me out in the painting of WW II depth charges for my Revell Snowberry corvette. Based on my research they could be white or green. Any help would be great.
  22. When soldering is it better to use a soldering iron or one of the small hand held butane torches?
  23. Hi Bluenose here. I would like some advice on working with photo etch. I haven't worked with this much etch before. I purchased the full photo etch kit from DJ Parkins for my Revell Snowberry. Should I temper a full sheet or should this be done with each individual piece? How small a piece can be heat worked before it gets blown away? Also the after market supplied railings are Brittania metal which is very flexible. I recently completed the 1/72 scale St. Roch by Billings. All the railings were brass and were very strong. Any advice on this issue would be greatly appreciated.
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