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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. The governor of NY state issued an Executive order mandating that we wear a face covering when I leave my house, so I ordered this to wear
  2. Yea, that box does look familiar now that you posted it. Don't really want to buy another kit just to steal the sprockets, especially not the Walker - not my cup of tea - I have a lot of left over sprockets from other tank kits, even the Sherman has an extra set, any chance any of them will fit?
  3. How do you fix it ? Or where can I get new treads. Wish Tamiya would offer theirs as an accessory kit Would love to look at your build log!
  4. My 20 year old or so Hasegawa (????) tracked vehicle - minus some parts due to age and storage - but it is well weathered in dust
  5. I think I have that same model. Hasegawa I think made the kit. The only complaint I have with it is that after 15-20 years the rubber tank treads dry rotted and fell off. Tried to reassemble with glue and staple but they kept rotting, so now it's treadless. Nice looking model by the way.
  6. Since I am building these models for my own pleasure and not for an IPMS modeling contest, who cares ! 99.9999999 % of the people viewing them in my home would never know the difference nor would they care. And may I ask where your models are, I haven't seen any examples of yours on this site.
  7. That is a really cool looking model !
  8. Okay, last update for todayy. Further updates will be a little slow since I have to obtain some supplies and construction the display. But I will respond to posts. I am finished fiddling with the tank. the 3 figures are finished (don't photograph too well close up) Gear lashed to deck using Chuck's Syren rope.
  9. Well, woke up this morning and found snow on every roof, not on grass or roads, just roofs - garden sheds, houses, garages. This is spring, right !?!?! Finished up the three figures, added some camo to the track area, put a 2nd coat of cherry wood stain on the display base. Needs to dry 24 hrs then a coat or two of satin poly. Need to touch up the 50 cal as Ken and Patrick suggested. Also seal all the decals with flat varnish. I will post updated photos later today
  10. Patrick, thanks for the tip. And thanks for the link to your model. Don't know how I missed your build. But it's a great looking model.
  11. WOW ! Nice model, Patrick. I also like your tagging system. After 20 plus years I've forgotten what model is which in my collection since I never wrote anything down.
  12. I have a gunmetal gray color, was thinking of using that on the metal parts, I might try the black tho. Thanks Gotta find some of Chuck's rope and use it to tie down the extra gear.
  13. That's the color called out in the instructions, but I don't like it. Too reddish. May change it. What are your thoughts on it ?
  14. Ok, Lou, you want to throw a couple boat anchors over the side so we can slow down a little Decals in place - just have to seal them once they completely dry and set. Attached a fraction of the extra goodies. See all those ammo cans on the rear deck - well there is at least 10 more like them plus two more of the smaller K ration boxes, plus more ruck sacks. Guess they might have to go in the stash box..... Anyway, it is not finished completely - the track area needs some camo treatment and is too pristine for a combat tank. So more work there. I still have the 3 infantrymen shown on the box art to finish plus decide what to do with all the weaponry on the weapons sprue - grenades, etc. The we take on the display question - how to display? I know ! I know Diorama, please ! Patience grasshoppers. Patience.
  15. Actually Edward I had started glueing small sub-assemblies together Saturday night before ASAT complained abot "40 posts and nothing glued". I actually some sub-assemblies glued up just not posted. I probably will have the tank and crew finished by tomorrow. But any diorama is going to take a bit longer. Thanks! Nah ! Just have nothing else to do with my time right now! Still to cold here at night to plant any veggies in the raised bed gardens, so might as well build tanks.
  16. A couple of GIs grabbed a couple of white wash brushes and couple of buckets of white paint and slapped a little camo on the tank. Didn't want it to look too professionally done. Next up is the decals, load up the accessories, and figure out how to display it.
  17. Oh I have plenty of soldiers in the stash box, extra arms, legs, bodies, etc. Plus Tamiya makes some nice figure sets. Thanks for the compliment
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