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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. As long as you are upright, ventilating, mobile, and consuming nourishment you're doing good Denis
  2. Alan see photos of my 1:35 figures with bases. I just glued them to the diorama base then covered them with Woodlands Scenics material, hides them well
  3. I knew the Librarian would locate copies 😊😇
  4. Crumpled newspaper, covered in vinyl mesh window screen strips, or narrow strips of thin cardstock woven into a grid, then covered in standard kitchen paper towels [ use the brand with small tear off strips] soaked in very very runny hydrocal to form the base. Let it set up. Then add more hydrocal over that to build up the terrain. See if you can find any Kalmback publications on model RR scenery, even old issues of Model Railroader or Railroad Model Craftsman magazines.
  5. You could add some 1/16 or 1/8 inch square stock to the inside 4 corners of each tower for extra rigidity. I can't tell from the photos which size would be suitable. But glue them vertically inside each tower in each corner.
  6. And don't raise cows for milk or meat. Worst methane producers on planet ! 🤣🤣😇
  7. Good to see you back, Alan. Castle is looking good.
  8. As programmers for a major computer manufacturer, a colleague and I used to have a ceramic mushroom on our desks. When asked what it was, we would respond that is a "programmer's flower" ..........
  9. Yep ! Keep 'em in the dark and cover them in s............
  10. A true work of art, beautifully photographed ! 👏 congratulations on finishing it !
  11. Wow ! Great job all around, fantastic looking diorama. A true work of art ! 👏
  12. 6 C! Is that all ? 😉😉😉 Now if that was negative 6 C, we'd be sailing 😁😊😊. It's 90F (32.8 C) here 🥵🥵 P.S. beautiful model and diorama.
  13. History of Photography We might have better archives, but then we also didn't have our cities decimated by two World Wars like Europe which might account I suppose for the scarcity of photographs.
  14. Use the voice recorder app on your phone or buy a cheap digital pocket size "tape recorder". I have one (micro cassette) in my camera bag.
  15. Denis, just remember to genuflect, kiss the ring, and say "yes, Your Highness". And all will be well. 😊😇
  16. Maybe you could get a new wing dedicated to house the CCoyle Conservatory for the Advancment of Modern Art and History . 😁😁😁😁😇
  17. My Mom kept some of the ration coupon books left over when war ended.
  18. Fantastic model/diorama Grant. For water, search YouTube for Woodland Scenics' videos on making water scenes. Very useful !
  19. @Chuck make sure you take a side trip to Buffalo's Canalside and Naval Park for a tour of USS The Sullivans and USS Little Rock. Enjoy the trip.
  20. Syren gratings Scroll down to mid page
  21. Did you look at @Chuck (SYREN) website. He has grating kits in different sizes along with an assembly jig. His have square holes in the grates. Very high quality and reasonably priced also.
  22. Michael, I echo the sentiments expressed by others above! Welcome back! Glad you've recovered. There are some photos at Olde Rhinebeck you might be interested in.
  23. Click on screenname as Mark said, select profile, then scroll down until you see the community map in lower left, click on view full size map at bottom of map, then click My Location in upper right of map. Now comes the finagle part , click Update Locate, enter zip code, city, state or wherever you want to be. If you choose Current Location it uses your IP address of your internet provider. Finagle with the map itself to get the location you want. Then click Save when done.
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