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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. Tom-tom. Smoke signals. Runners! 😁😁😁😁😁😁
  2. That's the answer we give the kids when they ask why we bothered to get them, plus it only cost $25/month for both of us to each have a phone. Ask the kids how much they spend per month (hint: add another zero 😉😇)
  3. Yep same here ! Same for my Admiral. Kids complain they can't reach us ! 😈
  4. Outstanding work Gary ! 👏 very inspiring work! I am sitting here trying to imagine how I could adapt your technigues to an N scale railroad scene or maybe 1:35 scale armor. Hmmmm?
  5. @RGL, @cog, @Canute and Stein Gildberg did a 4 way build of SMS Seydlitz in a single log about a year or two ago.
  6. Ole woodcarver trick: using a sharp blade, make a stop cut across the plank perpendicular at two points along the plank. Then use your Veritas miniature chisels to carve away section of plank till you get to the base decking. If you place the bevel edge of chisel down flat against the plank then raise it slightly you can use it as a small knife blade. Reverse it so the bevel is up after you have enough material removed and use it as a regular chisel. The stop cuts will prevent any unwanted tear out. Practice on a piece of scrap planking. You're using the chisel as if it were a plane.
  7. Thanks guys! The jig was created out of frustration. I was using 25 second gap filling CA glue to attach the lids but it just wasn't setting up and trying to hold the lid flush and level with just my fingers wasn't working. PVA glue was even worse setting time. So I had to wing it with the jigs (see photo below), they just hook over the rail and keep the lid snug and level. The weight of the jig provides enough clamping pressure. Gary, @FriedClams the paint collection is a result of all the plastic models I have built over time plus some new jars purchased in anticipation of my next plastic model. 😀 I still have a few jars of Floquil left over from my now defunct N-Scale Model Railroading projects. The layout is gone but the buildings and rolling stock are safely packed away. I'm really enjoying your shadow box dioramas. I
  8. Same thing happens here with citiidiots moving up to the country from NYC boroughs, building a house, then complaining about the manure smell, noisy farm animals and equipment emanating from the farm down the road. Complaints got so bad we now have "right to farm" laws to protect the farmers from the citiidiots.
  9. Some updates: I have been working mostly on installing all the deck structures, guns, railings, gun port covers. I didn’t install the block and tackle rigging on the guns; too frustrating, so I settled for just the recoil ropes. Some photos follow: After completing the deck, I started installing the gun port covers. Had to come up with some jigs to hold the covers in place till the glue set. jigs Final results The last port at stern and bow require a split cover with sling which I have to figure out how to rig. Then I have to turn it around and repeat on the port side.
  10. It has a beautiful color. Thanks for explanation. Gorgeous table too
  11. Eric what species of wood are those beam/posts with that beautiful purple hue ? Is that Purpleheart ? Or ??
  12. Look in the jewelry making section of Michael's craft stores. They carry very fine braided wire and crimps etc. I used them to make the cables for my ice yacht model.
  13. Coming along nicely, Grant. It does look like a weather beaten old building, shed, etc.
  14. Steve, I live directly across the river from there. Been to the Airshow a lot but not daring enough to take a ride. But I did get to talk with the founder Cole Palen on a number of occasions. One of the Engineers I worked with flew in his airshow as the drunken pilot "Col I am smashed" as I recall! Just discovered your build log. My college roommate had a Chris-Craft on Candlewood Lake CT. Fantastic boat. As I recall his was a square stern. Pulling up a barrel to watch.
  15. Looks like you might be getting hot tongue and cold shoulder for dinner later 😋 😉 😜 🤔
  16. Roddenberry privately told friends that he was modeling Star Trek Original Series on Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels, intending each episode to act on two levels: as a suspenseful adventure story and as a morality tale. Roddenberry stated: "[By creating] a new world with new rules, I could make statements about sex, religion, Vietnam, politics, and intercontinental missiles. Indeed, we did make them on Star Trek: we were sending messages and fortunately they all got by the network."
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