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Lord Robster

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  1. I am in the process of building the kit directly from the box. The only exception is that I used styrene strips painted wood color to replace the decking on decks to cover up the seams. It was time consuming but the look was really nice once I was done. I had to figure out where all the holes were for the deck fittings and eyes, etc. It came out looking pretty nice if I say so myself. I have built this model three times over the past 40 yeasr or so. My biggest complaint is that the masts and bowsprit are so flimsy that they bend very easily when installing the standing rigging. My build is complete up to the running rigging phase and it may not go much farther than that except that my sister in law said she would really like the ship to display in her house when it's done so i might get back to it once I'm done with my Dumas LNVT build. For the record, i didn't have a single problem with eyes coming loose suing the ones that came in the kit.
  2. I bought the Bluenose kit back in Novemeber of last year and it is (for the most part) complete as of a couple of weeks ago. I'll have to admit that I cut a couple of corners. Well, okay, more than a couple using colored paper for some of the bands instead of metal and simplified turnbuckles, etc. All in all I really enjoyed the kit and it went pretty smoothly for my first ever wooden ship. I had a log going on the old forum but never restarted it when the new one came into being. Once I decide what my next build will be I will probably start up a log for it. At any rate, I hope you enjoy the build of the Bluenose. It's really a lot of fun. Rob
  3. I've had one of these Revell 1/96 Constitutions on my shelf for a few years but never considered getting into it again. After looking at the builds you and the other guys are doing on these I am almost tempted to open that thing open and work on it. I, like many others, have built this ship a couple of times over the years starting when it was first introduced and more recently about 20 years ago. Both are long gone. I was never happy with the three peice decks but looks like there are alot of good ideas on how to deal with those. I was thinking of using very thin prepainted styrene strips or thin wood strips on top of the deck. I've seen one log where wood strips are used but I thought the thin styrene (though costly) would just do the trick. Anyway, I think I will go home tonight and pull the thing down off the shelf and look into it. Thanks for the inspiration all.
  4. Wow, after viewing this "version" of the Revell Connie, it makes me want to (seriously) go out and get the kit (this would be my third build) and see if I could do just half as nice as this one. I was very close to buying that kit last year and then decided to give a wooden kit a shot. I have throughly enjoyed the experience but I would love to build a great Constitution and the wooden kits are very expensive and quite scary to a novice such as myself. This seems like a great alternative. I love scratch building furniture and such.
  5. I want to buy some 10 packs of drills bits but I would like to know what the most common sizes are to start with. Seems these things get dull really quickly, especially drilling metal. Are any brands or materials better than others?
  6. Kip, good to see you back and posting again. I was wondering just the other day how your Sultana was fairing. Glad to see you are paying attention to her again and restarting the log. It's more than I can say for myself. I still have all the pics of Bluenose on my desktop, I just haven't found the time to do it. The long(er) evenings are here and I have sooo many outdoor projects that demand my time, i doubt Bluenose will get the devoted attention she did when I first started on her back in Novemeber. I am working on the chaniplates now and the masts and booms are done. i will begin rigging soon. Well, good luck to you and I will try to drop you a line when I get a chance. My wife and I are still planning a trip to Victoria (someday) and I hope to come up to meet you. Rob
  7. Dave, There were no bilge handles in the kit that I could find nor were they on the list. The cathead in the kit are really hokey. They are so fragile that they look like they woukld break if you touched them. You might try scratching them if you're good with soldering. I'm thinking I'll try to make the hokey britannia parts work or just leave them off.
  8. Hey Floyd Sorry I missed you last weekend. My daughter was home from college so we had a day with her. See you at the next meeting. Good start on the Harvey. Looks like you have a lot of questions to get answered before you can start on the deck furnishings huh. Sorry I can't help you there. Well, just thought I'd drop by and say good job. Rob
  9. It's great to see you putting this back together Bob. I probably spent more time on the old forum looking at your log and reading all of the great posts where people discussed so many of the issues regarding this build than any other. I am planning to put my Bluenose back up soon. I actually started to do this yesterday but the site was down. I am well into the masts and booms now. I'll admit that I'm cutting some corners with the metal work but I'm happy enough with the result. I can solder eyes fairly well but I'm having some difficulty with making bands with eyes attached so I'm using manila folder strips painted black in some cases. I need to work on my soldering skills but that will come on later builds I think. Anyway, thanks for recreating this great build for the rest of us to ooo and ahhh over. Rob
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