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About michael101

  • Birthday 12/07/1983

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  1. Thank you Alan I think it will be much better with a nice keel to give a flat line for the connecting planks all over the boat
  2. Hello Yves nice to see you in my build log you right , it will be much better with the keel ‘and about the step with the nails I’m not using this method but it ok to do it like that because it’s the first plank , there is second plank that will cover it
  3. Hello friends I’m very exited to start sharing with you my build log of the Riva Aquarama 1/10 of Amati my review for the kit its outstanding beautiful kit everything it’s high class I hope you guys enjoy the work and the process of my build log and please feel free to add your comments First of all I had to send the box for framing 😎 (even the box made of high class material and beautiful printing ) For starting I saw the manual that told you to plank the boat over the keel and totally cover it at the bow on this why : But I didn’t found it aesthetic and after searching pictures of the original boat I did found that the original boat do have keel : so I decided to add a keel for the boat .. the thickness of the plywood it’s 4mm so I decided to add a keel of 2mm wide as following : first of all I made a template of the exact curve of the bow by marking the hull on 18mm plywood than I cut it by scroll saw and after all I made a notch with the router for putting the strips inside the template without having a problem of banding side way by mistake this banding must be flat for side way because we want to add it exactly at the middle all over the hull and making a beautiful keel I have cut the first strip from walnut because I didn’t want to spend a lot from the mahogany planks that came with the kit and anyway the first strip will be covered by the bout planks from the sides the first cut was 2*2 And all the rest was 1.5*2 from mahogany I made in total 1 strip of 2*2 and 3 strips of 1.5*2 so the new keel it’s 6.5mm (it’s a lot more than what I need but after the 2nd plank I will sand it down to be flat with the 2nd plank After banding the strips I add them to the hull by insert planks of 1mm underneath for gluing the new keel exactly at the middle of the hull Here you can see the new keel I (took the hull out of the stand for shooting a picture )
  4. The big question it’s how it will work on double plank .. you don’t want the first plank to move away also the glue between planks ,if you will not glue them between you can get problem after a year (summer and winter time are changing the plank wide so you can get black spaces between planks )
  5. Hello friends , I’m about to start a new project , and I need to add 2*2mm strip to the keel (all over the the keel ..) the boat will be use mahogany so the natural choice it’s to use the same wood for the finished keel but to be honest I never used this kind of wood and for me the best wood it’s walnut for making the finish shape of the boat ! The only problem it will not be the same colore of the planks so what do you think is it Mahoney good wood for shaping 2*2 mm to be like a triangular or it’s not hard and compressed as walnut ? I will be more than happy to hear your advice before starting the project (tomorrow morning I have a free day to start working on my new Riva aquarama project )
  6. The only thing I can say about this .. it’s a piece of carton ! (I don't want to use ugly words out of respect for the forum) today I worked all a day for square the main jig ! And nothing !!!!!! (I’m using the best square over the world the Kinex one !!!) So if you working with that piece of carton don’t blame yourself why your ship it’s twisted !!!! also it’s good for you to know about the “new model “ it’s made of 2 pieces and not from one solid piece ! so this post not relevant anymore I’m very disappointed ! ! ! ! do a favor for yourself don’t spend your money on it !
  7. I asked them about the Riva aquarama of Amati, it says in stock , but they need to order it.. so I think I will buy it from Cornwall (it’s more expensive over there but at least they has that ..)
  8. Hello friends, is anyone hear about the seller premier ship models uk they has very good prices but never heard about them .. I will be more than happy to hear some review before spending money over there this is the web : https://premiershipmodels.co.uk Regards Michael .
  9. Thank you Kiwiron and Etubino ! now I not have much time to work on my project but the ship not running anywhere it’s just waiting for me at the workshop
  10. Here is a little update , very usefully jig for marking vertical lines on the ship i hope it will help other builders so, here i have marked the bulkheads lines on the first plank and also the pattern of the butt shift system on the middle of the ship .. but i will talk about this method later .. here is some pictures : Best regards, Michael.
  11. Thank you friends for all the likes im glad to see you like the guid and i will be more than happy if it will serve you in the future Michael.
  12. What a beautiful process Robert ! you did a perfect job as always ! Best regards, Michael.
  13. Thank you Blackreed for visiting my build log and also for your kind words ! Best regards, Michael.
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