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Everything posted by teloo

  1. so painting weekend. some ornaments added and stern painted. I also plan an additional lifeboat at the stern. nice sunday everyone
  2. hallo, so all cannons are removed and painted. I also got some ornaments on ebay which I plan to add here and there. Critical phase for me in the building process for me. I didn´t liked it to remove the cannons. But at least I hope it will fit and looks better in the end.
  3. Hello Ray, I really like your way of buildung ships. I learned a lot from your build log. And the Diana I also want to build once in a while. keep up the brilliant work. regards ludger
  4. hello yeah david I am not sure yet. I think I will not do it. thank you mark, now I feel shy because I have seen what you are able to build It is my first wood ship. I only build three other for my modelrailway but from plastic and years ago yesterday it was time to clean up my workingplace. It was important because I was to confused and I was not sure what to do next. After that I worked on coils for the coffienägel (sorry do not know the english word - is there somewhere an overview for the nautical english terms?????? help please !!! ). Also I read in my book that a ship needs a stove pipe. So I did one by myself. And I build an own rudder because the one from the ship is not realistic. But the rudder is not ready yet. So enjoy the pictures and thanks everyone for following. A nice sunday to everyone. It is time for formula one - Monza
  5. What do you and everyone else who is reading this, thinking about simulate bolts on the outside planking of the hull ??
  6. I would say one hour for one cannon David without replacing. But I need additional parts so I have to order them. Currently I am switching around on the ship here and there working on several small details. I bought me a pencil for example, waterproof, to simulate the bolts on the deck.
  7. Great work till yet and thank you for the pictures of the occre workbench. I also want to buy me this one. regards ludger
  8. so here is a new solution which is easier to get it back into place. for the rest cannons I will use this way.
  9. thank you david. so first cannon is back in place. the distance between the blocks is to short... and what was supposed to be a joke becomes bitter truth. it is very difficult to reach everything. it took me four hours for one gun and because of the fact that I have to drill additional holes there is the risk to destroy the rigging of the fore mast. anyway. here some pictures. regards ludger
  10. So first gun is removed and allready painted. Currently working on the rigging of the cannon. Detailed soultions are limited through the scale and my own skills/ big fingers
  11. hello David! as I learned from your build, my chains are in the wrong angle. but I will not go to change it again. it would take forever. so let us keep it as a secret yeah the shrouds. i just realize, that my way is ok . so forget what I was saying. My book shows me , that I am still on the right way to get the shrouds connect to the fore mast today I received the barrels and cannon balls
  12. working on the shrouds. next ship I will try another way
  13. some more, different background. next bigger image size is above two mb. so no better images possible
  14. so some picture with my camera. still working on the optimum size of the picture. you can see my progress on the fore mast and why I am not happy with the rigging of my cannons. I wasn´t working on the ship much over the weekend. On friday I went to the dentist and I had to handle the pain over the weekend :/ best regards ludger
  15. and david, i need maybe plus three hours more, because I showed my family your ship and they told me, that I have to paint my stern after they saw your stern. but I will use different colours
  16. Hello hello everbody I think I will follow some historical things in the future. but not every detail. This decission has everyone to do for his/herself. At least I have a huge respect to everyone who tries to build a ship from wood. I also have 6 rc cars, two rc helicopters and a model railway in scale 1/160. But this build was really a challenge so far for me and I think it will take at least 100 hours more to finish it. The sails and strings need a lot of time and I want change some things like the rigging of the cannons. For this I ordered some spare parts. I will try to add some more detailed pictures this weekend. best regards ludger
  17. and here some pictures of the tools I used for coppering and a closeup. could be better the result, but for me it is ok. I finished it with zapon varnish
  18. Hello David and everyone else who is watching this build. Sure your are allowed to follow! ofcourse you are welcome. I am delighted for every response. I did not use beeswax on the strings because I am not aware of this technique yet. Until yet I rather build the ship very stricked out of the box. last week I bought me a german book about historical modelshipbuilding. I started reading and quick realized that i maid a lot of mistakes. but hey... it is my first wooden ship and it is progress of learning. I also have a little problem that I am not familiar with all these special words which describe all the parts of a ship. in my book there is a picture of a ship in detail with all the names. I think I will translate them into english. it would be good for a better communication here. for my ship I plan also to add some barrels, pirate figures and cannonballs. probably i will remove the cannon to paint them and install some nice rigging.but now some pictures from yesterday. so far, so long, hang on
  19. nice build log. it gave me some inspirations for the build of my corsair in case of the sails and barrels. thank you!
  20. sorry for the bad quality of the pictures. they were shot with my tablet. from next week on i will use a canon camera. regards ludger
  21. Hello to everybody at msw. Last year in september I started with my first wood ship when I had my semester abroad in prague. till today I really enjoyed this kind of hobby very much. here some pictures
  22. i can shot a picutre and show my ship how it looks today if you like. unfortunately i can not send a picture as a message to you
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