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Everything posted by teloo

  1. ok for my next build i will try to do the same ; but first I have to finish my first ship after a long while.
  2. It looks really great. Are you sanding every piece of wood? Every piece of wood on your victory looks so smoth. regards Ludger
  3. she is growing nicely. keep it coming. it will become a beauty. regards ludger
  4. no words... very nice what you are able to create from wood. please no coppering and painting!
  5. Very very nice and clean work! here you have a second fan from germany, so you are not the only one using a dictionary
  6. some new spare parts and a part of the crew is back from the bar ...
  7. hey captain magee, isn´t it a huge challenge to finish off the first wooden ship ?! It feels like I am working slower and slower on the ship from day to day
  8. Good evening MSW After a long while working on other model-projects I am somehow back on track with my corsair. Here some pictures. As you can see I worked on the sails and the lifeboat. I still need beeswax best regards, ludger
  9. I am sorry about no further pictures. I worked a bit on the ship in the last weeks but nothing what you can really see on a picture. But the story about this is, that I worked over aprox 70 days in a row on the ship because for me it was a great help during exams in the bachelor study progress (which covered the last couple of years of my life) in the begining of the year. now I have kind of a burnout about modelship building, which I was aware that it would happen once in a while but still my aim is to finish this ship. so to everyone who is following, I will go on as soon as I feel it is the rigth time for it.
  10. too big?! hhhmmm that is not cool. because I can really say that it is a great working bench. very clean and comfortable to work with. bigger updates will not follow soon because I am busy with studying and preparing the sails takes forever maybe some new pictures at the weekend
  11. working station is done. I prefer to build in the living room surrounded by the family. so this is the perfect workingstation for me in the pictue you can see how the ship didn´t fit and how I improved it so that the ship fits tide. I also good a new book which I found in a neighbours libary Only a cuttingboard is missing which belongs in the area of the working station under the books.
  12. Here some pictures of the workstation. I put a varnish on it for the second time. Tomorrow it should be dry. Also I add a rope one the outsideline of the sails. According to my book it is nessecary for a sail. The shrouds I will let them how they look right now. Maybe they are not historical correct, but I like it. The next ship I will try a bigger scale like 1:64 or something like that. Than I can try different shrouds And I got some PE parts on ebay. So I have now some nice hooks for the rigging of the cannons aswell as I can add some cleats and hammock stays
  13. the wood is maybe not the best and i added hundreds of tiny nails. It was a bit like ikea feeling But I really like it. And with a proper varnish over it the wood will not brake i think. But the corsair is not big enough to fit tide on the workingstation. I will do some improvements so that this problem will be gone.When the station is done, I will make additional pictures
  14. so i was ill the last couple of days and haven´t done much on my ship the last two week. currently I am more working on stuff beside the ship like preparing shrouds and sails. I also bought me the occre working bench which is almost ready. The varnish has to dry and the working station needs some improvements. regards ludger
  15. The Carmen looks really brilliant. Congratulation to finishing this build. I will follow your next build log
  16. Good morning captain magee and brian. thank you very much for the compliments. I found several parts at cornwall model boats. but I can not order there because I have no credit card. I also was thinking about parts from amati and caldercraft. The plan is also to add lanterns, work on the cathead and the rest I forgot. I maid a list and wrote down several things Ahh yes, a ship bell and spill will also follow. But at the moment I have no idea where to order. I would have paypal for paying. Here in germany we only have some boat fittings and in every shop at the internet it is the same. I live close to the netherland boarder and went to a shop there this week. But they only had some cannons and some woods... :/ I will make some pictures this weekend and will try to cover most of my progress till the ship is finished. So you can get some ideas how to do it Captain magee.
  17. good evening So here some pictures of the rope coils I put on the belaying nails. If you enlarge the picture you can see it a bit better in detail
  18. Hello MSW Great stuff this build log . What I would like to see is an aftermarket upgrade - or let us say a "downgrade" - for the Victory to build her in an older configuration before 1800 with the balconies on the stern and so on as seen on some pictures. just an idea regards ludger
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