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  1. Hi Flyer, As you might have seen I'm also building the Vanguard and I've been following your build for several years now and I,m still about a year behind, but your build has been a great source for inspiration and advise. Right now I'm at a stage where I'm starting to plan the mizzen mast and I ran into something strange. The lower section of the mast is according to the specifications on the drawing (nr. 6) 387 mm long, and the part below deck seems to be 120 mm. But in reality as well as on the drawing nr 4 the part bellow deck is only about 97 mm. Did you shorten the bottom section of the mast with the 23 mm? BR Björn
  2. Just found your log, It's going to be interesting to follow. I started my Vangard several years ago and have recently started with the rigging. You can also find other logs on the Vangard on Ships of Scale.😉
  3. Hi Glen, No problem, plans as pdf would probably have been to good to be true🙂. BR Björn
  4. Hi, I have had the exact same thoughts regarding the "pendants of tackles" and have been locking through all the plans to see if I could find what the purpose of them was. That's until I found this link.😀 You mentioned a pdf version of the plans for Vanguard, do you know if they are available on the internet? BR Björn
  5. Hi Mark, I fond your log just the other day, very impressive work and a nice documentation!! I’m also building the Vanguard 1/72 (though from Victory Models/Amati), after fairly slow start (been working and traveling a lot, but I'm now retired) I have and have come to about the same stage of completion ea. the second planking and trying to get the stern gallery in place. which is easier said than done. I see you have so far been quite busy, and have advanced much faster than I have been able to. So I'm sure that I will soon be checking how you have solved all issues and problems that seem to come up. Björn
  6. Hi Pete, Björn here. Your log is very interesting (and helpful) and it looks great! I bought the Vanguard kit from Victory models about a year ago, The process has so far been kind of slow as 'normal' 10-12 hours working days seem to taken up most of my time. As of about a month ago I have however become a part time pensioner, now only working three days a week. So now i hope that i will be able to advance a bit more swiftly. Just now finished the first planking and starting to look at how to fit the gallery pieces together. Cheers Björn
  7. Extremely well built! I bought the kit about 6 month ago and I'm now in the mist of finishing the first planking. I agree with that the MDF is an excelent material to work. I'll sere if I decide to start documenting the process on Modelshipworld. Björn
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