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About Brian100

  • Birthday 05/13/1949

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  • Location
    Staffordshire, England
  • Interests
    Model making and fishing but not always in that order

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  1. I want to draft some plans for HMS Victory using Turbocad 18 Delux,on the body plan I have some of the station lines merge where they leave the keel and also at full breadth. How many station lines do I need to use to be able to draft plans. Many thanks.
  2. Thanks druxey and dvm27 for your help, looks like I will have to get them one at a time. Brian
  3. Does anyone know if you can purchase TFFM in the UK as the only copies I have seen for sale are all in the USA mainly from Seawatch Books. Many thanks. Brian
  4. Hi everyone, it's been a while since I started this project, but as I mentioned in a previous post I look after a disabled lady so ship building comes second to her needs, fortunately things have improved so I am going to make a start on building this Swan Class ship in the next few days. I look forward to posting my progress. Brian
  5. Hi Edward, just found your build log. I've just downloaded all the drawings and was going to do the 1/48 scale, but having seen your build I think I might do it at 1/64. What program did you use to resize the drawings. Brian
  6. Hi AnobiumPunctatum, thanks for the reply, the reason I asked is because the bulkheads are at 1/48 but the centreboard is a lot smaller, I think it's about 1/96. Brian
  7. Hi guys, I've just downloaded all the drawings for Triton as I intend to eventually do all three builds, I thought I would start with the POB as I have done POB kits in the past. So my question is what scale is the centreboard drawing as I need to resize it to 1/48 scale. Many thanks. Brian
  8. Hi, has anybody tried libreCAD free software, and if so is it any good. I need a new CAD program as my Turbocad 18 deluxe isn't working properly and Avanquest no longer support it. Many thanks.
  9. Has anyone used Turbocad 21 Pro. I have the chance to obtain this edition of Turbocad and wanted some input before I consider getting it. Brian
  10. Hi guraus, just found your build log, very impressive. I intend to do a fully framed Victory and was wondering what plans your using for this build or did you draft your own plans. I have a set of John Mckay drawings and his "anatomy of the ship" book, plus Longridge's "the anatomy of Nelsons ships". Brian.
  11. Thanks for the replies guys. From what you all say I think I will be getting one. Brian
  12. Hi all, has anyone used the dremel ms20 moto-saw. As I have limited space in my dockyard I thought this could be the ideal scroll/ fret saw. Brian
  13. Thanks for the replies guys. Brian
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