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Everything posted by bigcreekdad

  1. I'm trying to cut some hull planks out of cherry. I have tightened down the rip fence to get the width I want, but when I feed a strip of cherry to thin the width the strip begins to be squeezed to the point I cannot push it further. When using a .30 Thurston blade, the blade would literally be bent outward if I tried to force it a bit. When going up to the .40, the strip pinches down so tight I can go no further. The cherry is around 1/8th of an inch in width. I gotta be doing something wrong. Any advice?
  2. Chuck....looks fantastic. BTW, where did you get the pinstripe tape? Thanks/John
  3. Jonny...thanks for the kudos. It was a fun build, as you are obviously experiencing yourself. Lots of screw ups along the way, but finally got there. John
  4. Has anyone used the DS 115 or the DSH 37090 saws. The former is about half the price, and has a smaller work plate (arround 6"x6"). I've had a beginner Craftsman for 4 years, and I want to move on.
  5. Here is my recently finished Convulsion. There is still a little too much tension from the running rigging on the ratlines. I will relieve that soon. I didn't pay quite enough attention to this. Fun build. On to the Pickle, and more progress on my scratch built Hannah
  6. With Hobbymill going out of business, I want to buy enough swiss pear (hull) and holly (Decks) to plank my next three builds...Armed Virginia Sloop, Fair American, and Dos Amigos. How do i determine how much to buy. Also, I've got a Byrnes saw so are sheets a better idea than strips?
  7. My EXacto works ok, but it still is hard to get a clean and close cut sometimes. Anyone use any cuticle scissors or something similar that works well?
  8. After two trips to the emergency room, my wife now knows to stay away from my build area....ALWAYS!! Well, just kidding....I did yell at her a few times though. However, she did try some "dusting" of my LP turntable once. The result was a broken $500 cartridge. Any jury would have acquitted me of manslaughter after that.
  9. Looks like you are off to a good start. I've been building my Convulsion for 8 months (I'm also working on my first scratch build, The Hannah, as well). I am 90% done with the standing rigging, then on to the running rigging, and lastly the anchor. I find the rigging to be the most challenging. Study the plans very thoroughly, and give serious thought to what order you will rig. THat's a long way off for you, but try to remember this when you get to that stage. I'll try to send a pic later today of where I am in the build. Feel free to shoot questions anytime. I love this ship. My first build was the Sherbourne. My next will be the Pickle. As for the Hannah....I'll likely still be working on that right up to my funeral. Have fun.
  10. I had the same problem....I quit using it.
  11. Where can I purchase aftermarket hooks for rigging to deck and hull?
  12. Alex My son and I built that ship together. You are doing a fantastic job!!
  13. Gary....I think you are doing a fine job. This ship will be my next build, although a ways off. I'll be 'consulting" your log when I do.
  14. If you want to do a scratch build, The Lumberyard has the plans and the wood (of your choice) for the Halifax. I wonder if Bob Hunt still has the rights to his course for this ship.
  15. Started assembling my HMS Convulsion top mast trestle tree. 3 pieces overlap 2. The latter pieces have 3 notches for the cross pieces to sit. As usual, the notches are a hair too narrow. As I carefully try to widen one with a small file it breaks off at the notch. I tried gluing it with no success. That's OK....it's a small enough piece that I can cut a new one from the piece of walnut it came from. 15 minutes later, after some careful work with my scroll saw and belt sander, I've got the right size and shape. I figure I will use my Byrnes saw to cut the notches. I experiment with blade hight and finally have some cuts at just the right depth with some scrap wood. However, as soon as my newly made walnut piece touches the blade....it breaks off! So, back to square one, but this time I make it out from a piece of cherry left over from my Hannah frames. Go through the same process, including notching with the Byrnes. Perfect. I then glue the cross pieces into the notches. Waiting for that side to dry, I take the other walnut piece (the unbroken one) and realize the notches, again, need a tiny wee bit of widening. Remembering my first attempt at this, I am SUPER careful of any undue pressure with the small file. Well....you guessed it.....breaks off. I will now be making 3 of these out of cherry. I'm not crazy about walnut even for planking, but for small, thin pieces, I will build my own going forward with something else. Anyone else share this frustration?
  16. I am in awe of your build. Just WOW and WELL DONE!! I'm in the middle of HMS Mortar Vessel Convulsion, and you've given me a few ideas...thanks. Couple questions: 1) is the hull color pure white, or that hull tallow or whatever? 2) Did you use any coloring at all on your bowsprit? Thanks/John
  17. I've seen a few ships with diff colors in the area of the hull.....ochre, light blue. Is there some historical accuracy to this? And if so, what other different colors were used?
  18. "The Arming and Fitting of English Ships of War 1600-1815"....By Brian Lavery REc'd for Christmas a few years ago. Awesome reference book.....likely just what you are looking for.
  19. I do not like walnut. Seems to be very easy to splinter. Are there any decent darker woods out there, or should I just die/stain a lighter wood?
  20. Especially, when you are not going to paint or copper the hull.
  21. Dave...perfect idea...thanks...and I get to spend money!!
  22. Duct tape....electrical tape???.........I was hoping to spend real money.
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