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Everything posted by bigcreekdad

  1. Ah heck....I think I'll just have you build my next one. BTW.....was everything in the kit laser cut? I really want to make use of my new Byrnes saw, so I just ordered the Hannah. However, looking at what you've done, I'm wondering if I shouldn't try this ship. Are you by chance an engineer by trade?
  2. This is an awesome build log! Thanks so much for reposting. So what were the final finished you chose for the hull and wale? Also, I know you used pear for the wale, but what other types of wood did you use in the build so far? Great job...can't wait to follow your progress.
  3. Let's get this discussed again. I, personally, don't like the looks of a copper hull on a model (although Blue Ensign's Pickle caught my eye). Also, I love the look of wood on the hull. I realize by not coppering you are losing some authenticity. What say you mates?
  4. Masterful job!! The Pickle is on my waiting to start kit shelf. I know I will be referring to this log often when I start her. I'm still thinking of not coppering the hull and going with something other than the stock walnut for the second planking. I love the look of wood, and have just not been a coppering guy. That being said, your coppering job is great. Thanks for sharing.
  5. I've been using CA, but I think it looks lousy when it dries, especially on black rigging. Anyone use something else?
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