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Everything posted by trippwj

  1. You got it! Sweet dreams - to Sjors as well - remember, cotton balls work not only for the cannon but also to plug the ears to block out snoring...
  2. It was a very nice weekend here...and yep, a hint may, perhaps, have snuck into the post
  3. Greetings, Anja - we had a wonderful weekend here in ARKANSAS....
  4. Sorry for the delay - took a couple of days off to celebrate with the family. here is the next candidate - enjoy!
  5. Nice repair job, Anja - glad things are going well! So what have you planted in the garden this spring? Enjoy the rest of your day!
  6. Very nice job on those, Captain. She is looking to be a very pretty (although toothless ) ship!
  7. Thanks, Geoffrey. It is coming together a small piece at a time - taking it slow on these last pieces of rigging to get them right!
  8. Great looking kids, Daniel! Now about that comment... After all it's statistically proven that people who have more birthdays live longer. I can attest to the validity there of. Happy Birthday, sir! Enjoy the kids!
  9. I would agree with everything above - build a model that calls out to you! The difficulty ratings are meant as a general gauge of the amount of time, effort, and complexity. as somebody's signature on here says - think of them rather like the Pirate Code - the Code is more what you'd call guidelines than actual rules. Enjoy, and WELCOME ABOARD!
  10. The Maine schooner J & E Riggin
  11. Ayuh..that's the Gangut
  12. Here's the next candidate!
  13. Whew! that is an interesting tale on the Arctic Sea... Need to see if I can come up with a good one - not sure if I want to look a subs, tugs, or something totally different!
  14. MV Arctic Sea - the ship that was mysteriously hijacked in the northern hemisphere?
  15. Not the Maersk Alabama, is it? Thought that had a blue hull...
  16. So - is it the Federal Patroller?
  17. Dang, Andy - you don't make this easy! International headlines...hazy day...St. Lawrence seaway in summer...hydraulic topping lift...doesn't have paired cranes...and there is a clue in the picture. Well, we can rule out the Edmund Fitzgerald...the USS Constitution...the Starship Enterprise... Somehow, I just don't think I am getting any closer to this one....
  18. Cool stuff, Keith! I have a few of those items leftover from my wild and mispent youth running EMS in the days of Johnny & Roy, and some others courtesy of a grandchild that gets an infusion every other day. Another area that has generated some useful items is the Admirals fiber crafting (knitting etc.) She has surrendered a few small knitting needles and crochet hooks to the cause 9and all it cost me was more yarn...one would think 500 skeins was enough!).
  19. St. george - I think you may have it. Those blasted funnels were throwing me for a tizzy! Let's see what that dastardly Andy has to say!
  20. Oh, my...It looks very interesting! I do believe I need to save up and get a copy!!!
  21. Looks good so far, Pete - this looks like a neat way to get into POF building with minimal cost!
  22. There are a lot of lakers to look though, don'tcha know!
  23. Unlike so many others, I refuse to engage in frivolous banter. Nope, not gonna do it. I am NOT gonna be strung up from that yardarm! No way, uh-uh, nope. I know better than to SPAR with the pros... Oops. Looking really sharp, Augie - Very nice! Storing that trick away for the next one that reaches rigging stage!
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