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Everything posted by trippwj

  1. Thanks - try this one out.
  2. USS Amphitrite (BM-2)?
  3. Love the originals - and it certainly makes things more challenging which, I guess, could be considered "Fun" Sure do need to dig a lot deeper! Who would have ever thunk there were that many red freighters on the St. Lawrence and Great lakes?????
  4. Well, it is an Andy original photo, probably a laker...
  5. Looking sharp, Popeye! The eyebolts work well there - nice recovery!
  6. Off to a good start on the deadeyes, Sjors - very nice! And pictures, too! What a treat to wake up to this morning! Thank you - have a great day!
  7. Hmmm...methinks thou art mildly excited by the delivery, perchance? How long before that temptation to "just peak" becomes overwhelming, then progresses to "I'll just do an inventory", which inevitably is followed by "Maybe I will do some test fitting while I wait for glue to dry"....... It is inescapable...the smell of new wood, a new set of plans, that girl on Christmas morning reaction. Yep, you are done for!!!!
  8. I agree with Mark - y'all need to build this yawl! The Admiral has spoken, you have a very good correlation in that set of plans - have a blast! If this turns out at all as great as the Spray it will be worth watching from here in the cheap seats!
  9. Looking very good, Dave - this is a nice looking vessel!
  10. Looking very good so far, David. beware the bear, though...rumor has it that Mike Row (of Dirty Jobs fame) is currently holding an eBay auction for, of all things, polar bear poo....
  11. That was a tough one to ferret out - well done, Jan!!!
  12. I have been away for a while and just got the chance to go through this log again - all I can say is "Wow"! VERY nice work, and it is so nice of you to let Sjors use the kitchen!
  13. Guess I need to face up to the challenge of planking that hull...have been putting it off for "a few" months now... Dang - that shipyard there must be getting pretty crowded about now!
  14. Not sure the cannons from the HL would be any match for that mortar Jim used on his....
  15. This looks to be an interesting build - a very strange scale, but guess that's what you get for buying an old kit? Nice recovery on the repair job - look forward to watching this one progress.
  16. Duck and weave...avoid moving in a straight line...and good luck!
  17. Looking good, Augie - look forward to seeing them on the masts! Enjoy your (hopefully) final snowfall of the year!
  18. Good try, Sjors - but you still need to multi-task...rigging AND cooking!
  19. Gracious! And here we were thinking the Harriet Lane was a small scale to work at! This looks like a fun little build - are you going to craft some 16" (scale size, of course) projectiles for the big guns (big is, of course, a very relative term in this case!)?
  20. Looks nice - keep up the good work! Should be working on mine some this evening.
  21. Dang this game moves rapidly sometimes!!! Stepped out to go to the market and 3 more ships through the process! BTW - will join the celebration!
  22. Thanks, everyone - appreciate the kind words! I really don't have any progress I can offer up, picture wise, so please forgive.
  23. Thanks, all, for the compliments. It has been a very slow work in the shipyard - events in Boston and surrounding areas generated quite a bit of activity for my group. Things are calmer today, so hope to get back to some building. I did get the rabbet cut in on the starboard side of the keel, and plan to work on the port rabbet today. J Haines - my kit does have the name decal and scrollwork included. Sjors - just for you, a picture of the worst escape vehicle in history. It is always better when the boat is in the Water, not in Watertown!!!
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