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Lt. Biggles

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  1. Looks amazing! You did a great job with the painting! First time I’ve ever seen a Tempest not in camo!
  2. Thanks all for the kind words! Enjoyed your company through it! A bit late but here are a few close ups of the cockpit area.
  3. Glad you are ok! That paint job looks amazing! You have done a great job, NMF is a big learning curve!
  4. And FINISHED!! Thanks all for the tips, feed back and encouraging words through out, I really appreciate it and makes the build a lot more enjoyable. I’m about to start quite a few months of training to fly another aircraft type for work which also involves moving, so I’ll not be able to begin another project until at least the 2nd quarter of next year! But already thinking of a project. Perhaps try a diorama of a plane at the bottom of the English Channel in resin. Something different but early days in the ideas area. Anyway back to this build! After taking the pics I realised I hadn’t added the Nav lights or taken off the masks from the 3 underwing identification lights, so I’ve since done those. The matte varnish works well I think, didn’t dull it down much. Really hard to photograph a NMF plane as a slight change in angle makes it look so different. I learnt a lot and in the end I’m happy with how it looks. Thanks again for joining me. I hope you like it too
  5. I’ve now added the exhausts and light exhaust stains by just a light brushing of soot pigments. It’s only visible from some angles and it’s very fine so it’s a nice effect. I played abit more with light grubbing up the inboards of the wings and around a few panels. It’s very interesting to weather a NMF paint job. From one angle it’s in your face visible and move your head slightly and it vanishes! So I’ve gone very light with the oils. I think this is all the weathering I’ll do now. Reduced some of the effects like the fuel stains and where foot wear would be just added another light layer. Tomorrow I’ll start on the matte varnish layers and if I get that right should give a slight chalky effect which will tone it down and also add a tinge of oxidised effect… or ruin everything!.. one way to find out!
  6. Thanks, so do I! I just wish I’d not added so much white to the silver paint on the wings. But with washes have been able to blend them closer!
  7. Thanks, I’m relieved it’s come out ok. Always an unknown when doing something new that’s alittle complex
  8. Thanks for the input! I took your advice and took the fuel stains right back so almost totally gone. But did keep the stains on the ensign bar as I read a big blog about the p51d weathering and so many shots show the results of fuel especially visible on the bar of the ensign so that was the only reason I added them. But you are right in saying it was overdone and the beauty of oils is after a day I just wiped 98% of it off! Hope you approve abit more how it is. its been a fun but big learning curve working with NMF and looking used but not dirty can be a very fine line
  9. Thanks, I’ve learnt a lot and if I ever do another NMF it will be a lot less daunting and hopefully turn out better!
  10. Been giving it some time between each oil wash session to help avoid removing to previous work! But did an all over wash to help with panel lines and just tone the new shine down. I’ll not do much more apart from some work around the underside and engine exhausts and stains. I’m hoping the matte varnish will nicely tone it down to an oxidised look rather than a grubby look as they were kept in not bad condition so can’t grime too much. Its in the final stages now
  11. Decals went on, Eduard ones are quite strange! Very thin which is nice but unusual sized clear parts over the decal. But being thin meant my solutions could do a pretty good job of softening them. The USA stars and as many other parts as possible were from the after market set as they seemed pretty nice. Clear coat is on so once dry will be set to do some oil washes and have a go at oxidation to make it look like it’s been used and then finish with a matte clear coat to dull it right off.
  12. Thanks for the replies. I did my usual thing and left them alone for 24 hours and just pondered solutions so I didn’t do anything stupid in the moment. It payed off. Thanks for the ideas and tips. I did shave just alittle off the plug as suggested. And then took a risk and applied some cement on the undercarriage and let it for a min to soften the plastic and then just forced it in and hoped for the best. I didn’t want to dry fit it incase it was the one shot I got for a good fit before broken bits started to compromise the join. I managed to get them into place and glued a good solid join I hope, later I’ll fill it up with thin CA to give it more strength. All the fits for this kit are super precise so I had that in mind and if the undercarriage legs were installed during the wheel well construction I think it would be another perfect fit (but not sure if the legs would fit through the underside of the wing to install at that point) Just incase anyone reads this before making their own. So the undercarriage is installed and managed to do it without breaking any of the delicate details! all the parts are installed now and the yellow nose and tail is painted. Starting on the decals
  13. So does any one know how to get the landing gear clipped into place? I went for a dry fit but it’s too tight. And everything is so delicate it’s tough to get a good amount of force. I used my tweezers and gripped it but I could feel the wings flexing and creaking and I think I’d rip the wings off before the it clips into place. It’s an important join as it’s important it’s really strong but I’m abit stuck and crushing my undercarriage legs would be a real shame with how much work I’ve put into building them. Any tips would be really appreciated
  14. Added the steel part around the exhaust. And chipped up the black lines abit so they aren’t perfectly new. I’ll let it sit for a few days and cure well and on Monday will add on the yellow nose and tail. Also the olive drab anti glare bit and see how it looks.
  15. Thanks for the reminder, when I got the super fine silver and duralumin I also got some super iron just for that part. I’ve heard the colour can be hard to tell apart easily so I’ll paint it black underneath and so a very thin coat until it looks right. I'm still wondering if the silver paint had too much white and needs toning down back to be abit more silvery. At some angles it’s great at other angles it’s quite a late contrast! But I’m not sure. added the black stripes. Under the main wing strips I’ve got some chipping fluid. So I’ll roughen those up shortly
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