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Everything posted by Cabbie

  1. Thank You Bob There is a lot of modelling and general info in those books. I will keep an eye out for them as well. Cheers Chris
  2. Yes Allan is a bit like that if i read a novel it has to grab me and keep going, and not fill it in with too much ordinary stuff. I will check out the other 2, I don't mind a bit of reading to break up the modelling if my brain is not up to concentrating. Though something else is arriving tomorrow, a new laptop computer that would be very nice for 3d ship modelling, but is definitely for work that i need to get on with. Regards Chris
  3. Thanks Mods i like the banner but seem to miss having a backgroud image. Is it possible to replace the grey? Cheers Chris
  4. Hello Jeff, looks like you are having the usual first time planking problems. They are twisting out because you are forcing them to lay how they don't want to. Have a look at the articles database at the top of the page, there is a number of tutorials on plank laying and bending. The first layer probably doesn't matter so much a lot of beginners push through it, fill and learn. Read the pdf's before doing the 2nd layer. If you think the bulkhead is low you can glue a thin strip of wood to it to pack it out. A lot of these kits don't necessarily give you the means to to a proper job of planking. Keep going and push through it. Hooroo Chris
  5. Thanks Bruce, I have seen plans here for up to $80 or so, but I still need bulkhead shapes, may as well buy a little kit and modify. No-one seems to have any for downloading and freight is still very slow from overseas here. Cheers chris
  6. Zipping along as usual Scott and coming together now, very nicely. There certainly is a lot of detail on these timber ships, keeps you on your toes, but makes them a pleasure to look at. You must have been up early today, can't stop yourself? Cheers Chris
  7. Yes thanks Bruce, looks like its not even dust anymore, I will look it up more, myself now that I know what it is. And Whilst you are hot I was going to post another question about plans with bulkhead shapes for a whaleboat and a jolly boat. Need to build some for my Mermaid but I don't want to buy a model and re-size and i know nothing about lofting ect. Not sure what to do. Hooroo Chris
  8. Thank You Mark And whoever answered the question about chenammed, Thank You
  9. Has it been thrown out the door already or hiding somewhere? Needed to say thank you for an answer. And whilst you are on a tidy up take away the "Discussions for/a" start to a couple of forums Cheers Chris
  10. A quick productive trip to Bendigo this morning, I knew the book shop had the Sailing Ships of War. But bought the other 2 as well. Hooroo Chris
  11. Thanks to all, they look like what I am looking for, sounds like they would all be worth buying. Thanks y c i started reading the Maturin series but couldn't get into it, I will have another go. Hooroo Chris
  12. Sorry to make you work so hard Wayne!, have 2 coffees. Lets just stick to English, just general info for an Aussie bloke that knows next to nothing about sailing ships. Broad information, not really how to model, but thanks shotlocker i will still look up that book. Eg: what do ship ratings refer to, size of ships, masting/sail setups, probably more of an educational view. The things you suggested sound good but not too much depth need at this stage, get me started so that I can expand it out myself. Just realized myself, Basic knowledge that most people would pick up early on. Thanks Chris
  13. Good Evening to all. I am looking for suggestions of what books I should buy for general info on English/European, boats/ships 16th to 19th Centuries. Probably more towards Men of War ships, but not necessarily fighting ships. I just received Mr May's The Boats of Men of War today and would like to build on that. Cheers Chris
  14. Next job is to decide what to do with the companionway cover, probably should not have a slope on it, too tall and takes up too much room on the deck, remake or new one. Oh well more practice😁 Hooroo chris
  15. Hello Bob You are moving along very well, the deck fittings really look the part and the planking is looking top notch as well. Chris
  16. Few more photos, the deck has had another coat of finish and the binnacle cabinet is nearly done needs cleaning up a bit more and another coat. I have a good idea of where i am going with this build so hopefully will move a bit quiker after i get the next remake done
  17. Morning Bob thanks for looking in. The wood is off a locally grown pear tree that a mate gave to me, cut it up myself. First up the deck had a scrape and then sanded and after that i stained it from a tin of "Baltic pine" stain that has been in the shed for a long time. I just liked the color, it looks a bit darker in normal light, too much light in the photos. The "tung oil" finish is an off the shelf tung oil floor finish and has hardeners, driers, and other chemical stuff in it? Dries in 6 hours or so, much like an ordinary varnish, but has that nice matt look about it. Being a floor coating material it will dry up very hard, but that can take a bit longer. The deck will get another coat which will gloss it up a bit, but most of these finishes dull off a bit over time. Hooroo Chris
  18. Dawdling along as usual, finally put some stain and the first coat of tung oil finish on the deck And have been working on the Binnacle cabinet, all of the deck fittings except any painted ones will be stained and oiled as well.
  19. Good Morning Bob For myself the question I would be asking "what is the proper way that a real boat like this would be planked?" I have never liked that idea of tapering a a long join like that on a boat plank, should the middle ones be reduced in width so that they all go through to the bow/stern? This is a good time to practice your planking, it will be painted over later. Perhaps ask on this forum to see how it should be done. https://modelshipworld.com/forum/14-building-framing-planking-and-plating-a-ships-hull-and-deck/ As I said the above would be for me, throw this post out the door if you like! Hooroo Chris
  20. Welcome to MSW Steven I don't think i have seen the Brigadoon, will be keen to see your log. Any photos of your other models built? Cheers Chris
  21. Morning Bob Looks top notch to me, there always seems to be a few little flaws, that's the trouble with these models, we are looking at them too close. Stand back a bit and they look fine as yours does. The contrast between the timber colors probably doesn't help but on your model it makes it very good to look at. In regards to the glue for the hull planks, on my Endeavour i used contact glue, which is frowned on a bit around here. It certainly helped that I have used it most of my working life it wasn't hard to use, but it goes on and stays on. The other main glue I use is a quick drying pva, sets off in a minute or 2 enough to hold the wood, just need to keep an eye on things to make sure they stay in place. Hooroo Chris
  22. hello Mindi It looks like you are having the usual battle with a not quite right kit, but you are making it look very smart. and yes the floor looks good provides a nice contrast to the cabinetry. Do you have a finished photo of what you are building, i do not know boats and am wondering where we are going. Cheers Chris
  23. Hello ThaSandoman Welcome aboard you could not have landed in a better place to build a model ship. Remember to start a log, have a look at all the info in the tabs at the top of the page and to take it easy. Hooroo Chris
  24. Looking very good Scott flying along, Don't you have anything else to do😉 Cheers Chris
  25. Thanks Dirk Need to get my act together and finish this part and put an oil finish on, the deck is going to get a light teak stain first. But I have pulled the top 3 strakes off and now replacing them. I didn't like how the gun ports looked. Thanks Chris
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