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Everything posted by Cabbie

  1. Welcome Kudin A magnificent looking model, please show us some more photos. Thanks Chris
  2. Howdy Kurt I wouldn't dare do that, a bit of better grammar would help, should have been, of the line. The line of ships that Chris is going to produce.😀 Besides you are closer than me and will beat me to the front anyway. Cheers Chris
  3. Put me down for one please, I think. I'm hoping the price showing on your site is a default figure, I believe you don't have an actual price as yet. Will be an honour to do the first off the line Thanks Chris
  4. Have a look at my Sampson boat co post in important links for shop modelling. Leo has a couple of videos on laying out and lofting. I havent looked at them but he seems to know his ship building. Cheers Chris
  5. I added photos in first and now I can't add in text, so i will say it here. Planking update, needs a good clean up.
  6. Thanks Rick agree with you about the weathering, I think it would be fun to have a go and to learn another skill.
  7. Thanks folks for the look, likes and info. Good evening James I am putting a big effort in trying to get the planking done technically correct. I think. Spiling has started on most planks. As i made a comment to Don at one stage and now I have to live by it. Practice makes perfect (yeah one day maybe), even though I am thinking of having a go at copper plating. Would it look silly just to copper on one side. Thanks Chris
  8. G'day James that is a real bonzer looking stern and very well done. Certainly well worth doing Cheers Chris
  9. Good idea Rick I would never have thought of using glass like that. I have been thinking lately it would be good to have a white cutting mat. This plank and a few mates are what is causing the spiling need.
  10. An update this morning before i go out to do some chores. Planking is progressing slowly. I ended up dropping 2 1/2 planks at the bow and 1 1/2 at the stern under the wales. One stealer and one more to be added. And despite by best hopes and with madness setting in it looks as though i will have to spile so I am experimenting with edge joining planks, but will wait and see what I have to do. The"planks" will tell, they know all ! Hooroo Chris
  11. Sounds like your having a ball James, powering along with the research and the boat. Leaving me way behind, (which is good), working out all the details for me to pick up later, 😉 Cheers Chris
  12. Well done Dave, a very fine achievement indeed. And with the case looking so good as well, it makes a perfect item to have on display. 🥂 Cheers Chris
  13. Howdy James Yes i broke it and put a new one on. I haven't cut it off yet. Probably should do it before I break it again.
  14. Good evening to all and thanks for the likes and looking in. I tell you lot something and then do the opposite. Middle aged male disease I think lol. I decided to put the lower wale trims on to help me work how to go about the planking. The strips supplied are 4.5mm wide so not much scope for spiling. I will probably have to drop 3 planks under the wales at the bow. the rest I don't know. Chris
  15. Hi James looks very nice indeed, you have captured the ship in the picture spot on. Chris
  16. Time for an update, a little one as they usually are. The planking has extended down a little bit to include the under wales strakes. And I have bent some of the wale trim strips and clamped to have a look. They will stay off for now whilst i go down to the keel and start planking up. Later on I will do the wale planks in an anchor stock pattern. There will 1 plank dropped at the bow, under the wales maybe 2. Hooroo
  17. Your boat James, your model, put it on if you want. it would probably good for others looking to see what it is without asking. Did you see this i put up last night.
  18. Hello BE Very neat detailed work with anchors, little cutter, actually the whole lot as usual. These boats are way more complicated than i would ever have guessed. It does look a bit tight around it, and in the way of the cannons. You will work something out I'm sure. Cheers Chris
  19. Well if that's the case Jim. "We won't speak to her." So you go right ahead and have a ball doing lots of modelling. And welcome to MSW
  20. I don't know if it has been mentioned before but it is available on Google play books to read free along with various other rigging, mast making, ship building books. Hooroo Chris
  21. Hello BE Yes That's what i was thinking, but I will have to look up top and butt. It would be very adventurous with the wale material supplied, .4 mm thick, brittle, mahogany, but do you know if there any rules for the size of proper scarf joints? Might paint them, was thinking of painting them black and around the gun ports. thanks Chris
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